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09-05-2014 10:01 AM |
Originally Posted by CoNtrivedNiHilism
(Post 1485287)
My stance on the whole Metallica vs. Megadeth debate has always simply been based around my belief that Megadeth is the better band. It has nothing to do with beef with Metallica for me. I feel that Mustaine is a better songwriter and frontman than James, and has more depth in his guitar playing than Kirk. I've also always believed that Lars is sort of a sloppy drummer. So I guess I'm also saying that Megadeth is comprised of better musicians as well. Although. Metallica are still comprised of great musicians too, save for Lars...he can play, but as I said...his playing has always sounded sloppy to me.
Also since we're talking Metallica vs. Megadeth...
I prefer Metallica to Megadeth. The first reason for this is because Metallica has a more brutal, thicker, and heavier sound. All of Metallica's riffs are downpicked. That by itself is awesome, but their riffs are a constant presence and the driving force of most of their songs, as opposed to blinding fast riffs Mustaine often plays that are not usually downpicked. It's a different style, and different songwriting. I'll take the intro to "Master of Puppets" to "Holy Wars..." 100% of the time.
There isn’t a single guitar solo in thrash metal that I like, so the fact that Mustaine often writes 4-5 mini-solos into his songs isn’t exactly something that I care for.
As far as songwriting, I just prefer Metallica's approach. Their instrumentals on their first four albums are very impressive, their lyrics are simplistic, and I find Metallica's albums are generally more well-structured and true to a theme than Megadeth's.
As far as Ulrich, I actually like that’s he’s a sub-par drummer, because he just plays in rhythm with the guitars, which makes the guitars more noticeable. Also, because Metallica does not emphasize speed much, Lars plays heavier. Can you name a more powerful beat than “Sad But True?” I can’t. The snare drum on that song is absolutely sensational.
tl;dr: I much prefer Metallica's heavier, slower sound to Megadeth's technical, faster sound.