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LoathsomePete 12-09-2009 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Engine (Post 781682)
Gish was one of my favorite albums for a while when I was in high school. I loved Siamese Dream too. But beyond those and Pisces Iscariot and whatever other old singles are around - I find them pretty unlistenable. Funny story: between the years of about 1998-2001 I tried to sell my Mellon Collie CD to used record stores 3 different times (as one in a stack I was trying to sell) and it was turned down every time. My copy was in excellent condition - it was just that the record stores had too many already (one of them told me that, anyway). But I'm actually glad that I held on to it - even though I may never listen to it I still consider it the final legit SP album.

Haha I know that feeling, I've been trying to huck Sixteen Stone since I was 16 but every time I take it in I get turned down for the exact same reason.

scottsy 12-09-2009 09:14 PM

I think by the time Adore turned up, there was a sizeable backlash against a good deal of bands heavily popular in the early nineties...Pearl Jam, REM, and other similarly high profile alternative bands all took a big whallop popularity wise.... marketing hit back and gave us.... girl and boy bands, sadly.

I think Adore is an outstanding piece of work, even more so when you consider all of the factors standing in the way of it even being made. It's still a big time favorite of mine.

Violent & Funky 12-10-2009 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by sidewinder (Post 781539)
Totally agree. And sadly, that goes for almost every double-CD in existence, no matter how much I may like a band.

sidewinder 12-10-2009 12:00 PM

Yup, they are far too long. Especially considering how short the songs are...after a while you've had enough, even if they're good.

Violent & Funky 12-10-2009 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by sidewinder (Post 782088)
Yup, they are far too long. Especially considering how short the songs are...after a while you've had enough, even if they're good.

No way in hell. I wish Double Nickels was 145 songs...

someonecompletelyrandom 12-10-2009 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by sidewinder (Post 781539)
Totally agree. And sadly, that goes for almost every double-CD in existence, no matter how much I may like a band.

Honestly only 1 or 2 songs it could have done without.

loveissucide 12-12-2009 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by sidewinder (Post 781539)

Totally agree. And sadly, that goes for almost every double-CD in existence, no matter how much I may like a band.

duga 01-16-2010 07:27 PM

i'm totally bumping this thread because...well...smashing pumpkins kick ass.

Zer0 01-21-2010 05:01 PM

Their new song 'Widow Make My Mind' seems ok. Those 'oh oh oh's from Billy seem kinda irritating but other that that it's not too bad i guess, it's kinda poppy as well.

I've been listening to their early demo tapes recently and i must say that the Moon demo is pretty damn good. I've really fallen in love with 'Egg', 'Bye June', 'Stars Fall In' and 'Psychodelic', Jimmy's drumming on the last 3 minutes of the latter is mind-blowing. Their self-titled demo is rubbish though apart from the first 2 songs, and there's also a couple of songs which sound like Billy fronting early Iron Maiden ('Nothing and Everything' and 'Spitface')

sidewinder 01-21-2010 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by Zero1986 (Post 814507)
Their new song 'Widow Make My Mind' seems ok. Those 'oh oh oh's from Billy seem kinda irritating but other that that it's not too bad i guess, it's kinda poppy as well.

Guess I'll have to grab that. Was it released this week? Man their site sucks so clear information on when stuff is released.

Zer0 01-21-2010 05:21 PM

Yeah it was released a couple of days ago. I didn't know the song was going to be released until i saw a post about the song on facebook, i don't really look at the website too often. The song's not too bad, it certainly grows on you after a few listens.

duga 01-21-2010 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by Zero1986 (Post 814507)
Their new song 'Widow Make My Mind' seems ok. Those 'oh oh oh's from Billy seem kinda irritating but other that that it's not too bad i guess, it's kinda poppy as well.

I've been listening to their early demo tapes recently and i must say that the Moon demo is pretty damn good. I've really fallen in love with 'Egg', 'Bye June', 'Stars Fall In' and 'Psychodelic', Jimmy's drumming on the last 3 minutes of the latter is mind-blowing. Their self-titled demo is rubbish though apart from the first 2 songs, and there's also a couple of songs which sound like Billy fronting early Iron Maiden ('Nothing and Everything' and 'Spitface')

did you listen to their first ever show at the metro? it sounds like some weird iron maiden/cure hybrid that just doesn't work at all. the reason is because they wrote those songs without jimmy and he added such a powerful element that when they wrote later songs it added so much power they had to be more of a "rock" band.

mashed potatoes is should check that out as well

Zer0 01-21-2010 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by duga (Post 814527)
did you listen to their first ever show at the metro? it sounds like some weird iron maiden/cure hybrid that just doesn't work at all. the reason is because they wrote those songs without jimmy and he added such a powerful element that when they wrote later songs it added so much power they had to be more of a "rock" band.

mashed potatoes is should check that out as well

I haven't listened to the entire show yet but there's a track on their self-titled demo taken from that show, 'Sun'. It sounds like Billy fronting The Cure but in a really wierd way. Yeah i have Mashed Potatoes it's so cool, one of the really great things about the Pumpkins is the amount of cool b-sides and rare tracks.

duga 01-21-2010 05:59 PM

i am always amazed at the quality of their bsides...i am a proud owner of the aeroplane flies high box set in great condition.

the fact that machina 2 was free and had so much stellar material makes me love them so much more. speed kills...amazing song.

scottsy 01-22-2010 09:37 AM

I'll have to download me that new song.... I completely forgot they were coming out with new material this year....

boo boo 02-22-2010 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by sidewinder (Post 781539)
Totally agree. And sadly, that goes for almost every double-CD in existence, no matter how much I may like a band.

