Musicwhore A-Z |
07-26-2014 07:06 PM |
Yes. I turned fifteen that year and I'd already gotten bit by the music bug about two years prior by that point. It was a lot of fun as far as the music. Hard rock was riding high at the time, with Queensryche leading the way for me as far as my greatest memory of the bands of that era. Unfortunately, it was also the Reagan era and ultra right wing propaganda was at it's height, starting with all of Nancy Reagan's 'Just Say No' bull**** and the so-called "war on drugs". The ONLY thing that was accomplished from that farce was bucketloads of wasteful spending of tax dollars and substantial tax write-offs for wealthy elected officials. Truth be told, it's no wonder why the 90's would take popular music into a darker direction, THANKFULLY! Gen X was definitely the "product" of that environment, and NOT for the better ( :mad: )!! Interesting question.