View Full Version: The Lounge

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  1. What would you do?: quote, talent, history, Hang, expensive - The Lounge
  2. Check this moron out!: show, high quality, quote, youtube - The Lounge
  3. What does one TRILLION dollars look like?: American, nomination, Computer - The Lounge
  4. Flac? Please help!: cd, mp3, wma, album, quote - The Lounge
  5. British Cuisine: classic, quote, 2007, Lute - The Lounge
  6. Real-life opinions.: alternative, indie, single, album, members - The Lounge
  7. Sluts of MusicBanter, Unite and Take Over: albums, 2008 - The Lounge
  8. MB Family n' Friends: alternative, house, single, Radiohead, quote - The Lounge
  9. Sympathy for the Devil (or at least that's what she calls me): reggae, iPod - The Lounge
  10. so here i sit in the manshed: house, rock, irish - The Lounge
  11. Looking for Wind Flowers by Seals & Crofts: band - The Lounge
  12. quick question: track, quote, 2009, Hang - The Lounge
  13. Just In Case Anyone Asks......: member, quote - The Lounge
  14. Song suggestions? - The Lounge
  15. Important question: metal, albums, beatles, cover, band - The Lounge
  16. I am Sean Connery: techno, member, quote, youtube, Bell - The Lounge
  17. Brian Cowen: techno, albums - The Lounge
  18. Natasha Richardson dies after ski accident: single, quote, artist, band - The Lounge
  19. You guys still have those people over there?: American, members - The Lounge
  20. Classical Music. Why does it get so much credit?: metal, rock - The Lounge
  21. Favorite Cartoon.... - The Lounge
  22. Craziest Thing Ever Eaten?: member, quote - The Lounge
  23. This version is kick arse: cover, quote, song, youtube - The Lounge
  24. If You Had a Hammer?: Linkin Park, track, quote, 2007 - The Lounge
  25. What if we can exchange CDs instead of buying?(NOT SPAM): albums, quote - The Lounge
  26. So What Are We Drinking Tonight? - The Lounge
  27. These boards continue to aggravate me: albums, members, quote - The Lounge
  28. What you do for work??: dance, track, quote, suicide - The Lounge
  29. "Cyberbullying": albums, quote - The Lounge
  30. Just Talk: quote, 1962 - The Lounge
  31. No clean feed - The Lounge
  32. these lyrics....: tune, classic, quote, band, song - The Lounge
  33. Happy Birthday Jackhammer!: albums, Kiss, myspace, 2009 - The Lounge
  34. Music that makes you dumb: Nickelback, member, quote, song - The Lounge
  35. IRS requirements for claiming a kidnapped child: house, member, widow - The Lounge
  36. How do you deal with break ups?: quote - The Lounge
  37. What would you do if you did The Police, quote - The Lounge
  38. Dissertation woe: effect, quote, Trumpet - The Lounge
  39. I'm back, if anyone cares.: members, cover - The Lounge
  40. If You Could Have: house, quote, Piano, Grand piano - The Lounge
  41. what do you guys think about the.... - The Lounge
  42. The Official Funny Picture Thread - The Lounge
  43. Attn: Molecules - The Lounge
  44. Bored. - The Lounge
  45. Best MB mod poll!!!!!: track, quote - The Lounge
  46. 50/50: quote, nomination - The Lounge
  47. Get ready to cringe every time you see a shamwow commercial: Kiss, quote - The Lounge
  48. Firm Proof That Tom Waits Is the Coolest Dude Ever: dancing, electronic - The Lounge
  49. Common home remedies...: effect, cover, quote, Inci, Hang - The Lounge
  50. How to engage in music?: listening to music, house, jazz, metal - The Lounge
  51. I like: doors, myspace, quote - The Lounge
  52. it just couldn't get better ;): single, reviews, track, youtube - The Lounge
  53. I hate final papers: pop, single, quote, Ching - The Lounge
  54. How do we really feel about sleepy jack?? - The Lounge
  55. please ban me....: fan, Kiss, members, quote - The Lounge
  56. Moderator Wanted: albums, track, quote - The Lounge
  57. Slow computer.: alternative, house, Tool, shows, quote - The Lounge
  58. good morning: punk, albums, covers, quote - The Lounge
  59. Advice thread: quote, guitar - The Lounge
  60. Andy Samberg (SNL, Lonley Island): single, quote, songs, youtube - The Lounge
  61. When do YOU have money enough!!!: country, house, single, cover - The Lounge
  62. Lmgtfy - The Lounge
  63. please help: track, quote, 1992 - The Lounge
  64. The Nostalgic Yu-Gi-Oh Thread - The Lounge
  65. The Sexual Experience Thread: fan, members, quote, band, Gender - The Lounge
  66. Member Spotlight: pop, single, members, track, quote - The Lounge
  67. Your bad habit of choice: quote - The Lounge
  68. Nicknames!: cover, quote, Bell - The Lounge
  69. 'Potter' Villain Arrested for Drug Farm: house, fan, effect, member - The Lounge
