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[MERIT] 02-22-2007 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by TheUsedToolguy (Post 339708)
alright oojay that wasn't that bad/
but your rhyming style like others is just a fad/
throwing all those low blows is just kind of sad/
y try and make others feel like they've just been had/
you should try and educate in your rhymes/
cuz' the taste that u leave is sourer than limes/
take it from someone whose committed those crimes/
it's the taste in your own mouth, you'll learn thru time/
it makes it so much easier to combat u/
when u point the finger, there's 3 pointing back at u/
and it leaves stains on you just like a tattoo/
and now it's like 4 against 1 trying to detach u/
ur rhymes are alright/
but you're battling someone who is light/
cuz I shine so bright/
and I also fly just like a kite/
so before you go off throwing stones in my direction/
take a step back and ask yourself a question/
If I really feel like my life is such a blessing/
why am I so quick to attack my neighbor w/ no disgression?/

These pacifistic rhymes are comin' off a bit retraded/
Don'y be criticizin' me for endin' this sh*t that you done started/
And I'll leave the taste of chrome in ya mouth if you think you can ball/
That taste of lime erodes ya senses as ya intellect starts to fall/
And I did use digression in the decision to end ya life at the point of my pen/
You far from nice and after this your body gonna be far from life/
We ARE neighbors but this is the "Show Me" state and you ain't showin' me nothin but you still tryin' to hate?/
I got respect for ya ideology of belittling others without diss/
But that sh*t's for you small timers who'll never cop that sh*t to disc/
I'm a beast like the blue dude on X-men/
I'll break ya necks men/
Leave ya'll in suspense until the next one/
And I do consider my life a blessing/
Ya'll need to stop obsessing with religious views cuz I realize that ya'll just testing/
My will is unbreakable like a 20 page contract/
I stand alone on musicbanter cuz ya'll just got God-smacked/

tdoc210 02-22-2007 06:12 PM

you cant ryhme
you're about as tastefull as a pork rhinde
bitch you aint ****
its like trippin a rift
when you bend over
you take ove my land rover
out on the ****
****ing my clock

[MERIT] 02-22-2007 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by Mamagarmr (Post 339714)
you cant ryhme
you're about as tastefull as a pork rhinde
bitch you aint ****
its like trippin a rift
when you bend over
you take ove my land rover
out on the ****
****ing my clock

And Lame-O was his name-O.

theladyofshalott 02-23-2007 12:03 PM

Funny how ya'll all seem to think your all that,
Male egos and all that.
But let me tell ya boy lifr goes on,
Just cuz I come on a bit strong doesn't mean you gonna get a peek.

Don't bother tryin to sneak past me I'm the best,
and I'll prove.

Slits on my wrist,
Bottle in my hand,
pill slippin down my throat.
I did it all now it's time to tell ya'll little country girls aren't always what they seem, sometimes the geeks got the best pot, so show a little respect.

Wow, thta sucked. I'm a writer/poet, and I think that took over a bit. Oh,well. Serves me right.

Loser 02-23-2007 01:49 PM

The girl has skill
After a few pages of of crap i've had my fill
Why are the white dudes rapping
and everyone else are on the side lines clapping
I give her a thumbs up
She kicked theusedtool guy on his rump
She's all that and a bag of chips
I'm too good to have a nickname
leave your tips
at the door
The curtain has closed, and the show is sone

[MERIT] 02-23-2007 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Loser (Post 340107)
The girl has skill
After a few pages of of crap i've had my fill
Why are the white dudes rapping
and everyone else are on the side lines clapping
I give her a thumbs up
She kicked theusedtool guy on his rump
She's all that and a bag of chips
I'm too good to have a nickname
leave your tips
at the door
The curtain has closed, and the show is sone


Loser 02-23-2007 01:52 PM

What can I say i'm white *shrugs shoulders*

[MERIT] 02-23-2007 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Loser (Post 340109)
What can I say i'm white *shrugs shoulders*

me too *walks away in shame*

Ace 02-23-2007 03:20 PM

:)) @ this thread.

TheUsedToolguy 02-23-2007 06:11 PM

what's the point of all this jabbering/
hearing all this talk has left me clammering/
for isolation and a place to be alone/
the reason for all this yammering is still unknown/
and here's something else, I don't like those smilies/
they're on more crack than Bill O' Reilly/
In fact I don't really like anything that moves/
unless u stroll really slow, and your flow is smooth/
see all this glam and glitz/
for your sweet talkng media fix/
fast talking salesman and businessmen are the worst/
how could u b in your 2nd childhood, you didn't outgrow the first/
they say u gotta learn to follow before you lead/
but there's no one in front of me, at least no one I want to be/
I used to play the game, and try to absorb them/
but I didn't like their rules, so now I ignore them/
who can u trust in this world? only yourself/
but most are too afraid to get to know themself/
they're too ashamed to c what they've got buried inside/
they talk a good game, but from themselves they hide/
behind a false religion, or the money they made/
what makes u cool in our society is how much you get laid/
it's not about the character or heart u got inside u/
it's about playing the game, and kissing the *** of the right dude/
and we're all wanting to follow this greatest generation/
but all they wanted was a state of separation/
but not in races, I'm talking monetary classes/
a lot of the systems we got in place are straight up fascist/
and I hate to be the one, to go & spoil all the fun/
but there's a time to walk, and there's a time to run/
and as lame as it sound we need political awareness/
we've got to take it back, that's the reason I prepared this/
so go on ahead, and go get wasted tonight/
and wake up tomorrow and see you're in the same plight/
everyone's is trying to escape their hells/
and in reality you're really just escaping yourselves/
the first thing you've got to do is get rid of your lies/
w/ more minds like mine, we're gonna' c through your disguise/
and you'll c the majority start to become the minority/
and a person like me will become the authority/
and when that day comes, what the hell are u gonna do/
hey, don't worry I'll have mercy on u/
but I would have had a lot more if you'd be honest w/ yourself/
u stash away your secrets and hide it on the top shelf/
but right now I'm on an intellectual ladder/
I c all your lies, and u just keep diggin' it only makes it sadder/
and I'd love to be the one to come along and burst your balloon/
as a witness to my rhymes, you know that day will be soonl/

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