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Janszoon 02-13-2011 06:23 PM

The Noisy, Spastic, Loud Music Thread
Recently I've been in a mode of tracking down music that can best be described with the words noisy, spastic and loud. Most of it is either some type of metal or at least metal-related which is why I'm putting this thread in this particular forum. Anyway I figured I'd share some of my findings and would welcome others doing so as well. So on to the first band...


You may have seen me mentioning these guys around MB here and there. I actually know very little about them except that they're from Italy and they play a kind of powerviolence/grindcore/sludge -ish type of music that's hard to classify but is really, really good. More than simply being metal or hardcore there's a definite avant-garde element here as well that throws some interesting curveballs and makes for a very entertaining listening experience. They were originally a standard drums/bass/guitar rock line-up but on their second full-length Il Secondo Tragico they added Zu saxophonist Luca T. Mai who has given even more depth to their music and brought them to a somewhat Zorn-like sonic territory.

Some samples:

RVCA 02-13-2011 07:31 PM

ehhh.... this is about the closest I'll go to "noisy spastic and loud"

Janszoon 02-13-2011 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by RVCA (Post 1003822)
ehhh.... this is about the closest I'll go to "noisy spastic and loud"

That song fits the criteria for me! I dig it! It's funny how the artwork is kind of similar to the Psychofagist artwork

James 02-14-2011 03:42 PM

When I hear those terms, I don't think metal. I think Reatard.

Janszoon 02-14-2011 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by James (Post 1004334)
When I hear those terms, I don't think metal. I think Reatard.

I wouldn't describe that as especially noisy, spastic or loud. It was enjoyable though, I'll give it that! :)

Mr 0llie 02-14-2011 04:07 PM

I think these would be considered , "noisy, spastic or loud." (I can't post links yet so that'll have to do) D96D

Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra 02-14-2011 10:39 PM

"The Locust" Is the first thing that comes to mind:

jackhammer 02-15-2011 05:54 PM

Well I am sure you have heard Dog Fashion Disco although they sound positively old hat compared to what you are looking for but I really rate them.

You could try:

Evil Empire - Does This Genocide Make Me Look Sexy? Although this is a Ska based album it is suitably belligerent.
Flaming Tsunamis - Fear Everything. Again ska based but with a big emphasis on Hardcore:

Drumcorps are an acquired taste to say the least:

Cutting Pink With Knives lean towards to the Hardcore end of the market but I love the juxtaposition of their music:

Janszoon 02-15-2011 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Skaligojurah (Post 1004691)
"The Locust" Is the first thing that comes to mind...

Yeah, The Locust are great stuff. :)


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 1005316)
Well I am sure you have heard Dog Fashion Disco although they sound positively old hat compared to what you are looking for but I really rate them.

You could try:

Evil Empire - Does This Genocide Make Me Look Sexy? Although this is a Ska based album it is suitably belligerent.
Flaming Tsunamis - Fear Everything. Again ska based but with a big emphasis on Hardcore:

Drumcorps are an acquired taste to say the least:

Cutting Pink With Knives lean towards to the Hardcore end of the market but I love the juxtaposition of their music:

I actually have that Flaming Tsunamis album. I think you gave it to me in fact. Good stuff. :)

I'll have to check out some of those other bands. I really dug that Drumcorps track in particular!

Janszoon 02-15-2011 07:24 PM

Child Abuse

These guys are a drums/bass/keyboard trio from Brooklyn that I've been listening to lately. They're probably one of the least metal-related bands I'll be posting in here but they sure as hell are noisy! They've collaborated with Zs in the past apparently, which isn't surprising because the two bands have a similar approach to making music.

I could only find one worthwhile video of them on YouTube but it's pretty great:

The Batlord 02-16-2011 10:00 AM

I love old school rock/metal/punk with a chaotic sound. Raven is one of my fav examples:

Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra 02-16-2011 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 1005316)
Well I am sure you have heard Dog Fashion Disco although they sound positively old hat compared to what you are looking for but I really rate them.

I think Adultary, and some of Polkadot Cadaver(which is basically the exact same band) is pretty spastic.

jackhammer 02-16-2011 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Skaligojurah (Post 1005708)
I think Adultary, and some of Polkadot Cadaver(which is basically the exact same band) is pretty spastic.

I found Polkadot Cadaver a watered down version of Dog Fashion Disco myself which is not surprising since a couple of ex members make up the band.

gunnels 02-16-2011 06:36 PM

For some odd reason, the majority of bands that fall in this category in my collection come from Japan.
Boredoms is great if you're into their brand of ruckus. (WARNING: Bizarre vocals ahead)

For anybody who hasn't heard the essential and infamous Melt-Banana:

The stuff of the album Charlie is even more erratic.

If you like jazz and/or grindcore influences then you have to check out John Zorn's work, especially Naked City.

