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View Poll Results: Stones or Beatles
Stones 1,000,000,059 99.90%
Beatles 1,000,073 0.10%
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Old 06-07-2009, 01:28 PM   #1 (permalink)
carpe musicam
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Originally Posted by almauro View Post
I know a lot of folks from the 60's and I always like to put them on the spot, as if I was interrogating them, and sternly ask...who do you like better?
What are you an obnoxious orderly at a retirement home??????

Originally Posted by almauro View Post
Beatlemania began to wane with the release of the White Album,
wrong! misinformation, It start to wane right after August 29th, 1966, technically speaking, it was the last time they did thier last concert at Candlestick Park for the last time.

The Beatles were the only band that started out as a girl band that went Underground. "Waning" and other words to discribe The Beatles endeavors of pushing the envelope of crafting high quality music is putting a misleading spin on it.

Originally Posted by almauro View Post
I think there's still a little resentment and may be even some blame placed on the Stones for the Beatles demise.
wrong! misinformation, It wasn't the Rolling Stones, it was Yoko Ono; and Paul releasing his solo album, that was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back.

Originally Posted by Comus View Post
Q: Then why don't rolling stones fans dislike Led Zeppelin for taking their pedestal?

A: Becuase Rolling Stones fans aren't little jealous shits with no taste in music.
I highly respect you for your trival knowelge of obscure bands, groups, and/or artist, and you definitely deserve a for Grammy for Wyatting.
But and that is a big but, one thing I don't get his you vehement distaste for the world's most tasteful Rock n Roll band ever. How can you forget their most delicious number, Savory Truffle?

Yeah, The Rolling Stones might not be jealous of Led Zeppelin but is becuase The Stones have some firsts on Led Zep, Like The Stones was the first Blues Band coming from England, The UK and/or the British Isles. And even though Jimmy Page's Les Paul may be the most famous of all Les Pauls in the world, Keith Richards was the first guy to own one in the whole of England, The UK and/or the British Isles. And besides Zep & Stones took the blues into similar but different areas, I think the latter became more bluesier with the gutiarist by the name of Mick Taylor, lets face it LZ & RS are compatible.

But I do have to admit as a Rolling Stone fan, when I was a kid I was completely annoyed with KISS fans who touted KISS as the greatest RnR band in the world. And is because kiss couldn't play one lick to save Aunt Edna.

Last edited by Neapolitan; 06-07-2009 at 01:49 PM. Reason: Editing grammar.
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Old 06-07-2009, 07:13 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
What are you an obnoxious orderly at a retirement home??????
That statement must sums up how you feel about old-school Beatle fans, and yes, I believe it was the White Album that was the being of the "waning" period of Beatlemania. First of all, if you knew anything about the history behind that album, it was Lennons conscious decision to change direction from pysch-pop, the uniforms and the hoopla in general. They got down-right scruffy, grew long beards and radical changed their style. The record got very mixed reviews, and all those Sgt Pepper/Magical Mystery fans were deeply troubled and disappointed. Frankly, they didn't get it. Even George Martin stated the album would have been better boiled down to one LP. Your comment about concert performance is trival in comparason to the release and impact of the White Album.
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Last edited by almauro; 06-08-2009 at 08:20 AM.
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Old 06-08-2009, 11:53 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by almauro View Post
I believe it was the White Album that was the being of the "waning" period of Beatlemania.
Beatlemania was coined to discribe all the screaming fans at concerts etc., where were the screaming fans at when they stopped touring???

Originally Posted by almauro View Post
First of all, if you knew anything about the history behind that album, it was Lennons conscious decision to change direction from pysch-pop, the uniforms and the hoopla in general. They got down-right scruffy, grew long beards and radical changed their style.
Well, if you knew anything about any Beatle's historical albums you would know they were constantly changing their sound and image, Ad Nauseam!

Originally Posted by almauro View Post
The record got very mixed reviews, and all those Sgt Pepper/Magical Mystery fans were deeply troubled and disappointed.
And so were the Beatlemania fans also deeply trouble and disappointed when they release the single/video, Strawberry Feilds Forever. And The Beatles album fans were deeply troubled and disappointed when they release We All Live In The Yellow Submarine, that too goes on Ad Nauseam.

Originally Posted by almauro View Post
Frankly, they didn't get it. Even George Martin stated the album would have been better boiled down to one LP. .
And some say that Rubber Soul and Revovler should had been a "double album!"
And The Bealtes thought what Capitol Records rearranging their albums a capitol offense. So how an ablum should be release, and how many songs should be on it is another argurment that goes on Ad Nauseam.

