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BastardofYoung 06-09-2011 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by SoundgardenRocks (Post 1067380)
Wait, I thought Highway To Hell was Bon Scott?

What's your take on their album, "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap"? Also, did you care for "Ballbreaker", "Black Ice" or "Stiff Upper Lip"?

Dave Evans time in the band was pretty short and limited to 1 single, "Girl, Can I Sit Next to You?" / "Rocking In The Parlour" in 1974.

Dave Evans time was from 1973 - Oct. 1974. At that time he was replaced by Bon Scott, who rerecorded the songs on the "T.N.T." album in 1975 (or some may know it from the international release of "High Voltage" outside of Australia)

"Dirty Deeds..." is one of their highlights, especialy the Australian version of the album. The International version had some edits to the album from the Australian, though minor edits, still a different album.

I did not care for Ballbreaker, have not listened to anything since to know my thoughts on those other 2 you mentioned.
The Scott stuff to me was all good.

SGR 06-10-2011 03:33 AM


Originally Posted by BastardofYoung (Post 1067461)
Dave Evans time in the band was pretty short and limited to 1 single, "Girl, Can I Sit Next to You?" / "Rocking In The Parlour" in 1974.

Dave Evans time was from 1973 - Oct. 1974. At that time he was replaced by Bon Scott, who rerecorded the songs on the "T.N.T." album in 1975 (or some may know it from the international release of "High Voltage" outside of Australia)

"Dirty Deeds..." is one of their highlights, especialy the Australian version of the album. The International version had some edits to the album from the Australian, though minor edits, still a different album.

I did not care for Ballbreaker, have not listened to anything since to know my thoughts on those other 2 you mentioned.
The Scott stuff to me was all good.

So you'd recommend "Dirty Deeds?" (I ask because it's cheap on Amazon right now)

BastardofYoung 06-10-2011 03:55 AM

For sure. It is a good choice.

SGR 06-10-2011 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by BastardofYoung (Post 1067540)
For sure. It is a good choice.

Do you think Dirty Deeds is better than Powerage?

BastardofYoung 06-10-2011 11:25 AM

By a little bit. In another thread somebody said they thought Dirty Deeds was more average and for fans, as well as "High Voltage".. which is mostly true. Many may go with "Dirty Deeds" over "Powerage" since the title track on "Dirty Deeds" is one of AC/DC's most recognisable songs by many.

If you can get both for a good price, just get them both... however, if you can only get one I would personally recommend "Powerage" over "Dirty Deeds".

But as I say, probably their best studio outing is "Let There Be Rock" from those days.. as well as "Highway to Hell". Those 2 you can not really go wrong with, would get either of those over "Dirty Deeds" for the newcomer, but "Dirty Deeds" is not bad itself, just a little spotty in places.

SGR 07-06-2011 04:27 AM

So by Kiss I have Destroyer, Alive, and S/T. What album should I get next? RnR Over? Is Alive 2 and Ace Frehley solo worth getting?

newmen 07-06-2011 11:43 PM

pink floyd and led zeppelin were both huge during the 70s and in most people opinions much better bands :P

SGR 07-10-2011 12:21 PM

What is you guys favorite Kiss song and album?

BastardofYoung 07-10-2011 12:50 PM

already posted the answer to that, but here it is again:

song: (tie between)

album: "Destroyer"

SGR 07-10-2011 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by BastardofYoung (Post 1082978)
already posted the answer to that, but here it is again:

song: (tie between)

album: "Destroyer"

Do you think Hotter Than Hell and Dressed To Kill are worth getting, BoY?

BastardofYoung 07-10-2011 02:04 PM

Yes. Yes I do.

Captain Ron 07-10-2011 02:19 PM

god of thunder? ugh that's the worst song on destroyer. simmons can't sing or write songs

BastardofYoung 07-10-2011 02:24 PM

sounds good though. Like the sound of it, don't care about writing. Don't think KISS is ever a band I listen to for their songwriting skills to start with.

also.. the Unplugged version of the first song I posted says otherwise.

