I don't think Supertramp is forgotten because I just got back from one of Roger Hodgson's, co-founder & songwriter of Supertramp, shows in New Jersey and as always I am left absolutely speechless! Roger grabs a hold of you from the very first moment he steps onto the stage, engaging you in an energizing, uplifting musical journey filled with wonderful memories and deep emotions. It was great seeing him with a very talented 4-piece band. I absolutely can't wait to see Roger perform all of his amazing compositions with an orchestra in January, I can imagine it's the kind of night that will shake your soul to the core! Fool's Overture is just the perfect masterpiece to hear live with an orchestra as it was written for, in addition to other fantastic favorites like Dreamer, School, Hide in Your Shell, Logical Song, Breakfast in America-- there are so many songs to love

If you didn't get the chance to see Supertramp in the 70s and early 80s then this is your chance to see Roger, I promise you'll have a great time! I'll let you in on a little secret, you can get exclusive presale information through Roger's website at RogerHodgson.com... don't tell anyone or you won't have the better seats for yourself!