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The Batlord 02-26-2017 05:44 PM

Top 10 Thrash Albums (One Artist Per List)
Simple enough. What's your top ten list for thrash albums, and only one album per artist. Mine is more or less in order, but the last few entries might not be in order.

1. Metallica - Kill Em All
2. Slayer - Hell Awaits
3. Vio-lence - Eternal Nightmare
4. Demolition Hammer - Epidemic of Violence
5. Anthrax - Spread the Disease
6. Megadeth - Killing Is My Business... And Business Is Good
7. Exodus - Bonded by Blood
8. Overkill - The Years of Decay
9. Dark Angel - Time Does not Heal
10. Anacrusis - Suffering Hour

Mondo Bungle 02-26-2017 06:09 PM

Mine would be like this probably

1. Kreator - Pleasure to Kill
2. Metallica - Ride the Lightning
3. Sepultura - Schizophrenia
4. Coroner - Mental Vortex
5. Demolition Hammer - Epidemic of Violence
6. Anthrax - Among the Living
7. Voivod - Killing Technology
8. Pestilence - Malleus Maleficarum
9. Devastation - Idolatry
10. Megadeth - Peace Sells but Who's Buying

The Batlord 02-26-2017 06:25 PM

I used to like Idolatry more, but these days it's not quite brutal enough, not quite raw enough, not quite energetic enough, not quite awesome enough to satisfy me thoroughly. It's got great parts (and the title track is still the ****ing business) but other death thrash albums grab me more. Aside from Demolition Hammer, I'd put Morbid Saint's Spectrum of Death, Protector's A Shedding of Skin, Solstice's self-titled (if for only intensity), both Exhorder albums, and possibly Num Skull's Ritually Abused above it.

OccultHawk 02-26-2017 06:35 PM

1. Slayer- Reign in Blood
2. Exhorder- Slaughter in the Vatican
3. Exodus- Shovel Headed Kill Machine
4. Testament- The New Order
5. Megadeth- Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?
6. Anthrax- Among the Living
7. Kreator - Extreme Aggression
8. Stormtroopers of Death- Speak English or Die
9. Morbid Saint- Spectrum of Death
10. Nuclear Assault- Handle With Care

OccultHawk 02-26-2017 06:39 PM


Demolition Hammer - Epidemic of Violence
I decided this wasn't strictly thrash.

The Batlord 02-26-2017 06:46 PM

Dude, it's totally thrash. It definitely doesn't cross the line into death metal. And props for Shovel Headed Kill Machine. It's not quite the Exodus album I'd have chosen, but that just might be nostalgia. 20th century Exodus is the best thrash metal band, even if no one else knows it.

Mondo Bungle 02-26-2017 06:49 PM

Tempo of the Damned is my favorite Exodus album I think. SHKM is cool and should have been the way they kept going with the Dukes albums because the ones after that could get pretty boring.

The Batlord 02-26-2017 06:53 PM

Yeah after SHKM they got too long-winded, but they still always made at least a few of the best thrash songs ever made. Shovel-Headed Kill Machine was just too "really ****ing good" all the way through, but without quite being truly brilliant at any point. And Tempo of the Damned was pretty much perfect for the first half, but then became just decent for the second half. I don't think Exodus have ever released an album that didn't have problems. Even Bonded by Blood has some filler.

Mondo Bungle 02-26-2017 06:56 PM

What about like, Force of Habit

Edit: I misunderstood.

Mondo Bungle 02-26-2017 07:01 PM

The longer ones on SHKM are still pretty nice all the way through I think. Deathamphetamine is the best

The Batlord 02-26-2017 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Mondo Bungle (Post 1809452)
What about like, Force of Habit

Edit: I misunderstood.

I haven't listened as much to Force of Habit since it doesn't do a whole lot for me. They did that idea way better with their revival.


Originally Posted by Mondo Bungle (Post 1809454)
The longer ones on SHKM are still pretty nice all the way through I think. Deathamphetamine is the best

Yeah, but though they ****ing ruled on that album, they never quite ****ing obliterated. This is all relative of course, since 99% of thrash bands could never touch Exodus. Why anyone thinks that new Testament can compete with new Exodus is beyond me.

Mondo Bungle 02-26-2017 07:21 PM

I haven't listened to their new album yet but my dad likes it a lot

Force of Habit is rampant with filler. It overstays its welcome but has a few real memorable songs.

OccultHawk 02-26-2017 07:24 PM


Dark Angel - Time Does not Heal
When I was brushing up on thrash last year summer (and fell in love with Exhorder) I really did find that album deliciously creepy.

