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Old 04-10-2006, 11:35 AM   #151 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Don
me to name better keyboardists than Rudess or better singers than LaBrie and better guitarists than Petrucci would be like solving a 7th order DE. And Myung is also brilliant. .
Do you mean 7th order Differential equation? If so, good luck to you. lol

I agree with your point that every member of DT is very talented though. I think the most underrated member is La Brie. Many people criticise his vocals but I really like them. Myung doesn't receive enough recognition either. He's one of my favourite bassists.
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Old 04-10-2006, 12:33 PM   #152 (permalink)
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Im not huge into them, but I'm going to have to be one of the guys who criticizes the guys vocals. If they had a different singer, they would probably be in my top 20.
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Old 04-10-2006, 04:42 PM   #153 (permalink)
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As a member of DDD and frequenter to the vocal list (and the guy who taught all these guys about the technicalities of voice), as Boo Boo knows...I don't like the list actually as is. The guy who originally made it basically knows nothing about vocals.

Importance and influence are highly subjective and shouldn't be weighed very heavily into this. Influence is only influence if the artist has said it personally, or has covered numerous songs of theirs, or sounds almost exactly like another artist (like how Kenny Wayne Shepherd's blues guitar sounds exactly like SRV's..maybe it has something to do with being from Texas though). Importance is highly subjective in that what I think is important, someone else may not think the same.

I may think Jussi Bjoerling was an important opera singer, while my voice teacher may not think so. If I didn't enjoy 50's R&B, I wouldn't think guys like Roy Hamilton would be important, unless I wasn't biased, but most people when it comes to music ARE biased (which is a big shame).

But when we're talking about vocalists, there isn't much room for this stuff. There's only so much you can do with your voice. You can take devices and sing into them and augment your voice, sure, but you can't actually do a lot to your voice. With guitar, you can alternate pick, sweep pick, right hand tap, play chords, etc. With the voice, you can sing one note at a time (although few people in the world can sing 2 distinct notes at once which aren't overtones), slide up to another note, use vibratto, use your throat to get gruffness (or, if you're good you can get gruffness from your diahragm), etc.

Should importance and influence be factored in? Of course, it's a "greatest of" list, but with vocals you also have to look at technicalities and there aren't THAT MANY vocal styles out there. Most styles come with diction, phrasing, and dynamics.
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Old 04-11-2006, 12:18 AM   #154 (permalink)
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Default Pwned Again

Originally Posted by boo boo


I seriously cant keep my cool with you anymore.... I wish you would just die already, or leave Music Banter, both would be nice.

Most of those singers have at least a 3 octave range...And while some have around the same range as LaBrie (Bruce) they have better control and tone, making them more versatile and capable singers.

Thats right motherfucker, "roflroflrofl"....You can do that all day can you?...YOU LOSE!!!

Or YOU WOOSE as you so obnoxiously like to put it.
lol, I'm sooo sick of pwning you, it's getting extremely tiring.

First: I was saying Kahn and Perry were too low in regards to skill, because that's exactly what you were discussing the post before.

Second: Fact: LaBrie's octave range is closer to 4 and Tate's is close to 3 (I actually didn't know untill I looked it up but I had a feeling it wasn't as high as 3 and a half).
Another fact: you can't admit the plain and simple truth that you only despise him because you find his voice "annoying." What you've failed to realise through your biased eyes is that LaBrie is regarded as one of the most talented singers in rock today. Hendrix will agree with me here, in fact, everything Hendrix has said has been spot on just about, too bad you don't know much about vocals compared with your firend. Hell, I was being nice, you know next to nothing about it. The only thing you know is this:

"He sounds bad, he must be bad."

Like I said, this much pwning does get tiring after awhile, and with all your hideous grammar and spelling mistakes and poor "argument," skills (if you can even call them that) I know you're just playing along, and I am too, but I still think it's funny to pwn a little arrogant punk kid that gives you the impression that he thinks he knows all there is to know about music. Oh and it's also fun watching this kid search for anything to use on me to make his point valid (i.e bringing up my guitarist poll, etc), and resort to childish capitals and repeating 'die' like it's meant to be funny or something.
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Old 04-11-2006, 03:35 AM   #155 (permalink)
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Haha, there is no way LaBrie's range is almost 4 octaves. What ultra low notes does he ever hit?
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Old 04-11-2006, 03:58 AM   #156 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Hendrix
As a member of DDD and frequenter to the vocal list (and the guy who taught all these guys about the technicalities of voice), as Boo Boo knows...I don't like the list actually as is. The guy who originally made it basically knows nothing about vocals.
I hope you're not bad mouthing Limo Driver, i think he did a decent job.

The original version was pretty mediocre though, i agree with that, though most DDD lists have been very lackluster in the first draft.

Importance and influence are highly subjective and shouldn't be weighed very heavily into this. Influence is only influence if the artist has said it personally, or has covered numerous songs of theirs, or sounds almost exactly like another artist (like how Kenny Wayne Shepherd's blues guitar sounds exactly like SRV's..maybe it has something to do with being from Texas though). Importance is highly subjective in that what I think is important, someone else may not think the same.
Actualy, Kenny Waynes style reminds me more of Slash than it does SRV, but thats just me.

I may think Jussi Bjoerling was an important opera singer, while my voice teacher may not think so. If I didn't enjoy 50's R&B, I wouldn't think guys like Roy Hamilton would be important, unless I wasn't biased, but most people when it comes to music ARE biased (which is a big shame).
Tis true.

