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Old 04-15-2005, 08:31 PM   #91 (permalink)
Metal Maiden
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alright, idiot, explain to me how pop stars are real music...when the intrumental behind their voices is just generic. explain to me how disco is real music when it is just generic instruments as well. explain to me how rock is any different than metal aside from the way the instruments are played. explain to me how this makes any sense whatsoever in your wee little brain. metal is not a bunch of itios jumping around screaming into microphones. that would be Linkin Park. MOST metal on the other hand is very well brought together pieces of music that actually mean something. It isn't all about "OMG OMG YOU BROKE MY HEART KILL ME. OMG OMG. I CANT TIE MY SHOES. KILL ME" Metal music is about other things too which makes it more enjoyable to listen to. Millions and millions of songs have been recorded with the same type of retarded themes and it gets old, generic and dare i say it, "STOCK" ahaha. On another token you can't say metal sucks ass. You are allowed to say it's not your style of music and I don't understand why everyone and their mother is being so mean to you because you don't like it. It's just not your choice of music. Which is okay I guess, although I do think you don't have very good taste in music. Music is music, whatever you choose to listen to is your taste...So. Woof.
You'll grow to loathe my name
You'll hate me just the same
You won't need your breath
And soon you'll meet your death
Not from the years, not from the use
Not from the tears, just self abuse
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Old 04-15-2005, 08:49 PM   #92 (permalink)
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The reason why SlayeReyalS & Urban are acting the way they are is because they worship Heavy Metal music. They think it's the God of this world, & that everybody should worship it & listen to it. They refuse to believe that Heavy Metal is the WORST genre of music to listen too. I don't like most modern pop music either. I do like modern rock, but modern pop SUCKS. I listen to 80's & 90's pop on a regular basis, back when it was real music sung by real musicians. Don't get me wrong, I do like modern music, but it's hard to find any good modern music nowadays. The charts are being POLLUTED by 50 Cent, Ciara, Britney Spears, Green Day, & others. One modern musician that you guys should listen to is Jack Johnson. I'm listening to his CD right now.
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Old 04-15-2005, 08:57 PM   #93 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MusicKnowItAll
The reason why SlayeReyalS & Urban are acting the way they are is because they worship Heavy Metal music. They think it's the God of this world, & that everybody should worship it & listen to it. They refuse to believe that Heavy Metal is the WORST genre of music to listen too. I don't like most modern pop music either. I do like modern rock, but modern pop SUCKS. I listen to 80's & 90's pop on a regular basis, back when it was real music sung by real musicians. Don't get me wrong, I do like modern music, but it's hard to find any good modern music nowadays. The charts are being POLLUTED by 50 Cent, Ciara, Britney Spears, Green Day, & others. One modern musician that you guys should listen to is Jack Johnson. I'm listening to his CD right now.
maybe you should save the mod's some extra work and just never come back here again
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Old 04-15-2005, 09:12 PM   #94 (permalink)
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I have as much right to post on here as you do, so shut the **** up.
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Old 04-15-2005, 09:18 PM   #95 (permalink)
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not saying you don't have the right to post, just that you shouldn't
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Old 04-15-2005, 09:30 PM   #96 (permalink)
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I should be posting on here, becauise there is not enough people on here who like REAL music. Everybody's listening to Rap or Heavy Metal
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Old 04-15-2005, 10:23 PM   #97 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
Faith No More did rap metal far better than RATM
You're are beyond obnoxious, theres absolutly no way in hell you can honestly believe that.

And By the way, to MKIA, name me one scale LP has played in, or better yet, what's their best solo? I've never taken on leason for guitar, and ten bucks says I can learn an LP song on guitar in about 2 hours. I know the major/minor chords as well as various 7th's and sus's chords. I'd put money on the fact that they don't play anything beyond diffculty level: beginer.

Kirk Hammett can play everying LP can play twice as fast, LP couldn't work through the material on St. Anger nevermind ...And Justice for All. I don't know where you'd get off saying that Metallica, arguably thee greatest band still together, is worse than Linkin Park. Name me, please name me, anything, ANYTHING, they've done good?

I think he's inspired me to write my thesis paper on the similarity between any two given LP songs.
I've moved to a new address
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Old 04-15-2005, 10:48 PM   #98 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MusicKnowItAll
Heavy Metal sucks ass. That's not talent. That's only a bunch of idiots jumping around screaming into microphones with noise in the background. Pop, rock, alternative, jazz, techno, & disco are REAL music, NOT Heavy Metal. Heavy Metal is NOTHING but GARBAGE. Radio stations play REAL music, & Heavy Metal is NOT real music. It's pure bullsh*t.
Heavy metal is well set up music. i doubt you can play instruments like them. like i said, you're staying away from talent. Pop, alternative, jazz, techno, & disco are all BULLSH!T. Heaqvy Metal is TALENT!!! you just dont get it. you're listening to fake music. Pop is NOTHING but GARBAGE!!! Heavy Metal is MORE than TALENT!!!! but you just dont see, and you know nothing about music. you're just purely stupid.

oh, and i have a new signature!!!
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Old 04-15-2005, 10:54 PM   #99 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MusicKnowItAll
The reason why SlayeReyalS & Urban are acting the way they are is because they worship Heavy Metal music. They think it's the God of this world, & that everybody should worship it & listen to it. They refuse to believe that Heavy Metal is the WORST genre of music to listen too. I don't like most modern pop music either. I do like modern rock, but modern pop SUCKS. I listen to 80's & 90's pop on a regular basis, back when it was real music sung by real musicians. Don't get me wrong, I do like modern music, but it's hard to find any good modern music nowadays. The charts are being POLLUTED by 50 Cent, Ciara, Britney Spears, Green Day, & others. One modern musician that you guys should listen to is Jack Johnson. I'm listening to his CD right now.
WRONG!!! Urban DOESNT like heavy metal, but he doesnt f*cking WHINE about it like you do. Urban is a great person at points, and you, my friend, are NEVER a cool person, because you act 13. metal is the best genre of music. the reason they dont go on the radio is because they dont want to be little commercial posers like a bunch of crap you listen to. they want to be passed down by word of mouth. because that way, the band finds people who actually like the music. your music is all played on the radio, and the radio plays all crap with different genres of crap. now im putting these comebacks in little doses, because there is way too many ways to explain how stupid you are, you MusicKnowNothing.
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Old 04-15-2005, 10:56 PM   #100 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MusicKnowItAll
I should be posting on here, becauise there is not enough people on here who like REAL music.
you're too much for yourself? well, if your mission is to teach people to listen to real music, you're not doing yourself a good job. you're still in denial. but keep going, eventually you will teach yourself.

(im pretty sure that didnt make any sense to you)
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