  70. Wtf is this...: effect, quote - The Lounge
  71. Spears can't endure Canadians: pop, concerts, show, quote, songs - The Lounge
  72. Where do you shop?: quote - The Lounge
  73. Those Were The Days (Member Pics From The Past): albums, members, track, quote, 2008 - The Lounge
  74. Wtf is that...: Radiohead, quote, history, Bazooka - The Lounge
  75. Dreams(What do they mean?): tracks, quote - The Lounge
  76. The Politically Incorrect Homophobic's a joke btw: quote, youtube - The Lounge
  77. The Official Douchebag Hall of Fame: house, Europe, rapper, members - The Lounge
  78. Why the **** do you have a kid?: hands - The Lounge
  79. Puke: dance, house, member, quote, Ching - The Lounge
  80. Happy 2 day early birthday sleepy jack: albums, quote, Harp - The Lounge
  81. Albums You Bought Even Though The Cover Was UGLY: lyrics, dance - The Lounge
  82. We Didn't Start The Flamewar: Gehu - The Lounge
  83. My New Cartoon Series: talent, youtube - The Lounge
  84. Join the #musicbanter IRC/AIM chatroom!: alternative, fan, members, quote - The Lounge
  85. Torrent speed: discography, track, quote, band, Ching - The Lounge
  86. Homework effen me in the A: quote, history, teacher - The Lounge
  87. holidays in the sun: albums, concerts, quote, band, history - The Lounge
  88. Bad Year: quote, songs, happy music - The Lounge
  89. I'm puzzled: myspace, quote, cheap - The Lounge
  90. need some people help to fill out my survey: listening to music, members - The Lounge
  91. Urban Hatemonger :P: effect, track, quote - The Lounge
  92. Excel problem - Can anyone help me?: shows, quote, 2015 - The Lounge
  93. Favourite destinations?: country, house, albums, French, quote - The Lounge
  94. Math For you guys!!!! - The Lounge
  95. MORE MATH for you guys: cover, quote, Computer - The Lounge
  96. How to kill a chicken: house, Ching - The Lounge
  97. Your car: quote, 2007 - The Lounge
  98. Snow way he's gonna miss - The Lounge
  99. If You Had To... - The Lounge
  100. Vacation, any recommendations?: country, house, rock, albums, Europe - The Lounge
  101. Help me fix my car: quote, 2000, Hang, cheap - The Lounge
  102. BoardTracker: member, quote, Ching - The Lounge
  103. flamboyant funerals: dance, American, tunes, myspace, quote - The Lounge
  104. Animated GIF help please - The Lounge
  105. The Wondrous World of Parasites - Beware icky pix!: metal, albums - The Lounge
  106. how crazy are you?: house, metal, doors, show, quote - The Lounge
  107. Make A Religion - The Lounge
  108. probably not: mp3, album, show, quote, songs - The Lounge
  109. Card and Board Games: members, classics, quote - The Lounge
  110. Unjokes and Anti-humour: The Police, quote, youtube - The Lounge
  111. Find MJ A SEXY New Avatar: albums, track, quote, 2008 - The Lounge
  112. Help Finding a Blog Name: house, punk - The Lounge
  113. Is this actually right?: house, shows, quote, Hang, expensive - The Lounge
  114. What Are We Not Drinking Tonight? - The Lounge
  115. What is your dream? - The Lounge
  116. If you found out the world was going to end in 24 hours... - The Lounge
  117. Speciation and Evolution happens in our own bodies: Organ, cheap - The Lounge
  118. Worlds greatest dad? - The Lounge
  119. Male Birth Control - The Lounge
  120. What languages can you speak? - The Lounge
  121. Mothers Day - The Lounge
  122. Mean people - The Lounge
  123. Your youtube videos - The Lounge
  124. Strange Lectures you were Given as a Child - The Lounge
  125. Urgent Question that needs to be answered - The Lounge
  126. Aida. - The Lounge
  127. Your Best Day! - The Lounge
  128. Captain Beefheart's 10 Commandments for Guitar Players Everywhere - The Lounge
  129. Self-Harming - The Lounge
  130. Funniest thing you have ever.... - The Lounge
  131. Procrastinating - The Lounge
  132. The Roller Coasters/Thrill Rides Thread - The Lounge
  133. I will fight you. - The Lounge
  134. And you thought you had time on your hands.. - The Lounge
  135. toadies trek - The Lounge
  136. Medical Advice - The Lounge
  137. Health Final Today - The Lounge
  138. How Do You Sleep? - The Lounge
  139. Draw things in MS Paint with your eyes closed - The Lounge
  140. Fun stuff - The Lounge
  141. Who is growing a beard? - The Lounge
  142. Calling All Scots! - The Lounge
  143. The Youtube Game - The Lounge
  144. Most annoying MB Member? - The Lounge
  145. Pornstar in ER after blowing world record attempt - The Lounge
  146. What's your unfounded fear? - The Lounge
  147. What Mischief Do You Get Up To At Work? - The Lounge
  148. Whats The Most Embarassing Thing About You? - The Lounge
