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Old 06-03-2009, 08:38 AM   #481 (permalink)
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not all people are into hardcore music and A7X is obviously no longer hardcore/screamo. and can you type your spelling before you post. i dont like reading childish mumbling.
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Old 06-03-2009, 08:54 AM   #482 (permalink)
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Yes but Hardcore music actually has heart and emotion in it...This new stuff is just a money making sceme and is obviously no where near there old stuff

Btw you can check your posts before hitting the submit button...I dont like reading idiocy
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Old 06-03-2009, 12:06 PM   #483 (permalink)
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what is to say that the new stuff doesn't have heart and emotion. do you realize what your saying? and how are my posts child idiocy

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Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural id·i·o·cies
Date: circa 1529

1) usually offensive : extreme mental retardation

im a bit concerned about how a post can have a case of retardation unless you would like a definition for that too.
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Old 06-03-2009, 12:23 PM   #484 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by <Stiiccy> View Post
Yes there really talented...Only thing is, they need to go back to there old style of screaming...I know most people think that screamo is Horible, and give it most sreamo band suck. But I saw actual talent with this band Lyrically and espcially Musically...But there new stuff is really bad...that song Scream? cmon man thats not hardcore at all...
no they are not. They have a good guitarist, but you can't even focus on how the guitar sounds because your ears are bleeding to shadows vocals.

Why, their old style of screaming was better, but it still was mediocre at best, and their last album proved that they can't make a decent song anymore. They need to stop making albums....seriously.
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Old 06-03-2009, 07:26 PM   #485 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by <Stiiccy> View Post
Yes but Hardcore music actually has heart and emotion in it...This new stuff is just a money making sceme and is obviously no where near there old stuff
I agree with you on that.
Atreyu and A7X are both on the same boat.
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Old 06-05-2009, 09:56 AM   #486 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Darkest Hour View Post
no they are not. They have a good guitarist, but you can't even focus on how the guitar sounds because your ears are bleeding to shadows vocals.

Why, their old style of screaming was better, but it still was mediocre at best, and their last album proved that they can't make a decent song anymore. They need to stop making albums....seriously.
i will agree with you that their new cd is not the best, and that shadows vocals arent the easiest to adapt to but they have a couple good songs off Diamonds In The Rough, such as Dancing Dead and Demons. Those songs are probably their best off the album, just because that album isnt as good as Sounding The Seventh Trumpet doesn't mean they don't know how to make music. and i wouldnt say your ears bleed from M Shadows voice they are just hard to get used to depending on what album you first start listening to.
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Old 02-25-2010, 09:02 PM   #487 (permalink)
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Reading these posts make me smile and frown at the same time. The thing you guys don't realize is that this band has enormous musical talent, and absolutely not a care in the world what more narrow-minded "hardcore" fans think. The driving force behind them isn't what will please the core fans, or what is going to sell the most records, but how can they take their music. They are one of those bands that still truly do what they do because it is their passion. Fortunately, they are blessed with an attitude that protects them from narrow-minded ex-fans.
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Old 02-26-2010, 03:20 AM   #488 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TheReverend View Post
The driving force behind them isn't what will please the core fans, or what is going to sell the most records, but how can they take their music. They are one of those bands that still truly do what they do because it is their passion.
you're right dude, the driving force behind them isn't what will sell the most records for sure. it's what will sell the most beer cozies, bottle openers, and shot glasses, wallets, school supplies, watches, candles, and practically anything else they can print their name on.
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Old 02-26-2010, 05:02 AM   #489 (permalink)
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I remember when this band first got popular in like 2003. Those were good times
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Old 02-28-2010, 12:22 PM   #490 (permalink)
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Good job shooting a hole in my argument that they argument that they love music by saying they sell junk. Because thats what bands are really all about right? What they can sell on the side. Yep good thing you didnt miss the point at all. Slick move CAPTAIN CAVEMAN.
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