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Howard the Duck 04-07-2011 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1032672)
I really loved the Star Spankled Banner that he played at one of those Woodstock concerts....that was so awesome!

check out the studio version - it sounds like My Bloody Valentine 20 years before My Bloody Valentine


Originally Posted by RezZ (Post 1032832)
He invented blues wanking.

piddly-piddly wah wah zing zang!

Dr_Rez 04-07-2011 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by Il Duce (Post 1032913)
check out the studio version - it sounds like My Bloody Valentine 20 years before My Bloody Valentine

piddly-piddly wah wah zing zang!

Well we all love wanking, and if you have ever felt sad while doing it, thank Jimi!

AmericanIdle 04-21-2011 04:21 PM

Elvis is the true king of rock and roll!!

TheMoondanceRebel 04-22-2011 03:35 PM

Jim Morrison in terms of pure legend

BastardofYoung 05-02-2011 07:51 PM

Chuck Berry, no contest.

Elvis was another image over art person. Somebody who was no more than a glorified cover artist. While his legacy is his looks and personality and also the fact he was a rebel in his time. But beyond that, he was nothing all that special.

Chuck Berry no matter what anybody says will always be the true king of rock n roll.

blastingas10 03-12-2012 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by lucifer_sam (Post 508195)
Is that really rock n' roll though? I mean, I admire those guys, but I would never consider them part of rock n' roll.

I think there is a definite list, but Monkey certainly didn't cover enough.

You would never consider them rock n roll? Seriously? That's a little ridiculous


Originally Posted by BastardofYoung (Post 1047304)
Chuck Berry, no contest.

Elvis was another image over art person. Somebody who was no more than a glorified cover artist. While his legacy is his looks and personality and also the fact he was a rebel in his time. But beyond that, he was nothing all that special.

Chuck Berry no matter what anybody says will always be the true king of rock n roll.

But isn't image a pretty big factor in rock sometimes? I don't like the fact that it is, but it is. He wasn't much of an artist but he ha the image, and he rocked the stage with his high energy and dancing. That's what makes him rock n roll. I can agree that chuck berry deserves the title a little more.

This song deserves a lot of credit for pioneering rock guitar

Neapolitan 03-13-2012 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by BastardofYoung (Post 1047304)
Chuck Berry, no contest.

Elvis was another image over art person. Somebody who was no more than a glorified cover artist. While his legacy is his looks and personality and also the fact he was a rebel in his time. But beyond that, he was nothing all that special.

Chuck Berry no matter what anybody says will always be the true king of rock n roll.

Elvis' image - to the ladies - was art.

I think Elvis and Chuck Berry were two sides of the same coin. To me they have equal importance even though they represent different things. Elvis, a vocal singer, who did cover songs, Chuck a guitar player who wrote his own songs. Since they came first they are like are archetypes, you can always notice some artist/bands are cover bands other write their own material (and everything in between) so that all goes back to them.

I don't know many who are like Elvis could sing as strong as he did, had as many hits and and still fall under the category of Rock. That's all split up now, Rock still have strong vocalists but its the Pop artist that gets the hits. E.g. whether or not you like Led Zeppelin Robert Plant was considered to be one of the best in Rock and Roll (circa 1970's) but they didn't rack up the hits on the charts.

Chuck Berry did it all (or most of it) he wrote, sang and played guitar. In most Rock bands those duties (quite often) are split - they have a singer and guitar player(s). Even though his career started in the 50's his guitar playing was more advanced than some guitar players in the 60's and he was very influential to guitar players that emerged in the 70s.

blastingas10 03-13-2012 06:53 PM

Chuck got most of his moves from T-bone.

"All the things people see me do on the stage I got from T-Bone Walker." - Chuck Berry

T-bone was Jazzier, though, and played a hollow-body with a real clean sound. Chuck added the grittier guitar sound and upbeat songs. That's what really made him rock.

T-bone even had all the rock star moves before the time of Chuck Berry or Jimi Hendrix.

Bloozcrooz 03-13-2012 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by pianojohnw (Post 1165056)
I gotta say that is a hard one I dont think it is elvis presly though

Thanks for putting clarity on that man. At least now we know who ISN'T the king.:thumb:

Zosofancmr1 03-25-2012 01:16 AM

Chuck Berry gets my vote, he was just the wrong skin color at the wrong time which is a damn shame.