Alfred 02-16-2011 06:48 PM

Name are a pretty crazy, noisy, mathcore band. They sometimes break into the chug-chug-bree-bree territory, but I find that they keep it short and to the point when they do... they focus more on chaos and technicality than getting scene kids to mosh.

DoctorSoft 02-16-2011 10:17 PM

Genghis Tron

Board Up the House is such an awesome album, it's all I've been listening too basically for this whole month. The heavy parts in the songs are absolutely fantastic. The riffs just SHRED. But the parts that I really love are the synthy poppy parts like in Endless Teeth. The juxtaposition of that and the really heavy math-core parts are really interesting and in my opinion make the songs stand out a lot more. The vocals are really great, this guy is an awesome screamer. I really like the low in the mix clean vocals, they're really great too. Just an awesome band overall. It kind of sucks though, I read on Wikipedia that they're taking a break from the band, but when they will get together again and write songs in the not-to-distant future.

Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra 02-17-2011 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 1006087)
I found Polkadot Cadaver a watered down version of Dog Fashion Disco myself which is not surprising since a couple of ex members make up the band.

Well, the two members that made the band essentially where the only songwriters/consistent members. Really, it's the same band, just I think really cynical. As for being watered down, I quite like "Purgatory Dance Party" but unlike DFD, any videos I've seen of it live have been exceptionally weak.

I used to be really into DFD, but don't care for them much anymore. They're way too straight forward in comparison to bands like Estradasphere, Stolen Babies, and Unexpect. I like their morbid sense of humor, but they skate off of it well too much.

On that note, some of Unexpect is pretty psychotic at times:

Alfred 02-17-2011 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by theuglyorgan (Post 1006257)
Genghis Tron
Board Up the House is such an awesome album, it's all I've been listening too basically for this whole month. The heavy parts in the songs are absolutely fantastic. The riffs just SHRED. But the parts that I really love are the synthy poppy parts like in Endless Teeth. The juxtaposition of that and the really heavy math-core parts are really interesting and in my opinion make the songs stand out a lot more. The vocals are really great, this guy is an awesome screamer. I really like the low in the mix clean vocals, they're really great too. Just an awesome band overall. It kind of sucks though, I read on Wikipedia that they're taking a break from the band, but when they will get together again and write songs in the not-to-distant future.

Yes. Genghis Tron have found the perfect balance between metal and electronic. Board Up The House is one of the few albums that I consider perfect... I can't praise that album enough. Dead Mountain Mouth is spectacular too.

And yes, I want a new album from them more than any other band at the moment.

DoctorSoft 02-18-2011 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by Alfred (Post 1006772)
Yes. Genghis Tron have found the perfect balance between metal and electronic. Board Up The House is one of the few albums that I consider perfect... I can't praise that album enough. Dead Mountain Mouth is spectacular too.

And yes, I want a new album from them more than any other band at the moment.

Yes they are pretty amazing. Definately my favourite "heavy" band at the moment.

Engine 02-19-2011 12:43 AM

This is my new favorite thread. I also recently discovered Deathspell Omega here on MB (Raust I think?) and love it. Here's one I already posted on the DEP thread but I think this kicks harder and more spastic than most music I've heard from today..

The Mullet Burden by Dillinger Escape Plan

I need to find some of the best early drowningman because they have a special noisy, spastic place in my heart as well.

TockTockTock 02-19-2011 08:56 AM

If you haven't heard of Destroy All Monsters, then that may be a band to check out. They're a noise/punk band with some heavy metal influences. They're also a bit arty, too (which is a bonus). I suppose Silver Wedding Anniversary (1996) would be a good album to start out with.

Sorry that I can't add a Youtube video - there aren't really any good ones on D.A.M.

OccultHawk 02-19-2011 10:34 AM


Sorry that I can't add a Youtube video
I don't like embedded videos anyway. I can search Youtube myself if need be.

EvilChuck 02-19-2011 07:51 PM

Anaal Nathrakh were the first band I thought of when I saw the title of the thread. They pretty much sum up the 'wall of sound' type style, that has somewhat decent production anyway. If you venture into Black Metal there are some bands that would also have the wall of sound, Anaal Nathrakh may have even been mentioned as Black Metal before...

Anyway, here you go.

Alfred 02-19-2011 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Engine (Post 1007332)
This is my new favorite thread. I also recently discovered Deathspell Omega here on MB (Raust I think?) and love it. Here's one I already posted on the DEP thread but I think this kicks harder and more spastic than most music I've heard from today..

The Mullet Burden by Dillinger Escape Plan

Yeah, I was gonna mention DEP but figured it might be a bit too obvious. They shred regardless, one of my all-time favorite bands.

TockTockTock 02-19-2011 08:29 PM

I guess Sleepytime Gorilla Museum would be a good suggestion, but I'm sure most (if not all) of you have heard of them. They're pretty famous on this site after all.