Eh, I don't agree with that, some bands really do just have so much material to choose from that it's better to just let loose with a double album, I don't think that's a sign of arrogance or anything. With concept albums (like Tommy and The Wall) every song moves the story and pace along, take out even some of the lesser tracks and it might feel like something is missing, like editing out a scene of a movie that explains an important plot point.

If I had to pick a favorite double album it would probably be Melon Collie.

Other great double albums: Physical Grafitti, London Calling, White Album, Double Nickels on the Dime, Songs in the Key of Life, Tales From Topographic Oceans, Thick as a Brick, Wheels of Fire, Bitches Brew, Space Ritual, Lamb Lies Down on Broadway, Electric Ladyland, Something/Anything?, Life After Death, Tago Mago, Kobaia, Focus III. I love Tommy and The Wall too, I know everyone hates those but whatever.

IMO the most overrated double album ever is Blonde on Blonde, it's just insufferably boring, Zen Arcade isn't my thing either.

I still need to listen to Embryonic by Flaming Lips.

duga 02-22-2010 01:54 AM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 829499)
Tales From Topographic Oceans

Wow, you like this album? You are probably the only other person on Earth I know that listens to this album, then. I couldn't get into it until I was a hardcore Yes fan. Though, I'm not sure of its general opinion on this forum.

boo boo 02-23-2010 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by duga (Post 829506)
Wow, you like this album? You are probably the only other person on Earth I know that listens to this album, then. I couldn't get into it until I was a hardcore Yes fan. Though, I'm not sure of its general opinion on this forum.

Not only do I love this album, after Melon Collie, it would be my next choice for best double album ever made.

General opinion can go f*ck itself.

Necromancer 06-05-2010 09:15 AM

1979 - Smashing Pumpkins
I love the simplisity, and the mood of this song, one of my favorites by the Pumpkins.

YouTube - Smashing Pumpkins 1979 video

Zer0 06-05-2010 02:17 PM

Yes, 1979 is definitely one of my favourites :D what makes it even more special is that it holds up to repeated listening so well, after hearing it so many times it still sounds great compared to other well known Pumpkins songs like Today and Bullet With Butterfly Wings.

Regarding Teargarden By Kaleidyscope what are peoples' impressions on the first 4 songs? After listening to each of them individually as they were released i listened to all four of them together recently and i think the first 3 songs 'A Song For A Son', 'Widow Wake My Mind' and 'A Stitch In Time' work pretty well together. 'Astral Planes' on the other hand is really bad. It starts off really promising though, as soon as i heard the heavy distorted guitars i thought "Yes! Classic Pumpkins", but when it came to the first verse i thought "WTF???". It just sounds all over the place and completely misjudged, probably one of the worst things Billy has ever done. But still i'm looking forward to more songs from Billy, there'll probably be a few more turds but if he can produce plenty more good songs i'll still be happy.

duga 06-05-2010 06:55 PM

Being a die hard Pumpkins fan, I will listen to just about anything Billy releases, but they will just never top what they did in the 90's. That being said, I thought the first Teargarden EP was not too bad...far better than Zeitgeist at least. It just kind of bugs the **** out of me that Jimmy isn't there anymore. I was completely satisfied calling the band Smashing Pumpkins as long as Jimmy was still there...but now that he is gone it really is just a Billy solo project.

He is supposed to be going all over the place with these Teargarden EP' the next one will solidify my opinion of how I think they are doing.

I think right now the number one thing I would like to see from them is a properly mastered version of Machina II...the vinyl rips are fine, but I really want to hear what the complete vision of those songs is meant to be.

SGR 06-06-2010 05:28 PM

^A properly mastered and released version of Machina II will never happen.

As for my favorite Pumpkin Songs:

Here Is No Why
Porcelina Of The Vast Oceans
Thru The Eyes Of Ruby
Geek U.S.A.
Slow Dawn
To Sheila
Glass And The Ghost Children
Glass' Theme

And too many others to list.

90'sMusicKid 06-06-2010 07:49 PM

Favorite Songs:

Everything off Gish, Siamese Dream and Pisces Iscariot.

Songs I hate:

Bullet With Butterfly Wings

Tonight Tonight


Everything off Adore

sidewinder 06-06-2010 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by 90'sMusicKid (Post 878149)
Songs I hate:
Tonight Tonight

High five!


Originally Posted by 90'sMusicKid (Post 878149)
Songs I hate:

Everything off Adore

I actually quite like most of Adore. With a bit of fat trimmed (for length, mostly) it would be a really solid IMO. As is I still consider it very good.