  149. My Friend a Musical Ass Bag - The Lounge
  150. What Kind of iPod Are You? - The Lounge
  151. Death contraptions (torture, ect ect) - The Lounge
  152. Moparscape - The Lounge
  153. Possiply the Weirdest Famewhore Ever - The Lounge
  154. Eminem got owned at the Music awards - The Lounge
  155. Tickets need serious help - The Lounge
  156. Catchphrases/Sayings you've used in real life - The Lounge
  157. HAPPY Box - The Lounge
  158. Arseholes - The Lounge
  159. Wikipedia Safari - The Lounge
  160. What's Your Ultimate Life? - The Lounge
  161. DMT Drug - The Lounge
  162. Variations Between Album and Concert - The Lounge
  163. MB E-Zine (Idea) - The Lounge
  164. Yo! Cold Beverages - The Lounge
  165. Working at a record store - The Lounge
  166. The Death of David Carradine - The Lounge
  167. PIANO CAT = Best thing ever :) - The Lounge
  168. Lethal injection - The Lounge
  169. What does it all mean!?!??! - The Lounge
  170. Worst book you've ever read - The Lounge
  171. How do you spit game? - The Lounge
  172. Yuch - The Lounge
  173. The Xtra Normal Video Thread - The Lounge
  174. It's my 700th post BONANZA! - The Lounge
  175. Tonight I find myself,..... - The Lounge
  176. Girls - The Lounge
  177. acl/wolvey - The Lounge
  178. The Spam Thread: Channel Your Need to Spam Here Only - The Lounge
  179. If, as Freddie Mercury claimed - The Lounge
  180. I am a manly man - The Lounge
  181. Which MB member will be the first to kill? - The Lounge
  182. How to stop staring at my laptop screen? - The Lounge
  183. dilemma - The Lounge
  184. What is Britishness? - The Lounge
  185. as per my attention whoriness - The Lounge
  186. bash - The Lounge
  187. I need help... - The Lounge
  188. What do you guys REALLY look like? - The Lounge
  189. Am I paranoid? - The Lounge
  190. How can I know what voice type I am? - The Lounge
  191. I need urgent help. - The Lounge
  192. When you were young. - The Lounge
  193. Do you remember them days.. - The Lounge
  194. I've just noticed.. - The Lounge
  195. If you had a just 1 super power.. - The Lounge
  196. Fml - The Lounge
  197. Handjobs - The Lounge
  198. Vista activation - The Lounge
  199. Pair off! - The Lounge
  200. Post your desktop eh? - The Lounge
  201. The gathering of morons - The Lounge
  202. Time Accelerating - The Lounge
  203. advameg inc - The Lounge
  204. Ninjas! Real Ultimate Power! - The Lounge
  205. Help!! - The Lounge
  206. FFFUUUU... Never buy dollar store hair dye - The Lounge
  207. Post LOLZ - The Lounge
  208. Billy Mays Dead At Age 50 - The Lounge
  209. What would you do to the jonas brothers? - The Lounge
  210. Can someone help me with ? - The Lounge
  211. Who is the author of this comic? - The Lounge
  212. Why Do You Love MusicBanter?? - The Lounge
  213. The corryallen2 Survival Pledge Thread - The Lounge
  214. The Disturbingly Hilarious Website Thread - The Lounge
  215. Unkown lifeform? - The Lounge
  216. Post pics of your car systems - The Lounge
  217. Does anyone else look through the forum picture gallery and think.. - The Lounge
  218. Methods of finding free music? - The Lounge
  219. Absolutely scared ****less - The Lounge
  220. i am a singer - The Lounge
  221. Best Worst Idea Ever - The Lounge
  222. Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs - The Lounge
  223. Youtube - The Lounge
  224. What is your favorite sensory organ?? - The Lounge
  225. BRBRB - New Urban Dictionary Definition - The Lounge
  226. Sex gum that corrupts the young - The Lounge
  227. Girls, I Need Your Help - The Lounge
  228. Spam me! - The Lounge
  229. Xbox LIVE Gamertags - The Lounge
  230. 5 Things! - The Lounge
  231. Fake IDs - The Lounge
  232. Musicbanter I call upon thee! *List Idea* - The Lounge
  233. How do you feel about silence? - The Lounge
  234. Post The Specs of your computer - The Lounge
  235. Location Based Services - The Lounge
  236. Where is the best online place to... - The Lounge
  237. Tucker Max - The Lounge
  238. Dr. Crowe Answers Your Questions - The Lounge
  239. Apple to bundle a new interactive booklet, sleeve notes w/ music downloads - The Lounge
  240. Inprompto Stand Up - The Lounge
  241. What do you look like? Upload a pic :P - The Lounge
  242. Archives - The Lounge
  243. Looking For An Answer - The Lounge
  244. Inspiration - The Lounge
  245. How Long Can It Be? - The Lounge
  246. Zip Program Recommendation - The Lounge
  247. Magnitude of altering perception - The Lounge
  248. rad/not rad - The Lounge
  249. Alternative - The Lounge
  250. Snog, Shag, Marry or Avoid? for girls :D (NSFW) - The Lounge