Forum: Current Events, Philosophy, & Religion
10-16-2016, 02:46 AM
Replies: 4,921
Views: 342,324
Forum: Indie & Alternative
10-16-2016, 02:28 AM
Replies: 824
Views: 303,450
Help finding Alternative bands
I am looking for some help finding some Alternative bands from the 80s & 90s. Not really my genre but I am trying to help a someone who works with me.
So far I have suggested these bands:
Forum: Rock & Metal
09-26-2016, 11:21 PM
Replies: 365
Views: 26,814
Forum: Introductions
09-26-2016, 10:38 PM
Replies: 24
Views: 1,561
Forum: Pop
09-26-2016, 07:04 PM
Replies: 27
Views: 3,550
Forum: Introductions
09-26-2016, 06:35 PM
Replies: 24
Views: 1,561
Hello, I am Charlie.
I am new here but have been in several other forums. This is the first one for music.
Quick intro: I am a 40 yr old guy I live in the south. I lived in LA area most of my...