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boo boo 01-11-2009 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by The Unfan (Post 577386)
I would appreciate it if you would stopping trolling Rainerd. He/she/it hasn't done anything, that I am aware of, that would lead to your obsessive following of him/her/it into every thread to bitch about him/her/it "trolling" when it is in fact you who are trolling him/her/it.

I'm not following him around.

You need to look up the definition of trolling, it's not trolling to take offense from what someone is saying and point it out.

He's constantly showing up on threads specifically for a certain band, saying that band is crap, and stirring up crap with the fans. It dosen't help that he posts in a very self important and provoking fashion. I consider that trolling. Because I express my opinion that it's annoying, that dosen't make me a troll.

Speaking of which, talk about lolrony, why am I even responding to you? You're single handedly the biggest troll on this forum, that's not even arguble.

The Unfan 01-11-2009 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 577453)
Speaking of which, talk about lolrony, why am I even responding to you? You're single handedly the biggest troll on this forum, that's not even arguble.

Prime example of you trying to start a fight with another forum member, troll.

boo boo 01-11-2009 06:12 PM

I'm not trying to start a fight, I'm stating a fact.

It wasn't me who intentionally started spamming every thread a certain person makes and tried to change the topic to pizza.

You have been a huge jerk to me since the beginning, I think I have a right to be bitter towards you.

The Unfan 01-11-2009 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 577467)
It wasn't me who intentionally started spamming every thread a certain person makes and tried to change the topic to pizza.

You're still butthurt over that?


You have been a huge jerk to me since the beginning, I think I have a right to be bitter towards you.
No more than I've been a jerk to anyone else. You just seem to take it far more personally boobs.

Dr. Yellow Black 01-11-2009 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by The Unfan (Post 577459)
Prime example of you trying to start a fight with another forum member, troll.

I hate you.

Dr_Rez 01-11-2009 06:31 PM
Everyone smile

Dr. Yellow Black 01-11-2009 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by RezZ (Post 577483)

RezZ, I don't hate you.

Dr_Rez 01-11-2009 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Yellow Black (Post 577490)
RezZ, I don't hate you.

Pheww. I was worried there for a minute. Was getting caught up in the hate for a minute. Forgot who my friends were. :pimp:

Dr. Yellow Black 01-11-2009 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by RezZ (Post 577493)
Pheww. I was worried there for a minute. Was getting caught up in the hate for a minute. Forgot who my friends were. :pimp:

It's all good. So, your sig says your listening to Jimmy Chamberlin complex. I love that whole album.

Dr_Rez 01-11-2009 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Yellow Black (Post 577499)
It's all good. So, your sig says your listening to Jimmy Chamberlin complex. I love that whole album.

Yea its pretty good. Id have to say though Life Begins Again, Loki Cat, and Love is Real all standout.

They havnt released anything else have they? Because I was looking around and this was all I could find.

Dr. Yellow Black 01-11-2009 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by RezZ (Post 577505)
Yea its pretty good. Id have to say though Life Begins Again, Loki Cat, and Love is Real all standout.

They havnt released anything else have they? Because I was looking around and this was all I could find.

Yeah, that's it for now. Jimmy probably put it aside since the Pumpkins are back.

Dr_Rez 01-11-2009 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Yellow Black (Post 577512)
Yeah, that's it for now. Jimmy probably put it aside since the Pumpkins are back.

Id rather have another JCC album than Pumpkins album.

Dr. Yellow Black 01-11-2009 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by RezZ (Post 577518)
Id rather have another JCC album than Pumpkins album.

Yeah, I think they should just tour for now.

Rainard Jalen 01-12-2009 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 577453)
I'm not following him around.

You need to look up the definition of trolling, it's not trolling to take offense from what someone is saying and point it out.

