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Han 01-11-2005 01:50 PM

Who r rock bush?
My crush really likes them so fill me in and where can i find their music?
cheers xXx

Molasses 01-11-2005 01:56 PM

Why don't you just ask him? Or are you one of those people that are like "Hey look I like them too even though I don't know who they are o0o0o let's make out I'm a tryhard look at me I have band merch from concerts that I've never been to, o0o0o"

Fenixpunk 01-11-2005 02:05 PM

^ ouch that was harsh

what is the name of the band? Rock Bush? where are they from? what style?
Id google it, to be honest, if you really dont want to ask (and i understand sometimes its easier to just find out on your own)

Molasses 01-11-2005 02:08 PM

Are you sure he didn't say Rock against Bush?

Fenixpunk 01-11-2005 02:12 PM

thats what i was thinking at first, that or the rock band "bush"

Molasses 01-11-2005 02:15 PM

Yeah I was thinking of Bush too. Haha, this girl sounds like a typical ****.

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-11-2005 03:09 PM

BUSH (noun)


1. Piss poor run of the mill bandwagon jumping grunge band
2. Band so despised in the UK they were forced to go to the States to sell any records
3. See Candlebox

Joey 01-11-2005 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
BUSH (noun)

2. Band so despised in the UK they were forced to go to the States to sell any records

That's sad, usually it's the other way around.

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-12-2005 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Joey
That's sad, usually it's the other way around.

Yeah Hendrix , Velvet Underground , REM , Pixies , Pavement

Terrible acts

Han 01-18-2005 09:51 AM


'Why don't you just ask him? Or are you one of those people that are like "Hey look I like them too even though I don't know who they are o0o0o let's make out I'm a tryhard look at me I have band merch from concerts that I've never been to, o0o0o"'
Well thanx molasses, and I like so don't care. [I]

hookers with machineguns 01-22-2005 11:35 PM

^ like you never like explained what like this thread like is about? like.

sleepy jack 01-22-2005 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by hookers with machineguns
^ like you never like explained what like this thread like is about? like.

Like oh my gosh can i come and bring my puny little dog and overpriced purse? Oh and Like tottalay.

Raine 01-22-2005 11:40 PM

I actually like Bush.
And no it's not because I'm attracted to Gavin Rosdale like every other 15 year old chick who think they're punk because they like No Doubt and wanna imitate her.
Trust me. I'm not the person to listen to your music if you suck.
Same way if you make chicken but it sucks. You could be my best friend but life is to short for me to waste eating food I don't like. Same with music.

At any rate I know their last album didn't sell well but yeah I bought it. And I think my favorite song by them would have to be Machine Head. Or Cloud 9 I think it's called. I think that's a pretty song.

Peace out.

maryjane88 02-17-2005 09:38 AM

guess what guys i don't know if any of u know but bush's sing gavin announced that he's been working on a new band called "INSTITUTE" thier album is supposed to come out in june or july so keep a look out for that one :wave:

Sneer 02-17-2005 09:40 AM

the one british band thats been bigger in america then they have over here.

Tommyrocker 02-17-2005 09:41 AM

Gavin's cool, i love that song adrenaline it makes sense. P.S, stu you knob, go on msn.

Sneer 02-17-2005 09:42 AM

trying to carry on the flame left over from nirvana.

maryjane88 02-17-2005 09:44 AM

hey zep zepa little more energy would help dude come on and no i don't have msn but u can find me here. so talk to me people. :yeah:

RedEye 02-17-2005 01:26 PM

Bush? Worst. Band. Ever.

Urban Hat€monger ? 02-17-2005 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by RedEye
Bush? Worst. Band. Ever.


Worst British band ever

Pearl Jam are the worst band ever

sleepy jack 02-17-2005 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger

Worst British band ever

Pearl Jam are the worst band ever

what about that band Yoko owna try to start?

Soundgardener 02-17-2005 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger

Pearl Jam are the worst band ever

NO WAY MAN...........