90'sMusicKid 06-06-2010 08:58 PM

Let me put it this way, I like the melody's in Adore, but the electronic drums in the entire album sound SOOOOOO stupid.

sidewinder 06-06-2010 09:10 PM

I guess they don't bother me because I'm a fan of electronic music, and I think it worked well for those songs. I like the dark gothic feel of it, even though it's drastically different from their previous albums. I really love the song "Eye" from the Lost Highway soundtrack that came out before Adore, and it really set the stage for what was to come.

duga 06-06-2010 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by SoundgardenRocks (Post 878115)
^A properly mastered and released version of Machina II will never happen.

I'm well aware of that.


Originally Posted by 90'sMusicKid (Post 878179)
Let me put it this way, I like the melody's in Adore, but the electronic drums in the entire album sound SOOOOOO stupid.

Ummm...have you listened to the whole album? There are plenty of live drums in there...including a track featuring Matt Cameron from Soundgarden/Pearl Jam. Adore is an amazing album and it is actually that album that built up the respect I have for Billy Corgan. He was the king of alternative and decided to make an electro-pop album...not many artists will attempt something like that. You can argue the album is crap but it is one of my favorite SP albums.

90'sMusicKid 06-06-2010 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by duga (Post 878191)
I'm well aware of that.

Ummm...have you listened to the whole album? There are plenty of live drums in there...including a track featuring Matt Cameron from Soundgarden/Pearl Jam. Adore is an amazing album and it is actually that album that built up the respect I have for Billy Corgan. He was the king of alternative and decided to make an electro-pop album...not many artists will attempt something like that. You can argue the album is crap but it is one of my favorite SP albums.

I didn't say it was a crap, its a great album Im just not a fan of it.

Zer0 06-07-2010 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by 90'sMusicKid (Post 878149)
Favorite Songs:

Everything off Gish, Siamese Dream and Pisces Iscariot.

Songs I hate:

Bullet With Butterfly Wings

Tonight Tonight


Everything off Adore

Adore is my 2nd favourite Pumpkins album. I can understand why a lot of people dislike it, they just want some rock music, but Adore isn't a rock album it's something else. It has Billy's most beautiful, personal and heartfelt songs and his songwriting was streets ahead of what was on Mellon Collie, maybe this was the real Billy Corgan?

The only Pumpkins songs i can't really bear to listen to are 'Spiteface' and 'Nothing and Everything' off their self-titled demo. They sound really directionless, misjudged and just don't work at all no matter how much you listen to them. And maybe some Mellon Collie tracks like 'We Only Come Out At Night' and 'Farewell and Goodnight'.

sidewinder 06-07-2010 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Zero1986 (Post 878563)
The only Pumpkins songs i can't really bear to listen to are ... And maybe some Mellon Collie tracks like '1979' and 'Tonight, Tonight'.

Edited for me.

boo boo 06-08-2010 01:58 AM

Yeah Adore gets way too much hate. It's really the last above average SP record.


Originally Posted by 90'sMusicKid (Post 878149)
Bullet With Butterfly Wings

Tonight Tonight


Does this have something to do with them being their most popular songs? Those are great songs and highlights from the album, they just suffer from radio overplay. Which contrary to popular opinion, does NOT make good songs bad.

sidewinder 06-08-2010 09:13 AM

The two I mentioned, for me, have nothing to do with their popularity. I just never liked them. I always thought Bullet With Butterfly Wings was ok but I admit I like it a bit less now from having heard it so much. It's almost become a cliche. And while radio overplay does not make a song good or bad (one would be silly to think so), it can affect your enjoyment of it in a big way.

boo boo 06-08-2010 09:23 AM

Tonight Tonight and 1979 are still among my favorite tracks on the album. I mean of all the Mellon Collie songs why pick those out? Are they really worse than We Only Come Out at Night and Love?

duga 06-08-2010 09:41 AM


You don't like Love? I think its a great song...especially the Doom explosion at the very end.

boo boo 06-08-2010 10:01 AM

I just consider it one of the weaker tracks on the album. But I don't really hate any songs off of Mellon in particular. IMO it's the best double album ever made.

duga 06-08-2010 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 879001)
I just consider it one of the weaker tracks on the album. But I don't really hate any songs off of Mellon in particular. IMO it's the best double album ever made.

This coming from a prog fan? That's awesome...I agree totally. Though I still like Siamese Dream a bit better.

sidewinder 06-08-2010 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 878974)
I mean of all the Mellon Collie songs why pick those out?

I could ask you the same about We Only Come Out at Night and Love, both of which I do like better. ;)

Violent & Funky 06-08-2010 10:33 AM

I only have the first three albums, but my favorites off of each are 'Bury Me' (love the bass line), 'Geek U.S.A.' (love the guitar in general), and '**** You (An Ode To No One)' (love the intro) respectively...

Violent & Funky 06-08-2010 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 879001)
IMO it's the best double album ever made.

Double Nickels? :(

SeymourGreenspoon 06-17-2010 12:33 AM

An excellent band but damn, why did they have to make SO many ballads?

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