Rjinn |
09-05-2012 01:42 PM |
Originally Posted by The Batlord
(Post 1227533)
He can sound cheesy sure, but he sounds amazing on Too Fast for Love. His voice still has a sleezy quality to it, but the Cheap Trick influence that's still there gives his voice an almost innocent quality at the same time. And whoever said that the production was weak, it is. And it makes it great. The weakish production combined with Vince's voice just give it this youthful, amatuerish energy that just gives me lady wood.
I agree that sleazy definitely suited the band. A lot less cheesy it might of worked. If Neil's voice wasn't so weak and worked with a dirtier rage, it still would of pulled off a young angsty voice. I never really picked up on any innocent touch. Amateurish yes, still would of faired better without clutter of cheesiness. An innocent touch would have made them a little more intriguing, especially when they were anything but an innocent band. But because of those weak qualities compared to the rest of the production it fails to resonate, if it were even there. Something in his voice just sounded really off.
Too Fast For Love, as I've given praise to before, is the closest they've come, but still isn't something I would sprint to listen to. You could hear the potential of excellence in their intro album, but unfortunately they never risen after that.
Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger ?
(Post 1227595)
He was, and they got a 'proper' singer.
The album stiffed.
Yet he came back and they were still stiffed. :P