No, YOU need to look up the definition of trolling. Trolling is and always HAS been the act of making controversial and provocative posts merely with the intent and for the sake of provoking angry responses, flaming, and disturbance. That is NOT what I do. Hell, it's not even that many bands that I go in to say how crap or mediocre I think they are. It's probably numbers less than ten, in all the 2 and a half or so years that I've been on these boards. Hell, I could probably count the whole lot right now on two hands. And when I do go in, it's not to make a stupid trolly post like "lozzzles their rubbish lollzzz", it's to at least ATTEMPT at producing an informed opinion. And it's never for the sake of just stirring. I'm trying to put forth my view on a topic, and to hopefully discuss it with RATIONAL people who don't suddenly turn defensive and, as is often the case, offensive.


He's constantly showing up on threads specifically for a certain band, saying that band is crap, and stirring up crap with the fans.
See above. Aside from that, the only person I generally see even reacting angrily to my criticisms is you.


It dosen't help that he posts in a very self important and provoking fashion. I consider that trolling.
Cripes. YOU of all people talking about self-importance. As as for posting in the fashion of provocation, I found your Prince posts some of the most unfair provocative stuff I've ever read on these boards and yet I never jumped to anger and insults.

And aside from all that, you insist on trying to misunderstand the things I write. Like the other day, for example. I was trying to present Muse in what I considered a more positive light than another poster. You immediately assumed I was criticizing and attacking them. I intended the complete opposite and hadn't said a single negative word. I was actually attempting to criticize Radiohead, not Muse. Hell, there's an example of how I'm not some stupid troll - I'll even defend a band I hate. Whenever anybody has claimed that Muse are not prog because they're a crappy pop rock band or whatever, I always jump to their defence.

MSPaintClock 01-12-2009 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Rainard Jalen (Post 577611)
No, YOU need to look up the definition of trolling. Trolling is and always HAS been the act of making controversial and provocative posts merely with the intent and for the sake of provoking angry responses, flaming, and disturbance. That is NOT what I do. Hell, it's not even that many bands that I go in to say how crap or mediocre I think they are. It's probably numbers less than ten, in all the 2 and a half or so years that I've been on these boards. Hell, I could probably count the whole lot right now on two hands. And when I do go in, it's not to make a stupid trolly post like "lozzzles their rubbish lollzzz", it's to at least ATTEMPT at producing an informed opinion. And it's never for the sake of just stirring. I'm trying to put forth my view on a topic, and to hopefully discuss it with RATIONAL people who don't suddenly turn defensive and, as is often the case, offensive.

See above. Aside from that, the only person I generally see even reacting angrily to my criticisms is you.

Cripes. YOU of all people talking about self-importance. As as for posting in the fashion of provocation, I found your Prince posts some of the most unfair provocative stuff I've ever read on these boards and yet I never jumped to anger and insults.

And aside from all that, you insist on trying to misunderstand the things I write. Like the other day, for example. I was trying to present Muse in what I considered a more positive light than another poster. You immediately assumed I was criticizing and attacking them. I intended the complete opposite and hadn't said a single negative word. I was actually attempting to criticize Radiohead, not Muse. Hell, there's an example of how I'm not some stupid troll - I'll even defend a band I hate. Whenever anybody has claimed that Muse are not prog because they're a crappy pop rock band or whatever, I always jump to their defence.

You're still a ****ing annoying idiot who needs to be quiet though. <3

Also: SP fans go here.

scottsy 01-12-2009 09:53 PM

Getting back on topic... really enjoying listening to Zeitgeist tonight.... this album just clicks more and more with me every time I hear it...

Especially the tracks towards the end of it. I am seeing howe this all fits more into a Smashing Pumpkins legacy, how it kinda distills their old sounds and kinda turns it into something new... and how could it not be new - Corgan is older, has more issues sorted out and focusses on different things, regardless of what any other reveiwer I have read says...

But the wicked guitar work is still there, plus the choppy, jazz influenced drumming, that wonderfully nasal voice, the mix of heavy riffs and mellow reflection... ahhhh, this is how I love my Pumpkins...

The Unfan 01-13-2009 06:09 AM

So which of the billion versions of the album have you been listening to?

Dr. Yellow Black 01-13-2009 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by scottsy (Post 578049)
Getting back on topic... really enjoying listening to Zeitgeist tonight.... this album just clicks more and more with me every time I hear it...