Sneer 02-19-2011 09:27 PM

Holy Molar, Antioch Arrow, Swing Kids, Heroin, Murder of Rosa Luxemburg, Arab on Radar, XBXRX, The Crimson Curse...

Fuck it, just check out the THREE ONE G label.

Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra 02-19-2011 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Jack Pat (Post 1007861)
I guess Sleepytime Gorilla Museum would be a good suggestion, but I'm sure most (if not all) of you have heard of them. They're pretty famous on this site after all.

SGM I wouldn't consider noisy nor spastic. I think they're quite mellow in their composition style.

Ruins has their spastic moments

and Koenji is pretty freaking nuts during their second album phase:

TockTockTock 02-19-2011 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by Skaligojurah (Post 1007890)
SGM I wouldn't consider noisy nor spastic. I think they're quite mellow in their composition style.

Ruins has their spastic moments

and Koenji is pretty freaking nuts during their second album phase:

Yea, I saw you mention Koenji in the Prog album club. I guess you're right about SGM not being very "noisy or spastic" but I see them transition from mellow to loud frequently. 1/3 of the requirements... Eh, they may have some spastic or noisy elements (I haven't listened to their complete discography so I can't really say anything quite yet).

almauro 02-20-2011 06:51 AM

Growing impatient for the next installment from Pig Destoyer, I decided to to see what Scott Hull has been up to with Agoraphobic Noisebleed. In the past, I've veered away from ANb because of the inhumane, overly spastic cyber-grind drum machine patterns which were way too over the top for me. But the their last album, "Agorapocalypse" has more organic sounding samples and programming, which I found slightly easier to get into.

Janszoon 02-20-2011 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by almauro (Post 1008028)
Growing impatient for the next installment from Pig Destoyer, I decided to to see what Scott Hull has been up to with Agoraphobic Noisebleed. In the past, I've veered away from ANb because of the inhumane, overly spastic cyber-grind drum machine patterns which were way too over the top for me. But the their last album, "Agorapocalypse" has more organic sounding samples and programming, which I found slightly easier to get into.

That's a terrific album! Katherine Katz's vocals on it are so amazing that it lead me to check out her band Salome who are also pretty good, though in a slower, sludgier way.

almauro 02-20-2011 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1008077)
That's a terrific album! Katherine Katz's vocals on it are so amazing that it lead me to check out her band Salome who are also pretty good, though in a slower, sludgier way.

It's really grown on me, which I find is the case with most spatic, grinding, heavy stuff.

TockTockTock 02-20-2011 12:31 PM

Swans is a pretty good industrial/punk/avant-garde band. Forgot to mention them...

Dayvan Cowboy 02-20-2011 02:50 PM

Nobody mentioned Zu or late Zs? WAT

and while we're on the subject of Noise-Jazz. Little Women deserves a mention, too.

Often described as "an elephant raping a cat while beating a monkey who is in turn severing the legs of a duck"

Janszoon 02-20-2011 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by Dayvan Cowboy (Post 1008170)
Nobody mentioned Zu or late Zs? WAT

Actually I mentioned both of those bands on page one of this thread.

Janszoon 02-20-2011 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by Jack Pat (Post 1008130)
Swans is a pretty good industrial/punk/avant-garde band. Forgot to mention them...

They really aren't in keeping with the theme of this thread at all. One of my favorite bands though.

Metalman24 02-20-2011 07:53 PM

Sunn 0))) I'm sure counts under loud.....

DoctorSoft 02-20-2011 09:50 PM

How about some sceamos??

One of my favourite Screamo songs, really catchy for a Screamo song. I love the lyrics too, even if they are whiny as hell.

I think it was Dr. Suessicide who posted this in the Albums You're Digging thread... Goddamn... whole album's good too.

I love this album, and this is my favourite song from it

Never really liked these guys other than this song and a few others, but it's a great song.

Alfred 02-20-2011 11:30 PM

United Nations get shit from screamo purists because they're a supergroup consisting of members of Thursday, Glassjaw, and Converge, but I think they're one of the best hardcore bands going today, I love their debut album and latest EP.

Janszoon 02-21-2011 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by Metalman24 (Post 1008302)
Sunn 0))) I'm sure counts under loud.....

Yes, but this thread is about music that falls under all three categories, not just one. If words like "droning", "slow" or "atmospheric" are commonly applied to a band, they don't belong in this thread.

TockTockTock 02-21-2011 05:23 AM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1008290)
They really aren't in keeping with the theme of this thread at all. One of my favorite bands though.

Oh, sorry. That's probably the closest thing that I listen to that meets these requirements. Judging by the other suggestions, the ones I've given aren't even close. D.A.M. is just a noisy pop band in comparison to these grindcore/screamo (?) bands. How do you develop a taste for that kind of music anyways? I've always tried to, but I can't.

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