Originally Posted by almauro View Post
Your comment about concert performance is trival in comparason to the release and impact of the White Album.
wrong! The comment is trivia, not trival.
I don't know if you know that I know that Sgt. Pepper was more impactful on the general public then any album The Bealtes released, bar none, and that includes (or excludes whatever is the word I'm looking for) The Beatles aka The White Album.

Last edited by Neapolitan; 06-08-2009 at 11:58 AM.
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Old 06-08-2009, 01:59 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
Beatlemania was coined to discribe all the screaming fans at concerts etc., where were the screaming fans at when they stopped touring???

Well, if you knew anything about any Beatle's historical albums you would know they were constantly changing their sound and image, Ad Nauseam!
Beatlemania was coined by the media in their attempt to mass market the Beatles harmless, clean-cut, asexual image to a bunch of teens. The Beatles were a cash cow for everyone including promoters, record companies, retailers and news organization. Stones, more threatening, didn't get close to the attention, even though, they too produced excellent, albeit a little racy, singles during this period. Lennon, to his credit, submarined the whole Beatlemania enterprise, by doing an album, like Beggars Banquet, of stripped-down and blues rock and folk oriented songs, which failed to produce the type of feel-good pop single from previous albums. Ironically, they too became threatening with songs like "Helter Skelter" "Revolution" 'Happiness is a Warm Gun" and others. Instead of comforting fans, The Beatles made them uncomfortable. Songs like "Revolution 9" scared the sh___t out of those little kids. To compare the the change of musical directions experienced between earlier albums to this is ridiculous, and completely naive. The media, feeling betrayed, no longer gave them as much coverage nor good reviews, the fans became disenchanted. Whether they chose to perform or not, was completely inconsequential. They simply weren't lovable anymore. They became "Stones-like". I'm eternally grateful for John Lennon, in making this grand artistic statement. If you can appreciate his intense desire to distance himself as a artist from the Beatles past, then you can better understand his decision to undertake the weirdness he created with Yoko. But I believe he made that decision to break from the past, before meeting her, so blaming her for the break up of the Beatles is ridiculous as well.
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Last edited by almauro; 06-08-2009 at 02:30 PM.
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Old 06-08-2009, 11:01 PM   #5 (permalink)
carpe musicam
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Originally Posted by almauro View Post
Lennon, to his credit, submarined the whole Beatlemania enterprise, by doing an album, like Beggars Banquet,
wrong! The Rolling Stones did Beggars Banquet.

Originally Posted by almauro View Post
of stripped-down and blues rock and folk oriented songs, which failed to produce the type of feel-good pop single from previous albums.
Hold on let me get my fishing boots on, OK I'm back, I glad I got them on because you are really shoveling the **** tonight, Wait a minute, what do you call Ob La Di Ob La Da? If that ain't feel good pop then what is?????? You are talking like you never listened to The Beatles aka The White Album, dude.

Originally Posted by almauro View Post
Ironically, they too became threatening with songs like "Helter Skelter" "Revolution" 'Happiness is a Warm Gun" and others. Instead of comforting fans, The Beatles made them uncomfortable. Songs like "Revolution 9" scared the sh___t out of those little kids.
Unless you admit right now that you are 51 y/o and it was you that got the "sh___t" scared out of, then it's all a long yarn you've just woven.

Originally Posted by almauro View Post
To compare the the change of musical directions experienced between earlier albums to this is ridiculous, and completely naive.
Did you ever heard any of The Beatle's earlier work? probably not.
If you don't think "Tomorrow Never Knows" is the cat's pajamas and revolutionary for it's time, then you're an olive short of a pizza.

Originally Posted by almauro View Post
The media, feeling betrayed, no longer gave them as much coverage nor good reviews, the fans became disenchanted. Whether they chose to perform or not, was completely inconsequential.
What???? Hold on, I gotta get some duck tape, I have tape my head before my brain explodes all over my moniter, because that is the dumbest thing I ever heard, Hold on I'll be back.... slosh, slosh, slosh, slosh, slosh.

OK I'm back, oh yeah, all the sloshing you heard is from the sh___t you shoveling my way.

Originally Posted by almauro View Post
They simply weren't lovable anymore.
What do you call Yellow Submarine?? An Unlovable cartoon?

Originally Posted by almauro View Post
They became "Stones-like".
That's only because Billy Preston played piano for the both of them.

Originally Posted by almauro View Post
I'm eternally grateful for John Lennon, in making this grand artistic statement.
What grand artistic statement was that? Wait don't tell me because I'll be externally ungrateful to hear any more ****.

Originally Posted by almauro View Post
If you can appreciate his intense desire to distance himself as a artist from the Beatles past, then you can better understand his decision to undertake the weirdness he created with Yoko.
When you say "undertake the weirdness he created with Yoko" are you talking about in the bedroom or in the recording studio???