CRAZY TOWN *vomits in mouth* :yikes:

TheBig3 02-17-2005 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger

Worst British band ever

Pearl Jam are the worst band ever

Boy someone was taking his "start some shi t pill today"

Yeah, I like how whenever people pick giant well known bands as WBE they seem to leave out crap like oingo boingo or Saigon Kick. Please remember, you only hate them because you hear them alot (for a reason) and that if they decided to throw on Quiet Riot CD"s you beg for pearl jam back.


RedEye 02-18-2005 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger

Worst British band ever

Pearl Jam are the worst band ever

You're not America's biggest fan are you? LOL. ****ing useless yanks.

Sneer 02-18-2005 05:14 PM

worst british band is harsh, second worst is more apt, your forgetting about chumbawumba

deepestgrey 02-18-2005 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by Soundgardener
NO WAY MAN...........

CRAZY TOWN *vomits in mouth* :yikes:

going to have to agree on this one.
the lyrics to 'Butterfly' are possibly the worst ever. The song starts about about how great she looks and then it turns into what could be corny country love song lyrics. bleh!

franscar 02-18-2005 06:39 PM

Instead of Institute, he should've called them Administration, because then it would have gone Bush Administration. And that would have been quite topical. As it is, it's a pretty dull name, for what I can only predict will be a pretty dull band.

maryjane88 02-21-2005 02:31 PM

aww u guys have some faith maybe it'll be good ur giving a thumbs down even before it comes out "que muchachos estos no pueden tratar de querer las cosas buenas" if u can read this then i salute u

franscar 02-21-2005 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by maryjane88
"que muchachos estos no pueden tratar de querer las cosas buenas" if u can read this then i salute u

These boys have to try to want the good things?

Tommyrocker 02-21-2005 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by franscar
These boys have to try to want the good things?

yea im doing a-level spanish and i dont understand, either that was bollocks or im gunna fail baaaaad. How can you try to want good things, im going for a sulk

maryjane88 02-21-2005 02:40 PM

ha cool u got it there are people who can speak my second language

franscar 02-21-2005 02:50 PM

Hablo un poco de Espanol. No me gusto Bush.

maryjane88 02-23-2005 09:42 AM

ha very funny me haces reirme

Tommyrocker 02-23-2005 11:05 AM

Quiero que el gobierno de los Estados Unidos tenga respuestas por el guerra en Iraq - hey why are we speaking spanish? in response to the question, i like bush (har har)

Urban Hat€monger ? 02-23-2005 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog
Boy someone was taking his "start some shi t pill today"

Yeah, I like how whenever people pick giant well known bands as WBE they seem to leave out crap like oingo boingo or Saigon Kick. Please remember, you only hate them because you hear them alot (for a reason) and that if they decided to throw on Quiet Riot CD"s you beg for pearl jam back.


I`m not starting anything Pearl Jam are **** , I couldn`t care less how many fans they have. In fact most people I know who did like Pearl Jam think they`re crap now anyway.

Saigon Kick & Quiet Riot , they might be bad but they don`t bother me on account of nobody giving a flying **** about them for over a decade

NaNaNer 12-28-2006 02:56 PM

I am a HUGE fan of Bush..have been for years..its not guilty pleasure...the Sixteen Stone album was really good..

Rainard Jalen 12-28-2006 03:59 PM


Bush (or at least early Bush) were not "bad" as such, in the grand scheme of things. Relatively speaking, there were tons of post-grunge bands a million times worse. Bush were just very derivative and unoriginal. Is all.

EDIT: I should add that Bush APPARENTLY seemed to digress to total suck from Razorblade Suitcase onwards (with the notable exception of Swallowed, which was a good song.)

NaNaNer 12-28-2006 04:01 PM

I think it has to with the fact that no one liked them but me (where I am from) when they first came out..and then all of a sudden everyone was like hey heard this band called bush? and they were my first concert without the supervision.

NaNaNer 12-28-2006 04:18 PM

^^ Okay I know without everyone else saying it..

My taste in music sucks, Bush sucks..blah blah..hey at least I didnt waste YOUR money buying it.

Seltzer 12-28-2006 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by deepestgrey (Post 42685)
going to have to agree on this one.
the lyrics to 'Butterfly' are possibly the worst ever. The song starts about about how great she looks and then it turns into what could be corny country love song lyrics. bleh!

Not to mention the music is a complete rip off of RHCP's Pretty Little Ditty.

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