The Batlord 02-26-2017 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by Mondo Bungle (Post 1809459)
I haven't listened to their new album yet but my dad likes it a lot

Force of Habit is rampant with filler. It overstays its welcome but has a few real memorable songs.

Blood In Blood Out is highly decent. Like pretty much everything they've done. I don't remember any ridiculously standout tracks, but I never listened to it that much. Zetro's delivery has definitely aged though as I remember. It's a good album though, so listen to it. Has some gnarly gang vocals.


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 1809460)
When I was brushing up on thrash last year summer (and fell in love with Exhorder) I really did find that album deliciously creepy.

Time Does not Heal is quite possibly the most emotionally gripping and nihilistic thrash album ever made. Only thrash album that ever made me depressed. That's a compliment.

Blue Hawk 02-27-2017 11:36 AM

1. Slayer - Divine Intervention
2. Sepultura - Beneath the Remains
3. Sodom - Persecution Mania
4. Rigor Mortis - Rigor Mortis
5. Kreator - Terrible Certainty
6. Overkill - The Years of Decay
7. Anthrax - Fistful of Metal
8. Gammacide - Victims of Science
9. Intruder - Live to Die
10. Sarco***o - The Laws of Scourge

Zer0 02-27-2017 03:04 PM

01. Slayer - Reign in Blood
02. Sabbat - Dreamweaver
03. Morbid Saint - Spectrum of Death
04. Dark Angel - Darkness Descends
05. Metallica - Ride the Lightning
06. Sepultura - Arise
07. Testament - The Legacy
08. Death Angel - The Ultra-Violence
09. Coroner - Mental Vortex
10. Anthrax - Among the Living

Frownland 02-28-2017 12:28 PM

1. Slayer - Reign In Blood
2. Megadeth - Peace Sells...But Who's Buying?
3. Sarco***o - Rotting
4. Metallica - Ride the Lightning
5. Heathen - Breaking the Silence
6. Artillery - By Inheritance
7. Celtic Frost - To Mega Therion
8. Testament - The New Order
9. S.O.D. - Speak English Or Die
10. Nail Bomb - Point Blank

FRED HALE SR. 02-28-2017 01:20 PM

1. Kreator- Pleasure To Kill
2. D.R.I- Dirty Rotten L.P
3. Suicidal Tendencies- Self Titled
4. Metallica- Kill Em All
5. Slayer- Reign In Blood
6. Celtic Frost- To Mega Therion
7. Slayer- Hell Awaits
8. Dystopia- Human=Garbage
9. Metallica- Ride The Lightning
10. Pantera- Vulgar Display Of Power

OccultHawk 02-28-2017 04:49 PM

I don't consider Celtic Frost thrash.

Frownland 02-28-2017 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 1809978)
I don't consider Celtic Frost thrash.

To Mega Therion has enough thrash elements imo but I see where you're coming from.

FRED HALE SR. 02-28-2017 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1809979)
To Mega Therion has enough thrash elements imo but I see where you're coming from.

Its thrash to me. I wasn't certain on Suicidal but I consider Mega Therion thrash and quite a good record. Also had issues putting Dystopia on my list but what the hell are they?

The Batlord 02-28-2017 04:57 PM

Anytime I've said to myself, "Batlord," (I call myself Batlord), "Batlord, what thrash album do you wanna listen to today?", I have never once thought of anything by Celtic Frost, but that's also a product of pedantic sub-genre Nazism. So who ****ing cares? Close enough.

Frownland 02-28-2017 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR. (Post 1809981)
Its thrash to me. I wasn't certain on Suicidal but I consider Mega Therion thrash and quite a good record. Also had issues putting Dystopia on my list but what the hell are they?

Suicidal was on my list before I remembered how S.O.D. kicks more ass.

I kinda cheated with Nail Bomb too.

The Batlord 02-28-2017 05:06 PM

SOD were on my list at first, then I remembered how the second half of Speak English or Die isn't nearly as good as the first. Also, heavy props to Heathen, as they were on my list at first as well. I wouldn't have thought you'd even like them.

Frownland 02-28-2017 05:08 PM

It's an early thrash love of mine that I'll never tire of.

Mondo Bungle 02-28-2017 05:08 PM

Pleasure to Kill will always just be retardedly sick to me

OccultHawk 02-28-2017 05:16 PM


SOD were on my list at first, then I remembered how the second half of Speak English or Die
I had this cassette I recorded off the local college radio station that had that "kill yourself kill yourself" when I was in high school. It was in my Walkman like crazy. I'd be stoned listening to that over and over. I actually thought that was a Celtic Frost song for a long time. Before the internet and all.

EPOCH6 02-28-2017 05:38 PM

I made a Top 100 Thrash Albums list when I was in highschool and posting actively on Thrash Unlimited, I wish the domain was still up so I could get it. I can probably remember most of the Top 10...

