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View Poll Results: What is the best band (of these choices)?
.V., alternativerock_music_fan, bloodorflies, bordo, breakingbenfan13, CaptainSuck, cardboard adolescent, chumb, crow t robot, DanHurley99, Delbane, diamondback, draven, DreamTheaterGodly, explosions-in-my-pants, F L A W, HotPlop, I Longhorn I, IMATOOL, Inuzuka Skysword, jolly_roger, LucienAD, MattMarlow, MercyTribe, Merkaba, MusicMonkey, Music_Rocker, NaNaNer, PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe, PopIsDead, PostPsychosis, revelations, RighteousBrian, rsnjeff, ryan bargehr, Scarlett O'Hara, Shooting Star, Spike*Spiegel, SteelyDan79, Stone Magnet, The Unfan, TheBig3, tkpb938, under, Wayfarer, white_powered_zombie, Zer0, Zero Signal, [MERIT]
49 |
17.75% |
<<<>>>, andykoivisto, Animal Mother, asiankaos, Bane of your existence, beat yr own KID, blackTshirt, coffeeshop, Crowe, David Frost, deepestgrey, deez_babe, Dizzys in the wolf, dojo, Don, Dubie, elevator, Expletive Deleted, fool on the hill, Frances, franscar, Guy Ames, Hysteria__, i am not emo, ilmaestro13, incesticide, IrishWhiskey, Jade, jazzfromhell, jibber, JoniOBrien, Jonovision, Josephine, Joshee, just for kicks, Kevorkian Logic, lesssalt, MoonlitSunshine, Mr Sensitive, mr. blonde, Mrs Sensitive, Muzak Geek, Night_Lamp, omgwtf, petersmikael, pheurton, Piss Me Off, ProggyMan, Rabid Sea Turtles, She's Lost Control, Shiny_Boots, Sneer, Timorous Vince, totojack, Trauma, trisha503, Uno, Vismund Cygnus, volcomstone, xX-Avenged7X-Xx, ZOSO
62 |
22.46% |
9 |
3.26% |
Rage Against the Machine
102536, adidasss, anticipation, anti_poptart_chik, benrobbo, berv, bhb192, Blain, bohemian, bowerbank, bungalow, can_i_say, djchameleon, dog, DontRunMeOver, Drumwaka, Dr_Rez, EDGE, gottaSCREM, Guyinamask, HeroesRevealed, hiu, hoss diggity, Ian, ILIVEMUSIC, JarOfFliesJC, joyboyo53, jsnrkd, koishii~kitty, Laces Out Dan!, Larkrise, LazyFingers, littleknowitall, Lost_At_22, macman, Metallicasoldier, mosesandtherubberducky, Nathan Explosion, Necromancer, oberlin27, PaWp_tarHTs, punk-4-life, Seltzer, siren3135, Son of JayJamJah, Soundgardener, stonedpath, sylvia, The Dave, Tommyrocker, Wicked Wonka, Wild7Dustr, XxGhostReveriesxX, Zao-boy, ZeppelinAir
56 |
20.29% |
System of a Down
<3_BEAUTIFUL_HELL_FAIRY_<3, **Sarah**, .MP3, Alexisonfire, almauro, AndyJr, Arpeggio, ArtistInTheAmbulance, aussiemetalchick, basktblplayr04, bigtim, Blunt_Object, claudioismybitch, Clownbaby, crazylilpixie, Dark Circle, DonovanDone, Dr.Nick, dropdeadsyndicate, enemyat_thesix, Ensemble, Fire_Starter, Hardcore_Guy, hellscream666, Horse, bring me the band., ish, Jaymz023, Jaz, katiexdollface, Kempson, Kirsty1991, marlinshat, Metallica_rox, Miller Bear, Mr.Death, Mr.Layhe, Music Is Pwnage, Muzak, Neeox, OldManDeath, PhishFood, Powderfinger168, RapSucks, Rockchik13, SaTaNsChIlD666, Sebster17, Shiki Minami, ShOwTiM3, SlayeReyalS, StrayKittyStyle, tdoc210, The Drunken Terd, undefinable, wigwigs2, Yac
56 |
20.29% |
A Perfect Circle
Antirover, CarbonCopy, darker_shade_of_blue, Echosmoke, eviljoker7075, Fenixpunk, ladyluckrules, Mixin, nar84, SayAnythingPlz, ScarletStarlet, sexy rock chick, Skid Mark, skindredluver, Travis Coats, x0xgreenxeyezx0x
16 |
5.80% |
Nine Inch Nails
.angie., 138, all_that_could_have_been, blindmelon, CAPTAIN CAVEMAN, Cari Lynn, Diablos, Don't_ask_me, harlequin_beauty, imdesigner, irishpunkfan, Janszoon, Kurt_Cobain, Levithan, Maddest_Hatter, manuel1984, maryjane88, MHDTV, piru, Raine, Reznorslave, sleepy jack, SpandexNSpikes, sparkyjake, Special K, TillyLovesYew, vintage lace
27 |
9.78% |
Dumpys Rusty Nuts
1 |
0.36% |