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sleepy jack 12-13-2005 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by half_baked87
gotta love the pumpkins. my favrouites are cherub rock, rocket and zero. btw misfits have you heard PTW's cover of today? ****in tight.

:) Yes, its one of my favorite PTW songs. I heard it before i heard smashing pumpkins, which is why i like the smashing pumpkin one so much probaly.

half_baked87 12-13-2005 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Alexisonfire
:) Yes, its one of my favorite PTW songs. I heard it before i heard smashing pumpkins, which is why i like the smashing pumpkin one so much probaly.

really?? damn i grew up on the pumpkins.

sleepy jack 12-13-2005 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by half_baked87
really?? damn i grew up on the pumpkins.

I grew up on new wave so =/ i had hardly heard nirvana till i was 12 13ish.

cardboard adolescent 12-13-2005 01:10 PM

I think Bullet With Butterfly Wings was the first rock song I ever liked. Before that it was all movie soundtracks and... worse.

Imonlydancing 12-13-2005 01:15 PM

Theres probably a thread on this already.

I like smashing pumpkins.
Gish is a good album.
I also like meloncollie & the infinate sadness.

Fav songs: Today & 1919 & tonight,tonight.

boo boo 12-13-2005 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent
I think Bullet With Butterfly Wings was the first rock song I ever liked. Before that it was all movie soundtracks and... worse.

These guys?

cardboard adolescent 12-13-2005 02:31 PM


I'm not sure which is worse.

thedude01 12-13-2005 07:13 PM

They Jam

mosesandtherubberducky 12-13-2005 07:23 PM

I like We Only Come Out at Night and Here is No Why at the moment.

Hardcore 12-13-2005 08:55 PM

the killer in me is the killer in you!

boo boo 12-13-2005 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by mosesandtherubberducky
I like We Only Come Out at Night and Here is No Why at the moment.

I need to get out my old Mellon Collie CD and listen to it tonight.

TheBig3 12-13-2005 09:07 PM

Who the **** is PTW?

pastor of muppets 12-13-2005 09:08 PM

emptiness is cleanliness and cleanliness is godliness and god is empty just like me....

love it

sleepy jack 12-13-2005 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog
Who the **** is PTW?

Poison The Well

Scarlett O'Hara 12-14-2005 01:36 AM

I absolutely love Bullet With Buttefly Wings.

And. The band.

MURDER JUNKIE 12-14-2005 01:42 AM

Absolutely horrible live band. They sound so good on cd and I was so excited to see them at Lolapalooza, then they came on and sounded like ****. After a while people started throwing water bottles, I was one of them. That ticket cost me a lot of money

Muzak 12-14-2005 03:47 PM

First song I head was Cherub Roek and thought it was amazing. They are a great heavy band. My favorite song is Everlasting Gaze. It gives me shivers when I hear the guitars.

one_more_atrocity 12-15-2005 06:31 AM

i like this the pumkins alot, didnt really get into them right at the start whent hey first came out but once i listen to their songs i really started to get into them and still like them now.

MyFavouriteAccident 12-15-2005 07:48 AM

great band, german friend got me into them. love bullet, everlasting gaze, and tonight tonight.

i got a clip of them on the tonight show *or one of them american things* and they actually sound pretty good...

oh well, each performance is different., my band, first gig, not too great, next gig, awesome. :D

mosesandtherubberducky 01-18-2006 08:06 PM




Come on Billy is phenominal and you know that you like 1979 or Bullet with Butterfly Wings or if you're really cool you like Tales of Schorched Earth.


jazzfromhell 01-18-2006 09:05 PM

Siamese Dream is a great album with a lot of great songs (I hate Disarm though). I burned Mellon Collie a while ago, I'll listen to it one of these days. Can't actually remember if I still have the disc...

boo boo 01-18-2006 09:06 PM

If you dont like The Smashing Pumpkins, i dont like you. :mad:

jazzfromhell 01-18-2006 10:38 PM


coffeeshop 01-19-2006 11:31 AM

Great band. My favourite songs are Here Is No Why, 1979 and Today. I haven't heard anything from Gish though. :(

mosesandtherubberducky 01-19-2006 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by coffeeshop
Great band. My favourite songs are Here Is No Why, 1979 and Today. I haven't heard anything from Gish though. :(

I'm learning Here Is No Why. I like Jellybelly (believe that is the name I don't want to go look) Zero, and Muzzle to name a few. I believe they are supposed to have a reunion tour this year. *wets self in thought of them playing live and seeing them*

Shooting Star 01-22-2006 10:45 AM

I enjoy me teh Pumpkins. Mellon Collie and siamese Dream are both brilliant albums.

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-22-2006 11:41 AM

Dear Billy Corgan

Please do not reform
Please do not reform
Please do not reform
Please do not reform
Please do not reform
Please do not reform
Please do not reform
Please do not reform
Please do not reform
Please do not reform
Please do not reform
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Please do not reform
Please do not reform
Please do not reform
Please do not reform
Please do not reform
Please do not reform



franscar 01-22-2006 02:42 PM

Franscar hereby predicts that the Pumpkins will be on this years Reading Festival bill.

And they'd better not even dream of being ****.

Merkaba 01-22-2006 04:22 PM

I enjoy most Smashing Pumpkins.