Probably something like this:

1. Metallica - Kill Em' All
2. Artillery - By Inheritance
3. Demolition Hammer - Epidemic of Violence
4. Megadeth - Rust in Peace
5. Vektor - Black Future
6. Slayer - Show No Mercy
7. Metallica - Ride the Lightning
8. Sodom - Agent Orange
9. Exodus - Bonded By Blood
10. Nuclear Assault - Handle With Care

The Batlord 02-28-2017 06:02 PM

It warms my cockles to see so much Demolition Hammer love.

EPOCH6 02-28-2017 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1810049)
It warms my cockles to see so much Demolition Hammer love.

In my final year of highschool student council thought it would be a good idea to let the entire graduating class nominate any song as a "graduation theme" to be played over the loudspeaker at the end of our final day of class. My pals and I managed to rally up at least 20 votes for Pyroclastic Annihilation, I consider that one of my greatest accomplishments in life, even though Beiber beat us in the end.

The Batlord 03-01-2017 02:59 AM

Those lame ****ers.

Whale Song 03-19-2017 08:08 PM

In random order:

Metallica - Master of Puppets
Slayer - Reign in Blood
Testament - The Gathering
Overkill - Horrorscope
Kreator - Pleasure to Kill
Exodus - The Atrocity Exhibition: Exhibit A
Sepultura - Chaos AD
Annihilator - Alice in Hell
Dark Angel - Darkness Descends
Megadeth - Rust in Peace

Wpnfire 03-24-2017 11:50 PM

  1. Deathrow—Deception Ignored
  2. Master of Puppets
  3. Reign In Blood
  4. Darkness Descends—Dark Angel
  5. By Inheritance—Artillery
  6. Rust In Peace
  7. Slaughter In the Vatican—Exhorder
  8. Retaliatory Strike—At War
  9. Among the Living—Anthrax
  10. Epidemic of Violence—Demolition Hammer

Among the Living used to be one of my favorite metal albums ever, but its deliberately unimpressive instrumentation bothers me now.

Also not sure where to put Demo. Hammer. Could be as high as #6 or #7. Also epidemic of violence has a killer guitar tone. Best I've heard in thrash.

Justthefacts 03-25-2017 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by Wpnfire (Post 1816456)
  1. Deathrow—Deception Ignored
  2. Master of Puppets
  3. Reign In Blood
  4. Darkness Descends—Dark Angel
  5. By Inheritance—Artillery
  6. Rust In Peace
  7. Slaughter In the Vatican—Exhorder
  8. Retaliatory Strike—At War
  9. Among the Living—Anthrax
  10. Epidemic of Violence—Demolition Hammer

I'm pretty sure there's no way I can't listen to an album called Slaughter In The Vatican. Goes against everything I believe in but gosh darn if that isn't a badass title.

The Batlord 03-25-2017 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by Justthefacts (Post 1816466)
I'm pretty sure there's no way I can't listen to an album called Slaughter In The Vatican. Goes against everything I believe in but gosh darn if that isn't a badass title.

Great ****ing band too.

Justthefacts 03-25-2017 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1816476)
Great ****ing band too.

Yeah I'm giving this an extensive listen.

Blue Hawk 03-25-2017 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by Wpnfire (Post 1816456)
  1. Deathrow—Deception Ignored
  2. Master of Puppets
  3. Reign In Blood
  4. Darkness Descends—Dark Angel
  5. By Inheritance—Artillery
  6. Rust In Peace
  7. Slaughter In the Vatican—Exhorder
  8. Retaliatory Strike—At War
  9. Among the Living—Anthrax
  10. Epidemic of Violence—Demolition Hammer

At War is ****ing underrated band. Their debut 'Ordered to Kill' is also worth listening to.

Wpnfire 03-25-2017 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by Blue Hawk (Post 1816504)
At War is ****ing underrated band. Their debut 'Ordered to Kill' is also worth listening to.

Retaliatory Strike has some killer production too.

Blue Hawk 03-25-2017 11:05 AM

My favorite At War songs.

The Identity Matrix 03-25-2017 10:29 PM

Back from the dead....

Top 10 thrash metal albums as close to an order as I can come up with:

1. Exodus - Bonded by Blood
2. Metallica - Master of Puppets
3. Testament - Practice What You Preach
4. Sepultura - Chaos A.D.
5. Kreator - Phantom Antichrist
6. Evile - Five Serpent's Teeth
7. Morbid Saint - Spectrum of Death
8. Demolition Hammer - Epidemic of Violence
9. Megadeath - Rust in Peace
10. Death Angel - The Ultra-Violence

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