Originally Posted by almauro View Post
But I believe he made that decision to break from the past, before meeting her, so blaming her for the break up of the Beatles is ridiculous as well.
You're ridiculous as well, Oko Yono was a wet blanket that added extra stress to the already strained, interpersonalrelationship of members of The Beatles, and beside she kept John Lennon from joining up with his ol' bandmates once the dust settled in the 70's. I like her and everything, but that doesn't mean I don't think she had absolutely no part in the untimely demise of The Beatles.
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Old 06-09-2009, 05:34 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
wrong! The Rolling Stones did Beggars Banquet.
If you weren't always so quick to be negative and took the time to ready what I wrote, you'd understand that it was a comparison to BB.

Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
Hold on let me get my fishing boots on, OK I'm back, I glad I got them on because you are really shoveling the **** tonight, Wait a minute, what do you call Ob La Di Ob La Da? If that ain't feel good pop then what is?????? You are talking like you never listened to The Beatles aka The White Album, dude.
One of the least impressive from the Beatles canon. What Lennon would describe it as a "granny song". He thought it sucked. It wasn't even released as a US single!

Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
Did you ever heard any of The Beatle's earlier work? probably not.
If you don't think "Tomorrow Never Knows" is the cat's pajamas and revolutionary for it's time, then you're an olive short of a pizza.
That's f__cked up. You're focusing on one song, as opposed to an album. You yourself said, Rubber Soul and Revolver could have been packaged as a double album. Both are very similar, but I will say, Lennon does sound thrilled to be singing that tune, ending this sequence of albums with his best composition. He had an Ace in the Hole with that one.

Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
What do you call Yellow Submarine?? An Unlovable cartoon?
I'd stop bringing up this stupid soundtrack to a kids movie. It's the most embarrassing recording of their careers. Demonstrates more of a devolution.

Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
You're ridiculous as well, Oko Yono was a wet blanket that added extra stress to the already strained, interpersonalrelationship of members of The Beatles, and beside she kept John Lennon from joining up with his ol' bandmates once the dust settled in the 70's. I like her and everything, but that doesn't mean I don't think she had absolutely no part in the untimely demise of The Beatles.
Give John some credit. He may have used her as a way out. He was sick as sh__t of the bitchin and moanin between Paul and George and I don't think he had any interest whatsoever in hanging out with his "ol' bandmates".
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Last edited by almauro; 06-09-2009 at 09:27 AM.
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Old 06-07-2009, 09:16 PM   #7 (permalink)
I'm sorry, is this Can?
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Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
But and that is a big but, one thing I don't get his you vehement distaste for the world's most tasteful Rock n Roll band ever.
There are three reasons I love hating on the beatles:
1. The defensive fans:
These are the people I love the most, if I bash them, they'll start spouting varius amounts of crap. The Beatles were this and that, they were the only psychedelic band to matter etc., they were the only British band that was popular in the 60's. They started the wave of decent rock music. Whatever bull**** they can get their claws at. And what makes them so great, is the fact that they always bite always. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.

2. The elitist fans:
These are the main reason I hate the Beatles. They'll claim to be on the edge, and have a massive disdain for anything pop. Unless of course it was shat out of the arses of the fab four. The type of people that hate Britney Spears or, yes, even Billy Joel for being too pop, but then go back home and put the Beatles entire discography on repeat. The type of people that claim that modern music has gone to ****, or rather, modern mainstream music has. The sad fact is I'd agree with them, if their favourite band wasn't the Beatles. They fail to notice, that the hooks and sensibilities they disdain were pretty much invented (well popularised, but beatles fans don't seem to notice the difference) by the Beatles.

3. The godawful music:
How the hell can people listen to this boring pap? I've been subjected to it far more than I'd like, I weep for all these times I could have been listening to decent music instead of having this utter rubbish shoved down my throat. It's elevator music, pure and simple. Even their last few albums, I mean come on, have the people that immortalise Sgt Peppers or the White album actually even listened to any of the other albums of their time? There was nothing cutting edge about anything they did. Or if there was they were certainly cutting the wrong fucking edge.
But I do have to admit as a Rolling Stone fan, when I was a kid I was completely annoyed with KISS fans who touted KISS as the greatest RnR band in the world. And is because kiss couldn't play one lick to save Aunt Edna.
Yeah but no one cares about KISS now. So good music won out there.
Originally Posted by sleepy jack
Originally Posted by antonio
classical music isn't exactly religious, you know?

Last edited by Comus; 06-08-2009 at 10:26 AM.
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Old 06-08-2009, 10:20 AM   #8 (permalink)
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[QUOTE=Comus;676148 There was nothing cutting edge about anything they did. Or if there was they were certainly cutting the wrong ****ing edge. [/QUOTE]

I understand you don't like them and all, but really?
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