Especially the tracks towards the end of it. I am seeing howe this all fits more into a Smashing Pumpkins legacy, how it kinda distills their old sounds and kinda turns it into something new... and how could it not be new - Corgan is older, has more issues sorted out and focusses on different things, regardless of what any other reveiwer I have read says...

But the wicked guitar work is still there, plus the choppy, jazz influenced drumming, that wonderfully nasal voice, the mix of heavy riffs and mellow
reflection... ahhhh, this is how I love my Pumpkins...

I agree completely. Although I loved the album from the start. I'd say my favorite song on it is Neverlost. The drums are so simple but tricky it's cool to listen to.

scottsy 01-13-2009 08:18 PM

Neverlost is great - and proof positive that Mr. Corgan has lost none of his songwriting prowess!

And with regards to there being several different versions of the album with bonus tracks sold in different stores... who honestly cares - I half think Corgan anticipates the various bonus tracks to be shared and downloaded by completists anyways - either that or it was a record company thing out of his control... or even if it was his idea... so what? Everyone's gotta pay the

But don't forget this is the same guy who once allowed an entire album of his material to be downloaded free online... so he's paid his dues enough already as far as serving fans free stuff...

Tempting-Fate 01-14-2009 09:28 AM

Favourite songs; Daydream (such a great song - D'arcy sings it and it has really nice cello pieces in it). Jellybelly and Muzzle off Mellon Collie and the Infinate Sadness- I don't know why but I have always loved those songs =). Hummer is also a great song...

Zer0 01-14-2009 10:45 AM

Yeah Hummer is such a great song. One SP song i'm really digging at the moment is Honeyspider from the Reel Time Sessions recorded in 1989. It's prob SP at their most spacey, check it out.

scottsy 01-15-2009 08:29 PM

That sounds like its definitely a good track to check out - I am a big fan of spacy - ness and the Smashing Pumpkins, so it sounds like a good combination!

MSPaintClock 01-19-2009 09:03 PM

I love Geek USA live, who here agrees that Geek USA is nuts?

scottsy 01-19-2009 09:33 PM

Greta song, I am in total and complete agreement!

So, I am wondering what people are thinking about this whole "No More Albums" kick Billy is on.... all the press I have read on the Pumpkins and any new possible material seems to centre around the notion that Billy thinks the art of writing for albums is dead in the modern Ipod era, and that he thinks it is pointless making a traditional type album...

Do you think he is serious about the whole EPs and singles only thing? Or is the megalomaniac, artistic, grandiose, purposeful side going to take him over and lead him to write some sort of magnum opus concept piece...

I think he could be in denial, kinda like the Zwan thing...

Dr_Rez 01-19-2009 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by scottsy (Post 581837)
all the press I have read on the Pumpkins and any new possible material seems to centre around the notion that Billy thinks the art of writing for albums is dead in the modern Ipod era, and that he thinks it is pointless making a traditional type album...

Well i think hes right there. 9/10 people I know have 1 song from each artist they like in there library. And when they see mine which only has full albums they think its stupid and ridiculous.

scottsy 01-19-2009 10:01 PM

I think thats kinda sad that people only bother with one song from an artist - or even sadder that alot of "artists" these days are only good for one or two songs...

I have to admit to being a bit of an album purist and enjoying albums as bodies of work... which, I might aruge, attracted me to the Pumpkins - their albums sound like albums, complete and whole... to think of them as a singles and EP band feels, kinda wrong... but if the songs are as a good a quality as they can produce, I'll still be lining up for a listen (or an EP) - I just wanna hear new Smashing Pumpkins songs darnit!

Dr_Rez 01-19-2009 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by scottsy (Post 581867)
I think thats kinda sad that people only bother with one song from an artist - or even sadder that alot of "artists" these days are only good for one or two songs...

I have to admit to being a bit of an album purist and enjoying albums as bodies of work... which, I might aruge, attracted me to the Pumpkins - their albums sound like albums, complete and whole... to think of them as a singles and EP band feels, kinda wrong... but if the songs are as a good a quality as they can produce, I'll still be lining up for a listen (or an EP) - I just wanna hear new Smashing Pumpkins songs darnit!