But when we're talking about vocalists, there isn't much room for this stuff. There's only so much you can do with your voice. You can take devices and sing into them and augment your voice, sure, but you can't actually do a lot to your voice. With guitar, you can alternate pick, sweep pick, right hand tap, play chords, etc. With the voice, you can sing one note at a time (although few people in the world can sing 2 distinct notes at once which aren't overtones), slide up to another note, use vibratto, use your throat to get gruffness (or, if you're good you can get gruffness from your diahragm), etc.
I understand where you're going, though i never really listen to vocals for the technical aspect of it, for example, Mariah Carey may sing circles around Bjork, i still prefer Bjorks style millions of times more, her voice just connects with me more.

Should importance and influence be factored in? Of course, it's a "greatest of" list, but with vocals you also have to look at technicalities and there aren't THAT MANY vocal styles out there. Most styles come with diction, phrasing, and dynamics.
And thats what i have been trying to explain to Don this whole time, LaBrie isnt on that list for a reason, its not because hes being overlooked, hes just not that great compared to so many other vocalists out there, male or female.
It's only knock n' knowall, but I like it


Originally Posted by Strummer521
Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
I only listen to Santana when I feel like being annoyed.
I only listen to you talk when I want to hear Emo performed acapella.
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Old 04-11-2006, 04:12 AM   #157 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Don
lol, I'm sooo sick of pwning you, it's getting extremely tiring.

The only person you ever pwn is yourself, with your ridiculously stupid and self contradicting statements.

First: I was saying Kahn and Perry were too low in regards to skill, because that's exactly what you were discussing the post before.
And the list isnt about skill alone, i said that before, LaBrie is NOT a great vocalist, either in terms of skill or importance, influence, etc.

Second: Fact: LaBrie's octave range is closer to 4 and Tate's is close to 3 (I actually didn't know untill I looked it up but I had a feeling it wasn't as high as 3 and a half).

That is complete bullshit, no way in hell does LaBrie have more range than Tate, how much Queensryche have you heard?

You are just making crap up and calling it fact now, i guess thats your idea of winning a arguement, LaBrie has little range, deal with it.

Another fact: you can't admit the plain and simple truth that you only despise him because you find his voice "annoying." What you've failed to realise through your biased eyes is that LaBrie is regarded as one of the most talented singers in rock today. Hendrix will agree with me here, in fact, everything Hendrix has said has been spot on just about, too bad you don't know much about vocals compared with your firend. Hell, I was being nice, you know next to nothing about it. The only thing you know is this:

"He sounds bad, he must be bad."
Im not just going by my bias, hell, i cant stand Dio either, i probably hate his vocals even more than i do LaBries, but i can also admit that hes a superior vocalist in every way, this isnt about my bias against DT, because LaBrie dosent just sound bad, he IS bad, at least compared to all those other vocalists, sure, on his own, hes decent, compared to MANY vocalists in music then and now, he's crap.

Like I said, this much pwning does get tiring after awhile, and with all your hideous grammar and spelling mistakes and poor "argument," skills (if you can even call them that) I know you're just playing along, and I am too, but I still think it's funny to pwn a little arrogant punk kid that gives you the impression that he thinks he knows all there is to know about music. Oh and it's also fun watching this kid search for anything to use on me to make his point valid (i.e bringing up my guitarist poll, etc), and resort to childish capitals and repeating 'die' like it's meant to be funny or something.
Its sad when you use grammar as the primary reason for you being smarter than everyone else, grammar dosent have a goddamn thing about musical knowledge, stop pretending like it does, you're just changing the topic because you have a tendacy for proving to all of us how much of a fucking douchebag you really are...Good grammar or not, you're still the stupidest son of a bitch i have ever been in a arguement with.

Also no one believes your lame critic stories, no good critic needs to make a fucking 10 page review when he can sum it all up in one, which is what a good critic is suposed to do.

Also, your grammar isnt as great as you claim it to be, like when you mispelled Kurt Cobain as Curt Kobain...Not to mention how you confused keys with time signatures and then actualy have the nerve to call someone else dumb for making the same mistake, as if your hypocrisy couldnt get any more hilarious.
It's only knock n' knowall, but I like it


Originally Posted by Strummer521
Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
I only listen to Santana when I feel like being annoyed.
I only listen to you talk when I want to hear Emo performed acapella.
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Old 04-11-2006, 04:15 AM   #158 (permalink)
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Wow, Dummy is a great album. In terms of what some would call "trip hop" it's at least in my top 5.
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Old 04-11-2006, 04:20 AM   #159 (permalink)
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LaBrie is good..and when he wants to be. Like the Oh Holy Night I have by him is pretty good until he goes WAYY up high, then he loses control basically.

But LaBrie's range is not 4 octaves, and a lot of guys have more than him. To have a range over 3.5 octaves when you're a grown man, you have to be able to sing low too. I've never heard LaBrie go very low.
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Old 04-11-2006, 04:52 AM   #160 (permalink)
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Well I have sheet music that begs to differ. I forget what the lowest and highest notes he can sing are, but it is clearly nearly 4 octaves. And that's just with him singing as an artist (DT/solo/Ayreon, etc); I've heard he can sing much higher and lower when he wanted to back in the day,

LaBrie doesn't go out of control when he sings high most of the time, just see "Learning to Live" or "Another Day" for great examples. Shortly after Awake he damaged his voice box and consequently his range is now much lower, I think around 3 octaves. I guess I'm talking about when he was in his prime. Because I still see his work in I&W and Awake to be significant when talking about the greatest singers ever.
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