"If rock and roll had another name, I guess they'd call it Chuck Berry" - John Lennon

RLLC 05-06-2012 11:56 PM

I'm not sure what determines "King of Rock and Roll"?

However rock and roll started with Chuck Berry and "Maybellene"; he took music and the guitar to a new level. In my mind that overshadows the accomplishments of the others.

Howard the Duck 05-07-2012 08:14 AM

i am the king of rock n roll


blastingas10 05-07-2012 09:33 PM

I think howlin wolf gets way overlooked in this conversation. Yes, he was blues, but thats where Rock came from. His style of blues was different than any other blues artist. He had such a powerful voice and stage presence. He rocked the house harder than any other blues musician. And don't forget, they call him the "rocker".

Conor 05-13-2012 03:46 AM

Elvis is my winner!

PoorOldPo 06-01-2012 06:42 AM

Chuck I guess.

indiebabe092 06-01-2012 07:54 AM

it has to be chuck berry!.. whenever 'You never can tell' comes on .. you know what time it is!! time to rock and roll! xx

WhiskeyRiver 08-01-2012 12:55 AM

It's Elvis no matter how many other artist you list, because without Elvis rock-n-roll does not exist. Without Elvis there is no Rolling Stones, Beatles, Zeppelin, etc. People argue that those bands and all artist after would have probably still come after him and maybe that's true but think about all of those artist Elvis inspired to do what they did, Jimmy Page has stated that hearing Baby Let's Play House inspired him to start playing guitar. And on another note he wins because he was the first. When he went to Sun Studios in 1954 and recorded "That's Alright Mama" that's when it all started. Somebody else would have come along mostly likely started the whole thing but since he was first, he is the king. I could keep going but this sounds pretty good.

Howard the Duck 08-01-2012 02:09 AM

Elvis died on his "throne"

blastingas10 08-10-2012 06:50 PM

I respect the effort you put into Making a case for Elvis, but as the person above you stated, he wasn't first, like you said. Maybe he is the king, but he wasn't the father. Nicely said by rockabillynblues

Franco Pepe Kalle 08-10-2012 07:18 PM

The title is for Elvis Presley. He made a great milestones while being around for only a short time. Elvis Presley in my view is someone who was able to find something great that people apperciated. I mean so many people know Elvis and want to know more about him than Chuck Berry although he was a better guitarist than Elvis ever was.

But overall, star and talent, I'd say that Elvis was better than the other two.

Howard the Duck 08-11-2012 05:01 AM

I do

Franco Pepe Kalle 08-11-2012 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by Howard the Duck (Post 1217459)
I do

Howard, are you sure you want to be the KING OF ROCK & ROLL. Are you sure?

Howard the Duck 08-11-2012 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle (Post 1217509)
Howard, are you sure you want to be the KING OF ROCK & ROLL. Are you sure?

i am, already, in my head

Franco Pepe Kalle 08-11-2012 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by Howard the Duck (Post 1217521)
i am, already, in my head

Oh I understand.

cozypowellsdrumkit 08-18-2012 10:37 PM

King of Rock and Roll? Freddie Mercury If not him-I'd say truthfully, David Lee Roth :crazy::drummer:

GrapevineFires 08-22-2012 04:42 AM

Eddie Cochran

Holerbot6000 09-06-2012 09:52 PM

I vote for Howard, but only when he's strung out on heroin.

Janszoon 09-07-2012 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by Holerbot6000 (Post 1228237)
I vote for Howard, but only when he's strung out on heroin.


Rock N' Roll Clown 09-12-2012 04:32 PM

Actually, there were 3 more people who were called "The King of Rock and Roll". They are Fats Domino, Bill Haley, and Alan Freed (the radio promoter, who made rock n' roll famous), but I would also put them out of this poll, because the real kings are exactly the ones that you included.
Although Elvis is the biggest American music icon ever and he is the king up to this day, I voted for Chuck Berry, because I knew that he was going to have less votes than Elvis. "The Whole World Knows the Music. Nobody Knows the Man." For me Berry is the real king, because he is one of the greatest song-writers of all time, and actually he is the father of rock n roll, while Elvis hasn't written one song himself. While, on other hand, Little Richard is more self-called king - he boasts all the time about how he is the real king. That's why I'd put him on 3rd place.

NYSPORTSFAN 09-19-2012 02:02 PM

I voted for Chuck Berry but Bill Haley had rock and roll music first major hit. People seem to forget that Chuck Berry had a top ten hit before Elvis Presley so rock and roll was already established before Elvis had his first hit in 1956.