Yea i completely agree with you. Thats why I am a big vinyl pusher. Most being sold as full albums that people appreciated. But companies quickly realize its cheaper and makes more to release singles.

Also another thing I dislike is people who complain about new albums coming out when only some of the band is left, like the Pumpkins newest (Zeitgeist). I mean ****, people die, disagree, and bands change. There is nothing anyone can do about it. To say an artist should not release something under the same band name because a member isnt there is a load of bull****.

Brad Stengel 01-21-2009 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by scottsy (Post 581867)
I think thats kinda sad that people only bother with one song from an artist - or even sadder that alot of "artists" these days are only good for one or two songs...

I have to admit to being a bit of an album purist and enjoying albums as bodies of work... which, I might aruge, attracted me to the Pumpkins - their albums sound like albums, complete and whole... to think of them as a singles and EP band feels, kinda wrong... but if the songs are as a good a quality as they can produce, I'll still be lining up for a listen (or an EP) - I just wanna hear new Smashing Pumpkins songs darnit!

Mosts artists have always only been good for one song. Out of the millions of albums released in the last 50 years, Id say 5% are even worth listening to. And out of the millions of bands, Id say 50% have one good song, and a much smaller amount have a decent album.

I've always believed that the path that music has taken over the last 50 years is to show that anyone is capable of writing at least one good song.

Not to dismiss albums...its just that I have a deep appreciation for anyone who can keep my attention for that long...that takes real talent.

JJJ567 01-21-2009 10:09 PM

I didn't get a chance to read much of this post...but please tell me I'm not the only person who likes Adore? I think it's pretty underrated.

scottsy 01-21-2009 10:13 PM

JJJ, you are not alone, I also love Adore, if you catch my drift and can make sense out of my messy sentence structure....

It's a great album!

Zer0 01-22-2009 01:57 AM

I love Adore too, it sounds great late at night and Behold! The Night Mare is one of my fav SP songs

Dr_Rez 01-22-2009 03:30 AM


Originally Posted by iksosept (Post 583094)
Siamese Dream was the first cd I bought then - without anyone introducing the band to me.
and I'm very proud of that :)

That is a ****ING AWSOME album to start with. I sure wish thats where I started.

Rainard Jalen 01-22-2009 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by RezZ (Post 583116)
That is a ****ING AWSOME album to start with. I sure wish thats where I started.

Eh, it's an uncommonly good record and, in my view, the best album the band achieved and perhaps the best material to have come out that year.

Dr_Rez 01-22-2009 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by Rainard Jalen (Post 583310)
Eh, it's an uncommonly good record and, in my view, the best album the band achieved and perhaps the best material to have come out that year.

Tough year though. So many good albums.

scottsy 01-22-2009 08:49 PM

It's just such a top listen from starter to closer though, the musicianship is great, the sound is just right, the songs are emotive, powerful but also FUN to listen to, and the balance is just right.... there's little wonder it brought the band to such prominence...

Dr_Rez 01-22-2009 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by scottsy (Post 583478)
It's just such a top listen from starter to closer though, the musicianship is great, the sound is just right, the songs are emotive, powerful but also FUN to listen to, and the balance is just right.... there's little wonder it brought the band to such prominence...

I do find it dull at times though. FOr example the breaks during Silver**** can get tiresome listen after listen.

scottsy 01-22-2009 09:35 PM

I think Mellon Collie added more colors to their pallette too, but I don't find Siamese Dream boring for a one bit... Silver**** is a bit drwam out though, I gotta agree there...

Rainard Jalen 01-23-2009 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by scottsy (Post 583501)

what the fckuk is a dr wam?

scottsy 01-23-2009 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by Rainard Jalen (Post 583569)
what the fckuk is a dr wam?

Dr Wam is George Michael's personal doctor, who never learned to spell.

I'm sorry, I was half drunk while I posting last night, and most of my posts are typed using a keyboard on my lap plugged in to a Nintendo Wii, since this is currently my only portal to the Internet, as the real computer keeps getting hogged by the World of Warcraft users in the house...

... damn that game and its addictive hold on my family...

scottsy 01-23-2009 06:41 AM

I meant to say "drawn out", BTW

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