I have their Greatest Hits. A dedicated fan.

boo boo 01-23-2006 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
Dear Billy Corgan

Please do not reform
Please do not reform
Please do not reform
Please do not reform
Please do not reform
Please do not reform
Please do not reform
Please do not reform
Please do not reform
Please do not reform
Please do not reform
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Please do not reform



Why not??...Id rather see him get back together with the Pumpkins (which would be great imo) than continue his solo career, or even worse, ZWAN. O_O

NaNaNer 12-26-2006 09:16 AM

I remember I watched the movie Single..and the song "Drown" was played..and I went out and bought the Soundtrack which was multi plantinum..selling...anyways..I was really impressed with it..and bought Siamese 93' I was just barely 11 when that album came out but I literally broke the tape cause I listened to it so much...I have been a Pumpkin fan for as long as I have been a Tool fan...but now Billie's solo act is a little dissapointing.

poloboy23 05-08-2007 02:22 PM

Greatest Smashing Pumpkins Songs of all time
My list is as follows:
1. Bullet with Buttefly Wings Mellon Collie 1995
2. 1979 Mellon Collie 1995
3. Cherub Rock Siamese Dream 1993
4. Mayonaise Siamese Dream 1993
5. Zero Mellon Collie 1995
6. Ava Adore Adore 1998
7. Hello Kitty Kat Pisces Iscariot 1994
8. Today Siamese Dream 1993
9. Rhinoceros Gish 1991
10. Soma Siamese Dream 1993
11. Quiet Siamese Dream 1993
12. Tonight, Tonight Mellon Collie 1995
13. Rocket Siamese Dream 1993
14. Geek U.S.A. Siamese Dream 1993
15. Pissant Pisces Iscariot 1994
16. Girl Named Sandoz Piscses Iscariot 1994
17. Disarm Siamese Dream 1993
18. Muzzle Mellon Collie 1995
19. Silver**** Siamese Dream 1993
20. The Everlasting Gaze Machina the Machines of God 2000
21. Eye Lost Highway Soundtrack 1997
22. The End is the Beginning is the End Batman Soundtrack 1997
23. Here is no Why Mellon Collie 1995
24. Love Mellon Collie 1995
25. Plume Pisces Iscariot 1994
26. Jellybelly Mellon Collie 1995
27. Bury Me Gish 1991
28. Frail and Bedazzled Pisces Iscariot 1994
29. Landsilde Pisces Iscariot 1994
30. Tristessa Gish 1991

Smashing Pumpkins at virgin fest= money

Kevorkian Logic 05-08-2007 06:06 PM

^That used to be my list. I was even geeky enough to have a shirt that said "The world is a Vampire" however it caused half the people in my school to freak out in like fear or something, one girl even called my shirt "satanic." (which I thought was a bit extreme).

My list has definitely altered a bit from that as I got older (not to mention I rarely listen to them now), but thats not a bad one.

bardonodude 05-08-2007 10:21 PM

1. Silver****
2. Frail and Bedazzled
3. Luna
4. Geek USA
5. To Sheila

I dont listen to them as much as I used to either =(. Theyre one of my top 5 favorite bands though, melloncollie is pure genius, the only album I really dont like of theirs is the new one which is pretty much total goth weirdness.

Smashing Jeffrey 05-09-2007 11:21 AM

The greatest group in Alt history, and my personal favorite. Seeing as how I could list every song they've ever performed in the exact order of their appeal to me (last being Take Me Down, naturally, as James Iha simply doesn't have a rock voice), I'll spare you and simply list my favorites from each studio album.

1. Bury Me
2. I Am One
3. Siva

Siamese Dream
1. Disarm
2. Spaceboy
3. Mayonaise

Mellon Collie & The Infinite Sadness - Disc 1
1. Tonight, Tonight
2. Cupid de Locke
3. To Forgive

Mellon Collie & The Infinite Sadness - Disc 2
1. Bodies
2. 1979
3. Thirty-Three

1. Tear
2. Daphne descends
3. Ava Adore

Machina/The Machines of God
1. Age of Innocence
2. The Everlasting Gaze
2. Try, Try, Try

Machina II/The Friends and Enemies of Modern Music
1. Home
2. White Spyder
3. Blue Skies Bring Tears (Heavy Version)

...Blah, that's quite a list no matter how I put it. Just spreading the Pumpkin love!

Loser 05-09-2007 02:31 PM

Tristessa is my fav Smashing Pumpkins song, pretty much everything on Gish is just freakin amazing. I's it any wonder why it's my favorite album :thumb:

Zombie_Fetish 05-11-2007 11:23 AM break it down quickly...i really like Ava Adore &&& bullet with butterfly wings both amazing songs

Nathan Explosion 05-11-2007 03:10 PM

I really like "eye" and "Ava Adore". I named my cat Ava, and she sounds kinda like Billy Corgan.

Kevorkian Logic 05-16-2007 03:35 PM

Did anybody else know they had rebanded and are on tour this summer?
A friend told me recently they were coming to my state and asked if I wanted to come with him to which I replied with a blank stare. So, anyways I checked and they're definitely back together....

TheBig3 05-16-2007 10:17 PM

Well, two of them anyhow, but frankly, the only two that mattered.

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