Urban Hat€monger ? 07-11-2011 02:59 AM

Here's 'Disco' Vinnie Vincent on guitar shaking his stuff a couple of years before joining Kiss.

I think that's the only time I've seen that miserable f*cker smile.

METALLICA_RULES 07-11-2011 04:39 AM

God Of Thunder has a cool riff.

killcreek 07-11-2011 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by SoundgardenRocks (Post 1082969)
What is you guys favorite Kiss song and album?

favorite song for me is their cover of 2000 man but album would be destroyer

artemis 07-12-2011 06:45 PM

Kiss. I've never cared for them.
That face paint, too ... gimicky for me

Howard the Duck 07-12-2011 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by artemis (Post 1083938)
Kiss. I've never cared for them.
That face paint, too ... gimicky for me

that's what makes them so..... adorable

Lord Dweedle 07-13-2011 01:08 AM

nuttin wrong with Kiss, im listenin to their greatest hits.. they rock

JMayerPhoto 07-23-2011 10:13 AM

They may not be what they once were...but why should they retire...they can still rock and have possibly the most loyal fan base in the history of music right up there with the Grateful Dead KISS ARMY!

BigSwede 08-06-2011 02:41 AM

They should give Singer and Thayer their own makeups or unmasked.

Syrith 08-06-2011 08:30 AM

Not that there's anything wrong with a band staying together, but let's be reality, the most factor is how much money they can still make going on tour. KISS has always been more of brand than a band, imo.

cozypowellsdrumkit 08-19-2012 08:03 PM

Gene's ego. Pure and simple. Paul Stanley's isn't far behind. He's had more facial plastic surgery than Joan Rivers. He looks too much like Cher now, and that scares me.

Screen13 08-22-2012 05:09 PM

Not the greatest Kiss listener in the world, but I can see why they continue, new members in old make up and all that.

With Kiss being a name brand and admittedly a show that still knows how to attract an audience, it's easy for Gene and Paul to continue with the original characters even if a couple are now played by other people. In my personal opinion, once they took off the make up it was the end of the classic era and by the time Ace was out of the picture for the first time, a lot of the uniqueness went out the window. After a long time trying to fit in with the times through the Late 80's-Mid 90's, Gene and Paul knew that continuing their classic era show updated was the best way to go.

Also, when a part of the show has songs from their first albums that crank out the sharp riffing that many best remember them for - and "Rock and Roll All Nite" certainly is an anthem defined - it's a given that when combined with a show that piles on the effects, there will be an audience. They're show biz with good riffs and a 70's Retro that still has some kind of appeal, and nothing's wrong with that - if they can continue they will.

WAY too much merchandise in my opinion, though. Amusing at first look, but damn...

Oh Danny Boy 10-03-2012 07:03 AM

I can't believe that earlier in this this thread some people tried to make comparisons between an amazing band like the Velvet Underground and KISS :(

Unknown Soldier 10-03-2012 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by Oh Danny Boy (Post 1237198)
I can't believe that earlier in this this thread some people tried to make comparisons between an amazing band like the Velvet Underground and KISS :(

I agree, Kiss are far more enjoyable.

Rjinn 10-03-2012 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier (Post 1237209)
I agree, Kiss are far more enjoyable.


Oh Danny Boy 10-03-2012 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by Rjinnx (Post 1237229)

folk have been burned at the stake for less

Guybrush 10-03-2012 01:15 PM

Imagine yourself living your whole long life as a musician. You're having a great time with it and you're in a successful act and getting paid. You've done it so long, it's basically who you are.

Then someone says you were better back in the day and because of that, you should give it up. What do you do?

Urban Hat€monger ? 10-03-2012 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by tore (Post 1237336)
Imagine yourself living your whole long life as a musician. You're having a great time with it and you're in a successful act and getting paid. You've done it so long, it's basically who you are.

Then someone says you were better back in the day and because of that, you should give it up. What do you do?

But then again if you have a back catalogue stuffed full of hits and you can still cut it playing live and all your shows are sold out why wouldn't you carry on.

