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Old 12-09-2008, 07:07 PM   #61 (permalink)
Meanie McFeany
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It's about a child of an alcoholic and an addict.

... Stalin had a FANTASTIC moustache.

Formerly known as the Prime Minister of Spain.

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Old 12-10-2008, 06:16 PM   #62 (permalink)
you are freakin out, man
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okie, here we go.

i like the first one, although some expansion would have been nice. i realize that its supposed to have that succinct and stripped down feel, but there's lots more you could have done with this.

the second one was good too, i don't think the single line at the beginning added much to it though. the only other thing i didn't enjoy about it were the part about setting plates, which gets the idea across but i thought coulda just as easily been something more effective. maybe that's just me. oh and the ending, it wrapped it up well but wasn't that strong of a finish in terms of rhythm.

the third one was really good. i really liked the flow and rhyme scheme, and the overall concept was pretty good. Oh, and haha, we get it, you like bob dylan.

the fourth was my favourite, but once again the lone line at the beginning isn't doing much for me. other than that i pretty much enjoyed everything about it... your word choice of irish baileys seems a little out of place to me but i guess thats just personal taste, and either way i don't really understand what about it is failing to tickle my fancy.

all and all pretty good. I'd like to see longer pieces by you, it feels like alot was left unexplored.
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Old 12-10-2008, 06:35 PM   #63 (permalink)
Meanie McFeany
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First copies and some drafts after that of mine, I often feel are left unexplored. Granted I'm sure I could do a lot more with them and probably will one day... but I deeply appreciate your indepth review and hope to see you review more stuff, even write some too. Thanks hon

... Stalin had a FANTASTIC moustache.

Formerly known as the Prime Minister of Spain.

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Old 12-11-2008, 03:54 AM   #64 (permalink)
Pale and Wan
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Very nice. I actually appreciated the one liners at the top, quite funny in a depressingly cynical fashion.

The rhythm of the first is excellent, stripping away each line until you come full circle with the last rhyming line.

Expand Your Horizons in my favourite, in particular the second stanza, which is excellent. The only sour note being your word choice with 'humanoids', which alternatively brings to mind a biology text or cheesy sci fi.
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Old 12-11-2008, 01:42 PM   #65 (permalink)
Meanie McFeany
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Thank you very much .

I chose "humanoids" because it seemed to decribe the people of the poem perfectly.

... Stalin had a FANTASTIC moustache.

Formerly known as the Prime Minister of Spain.

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Old 12-17-2008, 06:05 PM   #66 (permalink)
Meanie McFeany
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... Stalin had a FANTASTIC moustache.

Formerly known as the Prime Minister of Spain.

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Old 12-17-2008, 09:51 PM   #67 (permalink)
Master, We Perish
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I do love the description. That's the main factor for me with a poem, aside from flow and rhyme, if the poem does indeed have rhyme, anyway. But this is gosh darned good.
Originally Posted by WhateverDude View Post
Laser beams, psychedelic hats, and for some reason kittens. Surrel reminds me of kittens.
^if you wanna know perfection that's it, you dumb shits
Spoiler for guess what:
|i am a heron i ahev a long neck and i pick fish out of the water w/ my beak if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans
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Old 12-18-2008, 05:37 AM   #68 (permalink)
Meanie McFeany
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Thank you

... Stalin had a FANTASTIC moustache.

Formerly known as the Prime Minister of Spain.

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Old 12-21-2008, 07:02 PM   #69 (permalink)
Meanie McFeany
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Default Suicide Headaches

A short story.

Suicide Headaches

Cluster Headaches set in like a good song. Slow, climaxing - I’d compare it to sex, without any of the pleasure, and more of the pain. Clusters are like being raped by someone with an S & M fetish while Pearl Jam is blaring in the background.

Picture yourself pacing the floor, locked in a dark room at 3AM. Or rocking yourself like an autistic psychopath coming off a horrible, horrible whiskey binge. Some people say locking yourself in a dark room for hours on end thinking about different and interesting ways to kill yourself is a symptom of psychosis. I’d call it a good idea, for remedying a cluster headache.

