Forum: Rap & Hip-Hop
02-15-2008, 07:51 PM
Replies: 221
Views: 34,767
they have their positives
I think both have positives, and negatives. If I had to pick one to be on my team. It would be Kanye, he knows alot more about the buisness, he can produce great tracks, make sick beats, and he may...
Forum: Rap & Hip-Hop
02-15-2008, 07:38 PM
Replies: 175
Views: 40,234
wow!! not even close
I think Jay-Z is garbage, he steals lyrics from everyone, half his hit songs involved lyrics Biggie spit first. Including recently in "let it breathe'' or whatever it is he starts the song with a...
Forum: Rap & Hip-Hop
02-15-2008, 07:32 PM
Replies: 52
Views: 11,138
if you can do better, wheres your deal at?
I gotta laugh when people say things like 'new rap sucks'. Wheres your deal at? Where's your hit song? I don't think new rap is the best thing I've ever heard, but i think there are alot of...
Forum: Album Reviews
02-15-2008, 07:29 PM
Replies: 154
Views: 39,334
nothing to write home about!!
I certainly won't discredit nickleback because they are alot more successful then I am. With that being said, this album is run of the mill at best. I think the Nickleback craze is the thing of the...
Forum: Introductions
02-15-2008, 07:24 PM
Replies: 2
Views: 1,485
I'm new to the site
Whats up everyone, I'm new to this site. I have been involved with music recording, and song writing/performing for a while. This past year I enrolled in a music recording program, and have been...