Name This Awesome Suicide Song For Me
I listened to a song by who I thought was Steppenwolf a few years ago, had an excruciatingly beautiful melody so I wanted to find it again, the only trouble is it pulled a Houdini on me and the internet is being particular unhelpful, probably because of it's content, the problem is if it's not nuclear secrets or child porn the person trying to censor that sort of thing should be given the opportunity to develop a healthy respect for the free flow of information by being placed somewhere cold and dark and itself not very near the internet for a considerable length of time, but I digress; the remembered lyrics are:
Gonna/Gotta/Got to "die by suicide"
or will you "need an alibi"
anyway a moving melody you guys should listen to it when we figure it out, it may be another song by Steppenwolf but its being censored or it might be someone else/some other band, maybe the Eagles but I don't think so... as it stands the song I thought would certainly be it is twice named, Monster/Suicide, I heard monster before but that's not the right song so lets figure it out.