It starts, helter skelter, in your jaw, relentlessly. It goes up to your temple. And it throbs like an unattended erection. So badly it hurts, right? And lastly, it assaults your eye. Your eye feels as if you used it to block a fist from going through your face. And it feels like someone has put a cigarette out, and has used your iris as a target. They’ve played darts with cigarettes and your eye and they’ve won the bet. You lose most vision out of that eye (these suicide headaches remain on one side of your face, which feels like it is melting off, and very rarely, if ever, will they shift to the other), and try to remember if cataracts run in your family. You think of the painting with the clocks melting off of the rocks in the desert. Your face is the biggest clock.

You sit in this dark room, because the idea of actually looking at light is close to insanity during these episodes, thinking about different ways to end your life, and all the pain you’d rather have other than this.

“I’d rather have four broken ribs and rip all my fingernails off by force rather than this fucking pain.”


“I’d rather brake all of my fingers and cut them off with a dull knife instead of this."

Something like that. Women have compared Clusters to being worse than Above the Influence childbirth.

And then, then when you thought it couldn’t get any worse... you were so horribly mistaken. It creeps into your neck like meningitis, and your shoulders like after a laposcropy. There’s nothing you can do but take the drug that takes an hour to work, and a lifetime of headaches to kill your liver: Imatrex.

Imatrex reminds me of good Ether (a good drug for Vegas, if you ask Mr. Thompson). Good Ether takes a while to kick in - and then, all of sudden as it seems, you can’t feel your body, or walk straight. You look like any other drunk on the strip.

Imatrex is to be taken as needed and with a glass of milk. Otherwise, it will cut your stomach lining up for hours with tiny little Ginsu knives. You will probably puke once or twice... once from your headache, pre-Imatrex, and once after, even with the cow cum.

As I light a cigarette just now, I am reminded that clusters occur much more often and more likely in persons with a heavy addiction to cigarette smoking. Also characterized by high-intelligence and similar chemical makeup of one with manic depression. I feel accomplished. You cannot smoke while having a Cluster episode, because your brain is being deprived of oxygen and blood as it is. Your hypothalamus gland is constricting, and your temple and eye have a pulse of two-hundred-and-nine a minute. It is not good for someone who is prone to Cluster Headaches to drink alcohol on a regular basis, as this just heightens the episodes when they occur. It is very convenient at this point in time that I be a recovering alcoholic.

But back to the Imatrex.

Imatrex is any professional addict’s wet dream. Working slowly, but surely, like a high-priced hooker who does what she’s told. Imatrex works not on your body, or blood, or nerve centers... but it attacks your brain. It latches itself onto the pain centers of your brain, like an old fashioned snapper, and slowly winds them down to numbness and oblivion, they’re Lucy in the Sky, but you want to throw yourself out the 6th story window and stab yourself with knives in mid-air. If Imatrex was booze, everybody’s doin’ it. Everybody’s doin’ it. Everybody’s doin’ it.

At the start of a Cluster, you’re pain is at a 10 on a one-to-ten pain scale. When the Imatrex starts in, the pain slowly winds down, you start to see clearer out of your eye that has been assaulted by cigarette butts, you body begins to feel light, almost like an orgasm. You measure the time it takes you to get from 9 to an 8, and you calculate the time you think you’ll be able to lay down, have a cigarette, and go to bed. You feel like a statistician, and pride yourself on your intelligence, and your rarity. One in one million people get these headaches. You’re a diamond, in the worst possible rough.

And you sit there, finally able to sit, like a deaf schizophrenic, getting good and stoned on Imatrex, you’re thinking about getting your preventative Lithium Carbonate refilled. And you wait.

... Stalin had a FANTASTIC moustache.

Formerly known as the Prime Minister of Spain.

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Old 12-21-2008, 08:38 PM   #70 (permalink)
Pale and Wan
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A fun read, which is a hard task with a subject like this. The prose is smooth, with some lovely phrases.

My only complaint is that at times it felt like you were trying too hard to make the imagery sexual. The unattended erection seemed like a weird comparison, and milk as cow cum just sounds ridiculous to me.
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