I'm not the slightest bit interested in hearing any new material from them but I'd sell a testicle to see them live.

The Batlord 10-04-2012 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by tore (Post 1237336)
Imagine yourself living your whole long life as a musician. You're having a great time with it and you're in a successful act and getting paid. You've done it so long, it's basically who you are.

Then someone says you were better back in the day and because of that, you should give it up. What do you do?

Better than being in a moderately successful band that makes enough to support themselves, but not enough to put money away for retirement. When you've been plugging away for ten years, not learning any marketable jobs skills or building a resume or going to college, and then all of a sudden your best years are behind you, what the **** do you do then? Go flip burgers so that your fans won't call you a sellout or washed up?

Franco Pepe Kalle 10-04-2012 09:45 AM

I hate to say it but Kiss is a pretty decent with a good entertainer in Gene Simmons. He is one person that I have been able to tolerate for some time. Plus Gene Simmons has never lost his thunder. He has always been able to keep it. That is Kiss is still a good band even today.

Unknown Soldier 10-04-2012 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle (Post 1237575)
I hate to say it but Kiss is a pretty decent with a good entertainer in Gene Simmons. He is one person that I have been able to tolerate for some time. Plus Gene Simmons has never lost his thunder. He has always been able to keep it. That is Kiss is still a good band even today.

I doubt your parents would approve of his lifestyle.

Guybrush 10-05-2012 03:16 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1237572)
Better than being in a moderately successful band that makes enough to support themselves, but not enough to put money away for retirement. When you've been plugging away for ten years, not learning any marketable jobs skills or building a resume or going to college, and then all of a sudden your best years are behind you, what the **** do you do then? Go flip burgers so that your fans won't call you a sellout or washed up?


So I guess we can agree that the argument that anyone should "give up their music career" just because you think they're not as good as they were is a dumb one!

Rjinn 10-05-2012 03:41 AM

Tbh if anyone has a career open and they have something they could make from themselves while being supported no matter the judgment, I doubt they would give it up. Unless they want a career change, which in this case no. It's very improbable.

The Batlord 10-05-2012 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by tore (Post 1237757)

So I guess we can agree that the argument that anyone should "give up their music career" just because you think they're not as good as they were is a dumb one!

To anyone familiar with the thrash band, Exodus, you see the perfect example. They broke up in the early nineties, and then got back together in the late nineties and have been releasing music ever since. They're still awesome, don't get me wrong, but considering that the main driving force behind the band, Gary Holt, has basically said that when the band disbanded, that he had no way to get a good job and became a meth addict, I can't help but believe that he restarted the band less for artistic reasons than just plain survival. And so long as he still makes good music and puts on good concerts, I am quite happy to subsidize him for the years of listening enjoyment he's given me.

Plankton 10-05-2012 11:21 AM

I saw Kiss a few years ago, and while they were solid, my GF pointed out to me how silly Paul looked crawling around on the stage trying to look sexy. She's said "He's in his 60's for crying out loud!". That kind of struck a chord with me. But, that's just part of the act that the fans want to see. And there are plenty of em. I don't see them going anywhere anytime soon, save for the death of Paul or Gene, I think they'll be doing what they do as long as they can.

ockzcottyn2 02-04-2013 03:40 PM

I don't think KISS should necessarily retire, but I do agree about the false Ace & Peter are wrong and that they DEFINITELY should give Tommy and Eric they're own makeup & characters rather than just copying Ace & Peter.

neardeathexperience 02-06-2013 06:30 PM

When Kiss started out you just went to see them because they were a visual overload and a very very loud band that played hard rock. Fast forward 30 years they are still a visual overload and a band that plays very very loud music..........In fact the technology available now with computers running the visual back drops might suggest that they are even better to go see then in the 70s........

Jack in green 02-13-2013 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by ShadowSurfer (Post 209145)
I think KISS should retire. The phony Peter and Ace take lame to a higher new level. And Gene $immons doesn't even like rock music, he likes money.

:beer::beer: Yes! I agree! the time of the KISS is end by a long time!

by now they are a memories than they were

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