I like Elvis but I think Chuck Berry was a bigger influence on the British Invasion than Elvis. As it is rock and roll split into a new form IMO which is now termed rock music around 1965-1966. I don't hear much influence in today's rock music from anyone from the 1950's.

Screen13 01-19-2013 09:01 AM

There should have been an "all of the above" option, but out of the three mentioned, I would place the vote to Chuck Berry. His songs through the 50's and Early 60's were seriously a foundation for a lot of followers. Killer riffs, down to earth lyrics that connected with the listeners, and backing by very solid musicians. Although there was a lot of music that was before him, Berry's music was the serious Rock and Roll rebellion of The 50's and the foundation of a lot of what happened next.

Elvis had style and a great voice, but apart from the Sun Sessions, the early Pre-Army RCA records, Jailhouse Rock, and the '68 Comeback era, there was a lot of Pop records and not as strong 70's Country (sometimes MOR Country) songs weakening the impact of a very strong and inspired voice. At his height, he was a great entertainer, but those with more cynical minds can say that the Hollywood era tainted what was a great singer while his 70's Country recordings were really hit and miss. He's a King, but through management and other outside forces (we all know how stars bring out the psychic vampires), something was lost on the way. The Sun Sessions and the early RCA records remind us of why he deserves to be called King by his fans while his '68 Comeback proved that there was a major soul in him that was still strong despite all that was around him that stood up and won.

Little Richard seriously rocked, and was an influence to many. His influence overall was more down to both the voice (big influence on Paul McCartney - hear "I'm Down" or The Beatles' great version of "Long Tall Sally") and the flamboyancy that opened the image of Rock and Roll a lot. When it comes down to showmanship and influence, Richard is a King with both exciting music and style.

neardeathexperience 02-13-2013 07:50 PM

Elvis, Elvis, Elvis he had a voice that was beyond pure. Exhibit A Jail House Rock.

neardeathexperience 02-13-2013 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by neardeathexperience (Post 1286314)
Elvis, Elvis, Elvis he had a voice that was beyond pure. Exhibit A Jail House Rock.

Exhibit B Lawdy Miss Clawdy

ThatBlueFluffyDude 02-21-2013 08:35 AM

There is a reason everyone knows Elvis.

Lizzilee 07-08-2013 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by ThatBlueFluffyDude (Post 1288859)
There is a reason everyone knows Elvis.


djchameleon 07-08-2013 04:42 AM

Everyone knowing Elvis does NOT make him the king.

That's just like saying that since everyone knows Britney Spears that she is the queen of pop. No bueno.

Lizzilee 07-08-2013 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1341106)
Everyone knowing Elvis does NOT make him the king.

Yep that's right but what I was meaning was that I know more of Elvis and his songs than the others. So to me, he was more popular to me than the others were. Shamefully, I do not know much of the other artists..... but, I am Utubing them right now.


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1341106)
It's just like saying that since everyone knows Britney Spears that she is the queen of pop. No bueno.

She sure did explode onto the music scene but yeah.........what the hell happened to her.........YIKES...... :eek:

Urban Hat€monger ? 07-08-2013 05:09 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1341106)
Everyone knowing Elvis does NOT make him the king.

That's just like saying that since everyone knows Britney Spears that she is the queen of pop. No bueno.

That's because Britney Spears didn't have a manager that called her that.

Elvis was called the King of Rock n Roll because that's what Colonel Tom Parker called him and promoted him as.And why wouldn't he? Elvis was the hottest act in the world at the time.

It's meant to be a selling point, not a provable fact.

djchameleon 07-08-2013 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ? (Post 1341113)

It's meant to be a selling point, not a provable fact.

I thought most of this thread was about stating who deserved it as opposed to who was called it.

We all know he was named The King of Rock and Roll. Sure , it was his manager that promoted it but this thread is about who should have really had that titled instead of him.


Originally Posted by Lizzilee (Post 1341111)

She sure did explode onto the music scene but yeah.........what the hell happened to her.........YIKES...... :eek:

I believe at one point in time she was named Princess of Pop while Madonna is generally known as the Queen of Pop.

Lizzilee 07-08-2013 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1341128)
I believe at one point in time she was named Princess of Pop while Madonna is generally known as the Queen of Pop.

Yeah..........thank God.....

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