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masterofpuppets 01-27-2005 09:00 PM

Music that pisses me off!
Music that pisses me off!!!

REM-suck ass, plain and simple.
U2-Verigo??? argh!
Clash-some is good, but its annoying me lately.
Scorpions-To corny
White Lion-Also to corny
King Diamond-They just suck
The Causualties-Possibly the worst band I have ever heard
Outcast-Hey ya?

I dont know, I could be wrong here, but back me up on these. Post any bands/artists/songs that PISS YOU OFF!

Metal_Head 01-27-2005 09:18 PM

i love scorpions.

bonzodrummer 01-27-2005 11:41 PM

i can't believe you don't like U2

blackTshirt 01-28-2005 12:29 AM

^ i can believe that, i can't believe he doesn't like REM...ah well, different people, different tastes...
i can't stand pop singers, but if you're talking about rock music that pisses us off, that would be U2

Waynegrow 01-28-2005 01:05 AM

Anything after ride the lightning album-Mettalica
MTV/Much Music except Loud is alright once in a blue moon.
Rap music after 94'

Sneer 01-28-2005 06:34 AM

Emo in general
the darkness
green day (dunno why, they just do)
the killers
Motley crue

dog 01-28-2005 07:31 AM

i like r.e.m, theyre pretty kickass. havent heard of most of the other bands u sed

dog 01-28-2005 07:32 AM

U2 vertigo is crap. theyre old stuff might be good.

ArtistInTheAmbulance 01-28-2005 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by masterofpuppets
Outcast-Hey ya?

I HATE THAT SONG!!!! I hate it so much it hurts my ears.

kornslayer 01-28-2005 11:09 AM

Skindred god they are so *** i cant stand them

MUSE girl 01-28-2005 11:18 AM

i cant be doing with the darkness or pop singers, they get on my nerves!

Soundgardener 01-28-2005 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by masterofpuppets
Music that pisses me off!!!

REM-suck ass, plain and simple.
U2-Verigo??? argh!
Clash-some is good, but its annoying me lately.
Scorpions-To corny
White Lion-Also to corny
King Diamond-They just suck
The Causualties-Possibly the worst band I have ever heard
Outcast-Hey ya?

I dont know, I could be wrong here, but back me up on these. Post any bands/artists/songs that PISS YOU OFF!

I agree with all of those. Id have to add: Maroon 5, Good Charlotte, and Simple Plan.

hookers with machineguns 01-28-2005 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by masterofpuppets
Music that pisses me off!!!

REM-suck ass, plain and simple.
U2-Verigo??? argh!
Clash-some is good, but its annoying me lately.
Scorpions-To corny
White Lion-Also to corny
King Diamond-They just suck
The Causualties-Possibly the worst band I have ever heard
Outcast-Hey ya?

I dont know, I could be wrong here, but back me up on these. Post any bands/artists/songs that PISS YOU OFF!

Clash annoying? Nah.
BTW, its *Outkast. And yes, that song is annoying, as well as everything they have done since the new millenium, but if you owned Aquemini and ATLiens you wouldnt say they are annoying.
It's also *Casualties. They have some of the worst lyrics, but definitely not the worst band.

Soundgardener 01-28-2005 03:15 PM

ATleins is an awesome cd.

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-28-2005 03:32 PM

Since when did people give a flying **** about White Lion after 1987 ?

In fact nobody cared even then.

Waynegrow 01-28-2005 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
Since when did people give a flying **** about White Lion after 1987 ?

In fact nobody cared even then.

I never even heard a them.

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-28-2005 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Waynegrow
I never even heard a them.

Just think Bon Jovi Lite

Are_You_Experienced? 01-28-2005 06:40 PM

Outkast is great...the threadstarter is clearly out of his mind.

Also, to the person that said "Rap music after 1994": Nas, Jay-Z, Outkast, Talib Kweli, and Mos Def, among others, are great.

masterofpuppets 01-28-2005 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by Are_You_Experienced?
Outkast is great...the threadstarter is clearly out of his mind.

Also, to the person that said "Rap music after 1994": Nas, Jay-Z, Outkast, Talib Kweli, and Mos Def, among others, are great.

Outcast sucks a ****. So does the black eyed peas. They're just a radio pop song producing machine.

Saito 01-28-2005 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by ledzeppelinrulz
U2 vertigo is crap. theyre old stuff might be good.

Bono's spanish is pretty fvkked-up too.

he says uno, dos, tres, catorce. That means 1, 2, 3, 14(and if he did it on purpose it doesnt really makes sense)

If u want to sound cool or whatever using another language, at least know/learn what u will say!

hookers with machineguns 01-28-2005 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by masterofpuppets
Outcast sucks a ****. So does the black eyed peas. They're just a radio pop song producing machine.

Once again, it is *Outkast (note the K). And he/she didn't even mention Black Eyed Peas, and it's already evident that they are hip hop/pop. There's really no debate there.
But, if you're gonna say Outkast sucks because of one, two songs you've heard off the radio, how would you like it if someone who only heard of Load and Reload said Metallica sucks a fat d*ck, with just cause in that case. It would probably piss you off.

sleepy jack 01-28-2005 11:54 PM

Casualties=One of the best street punk bands
Clash=one of the best classic punk bands

Nu Metal-Disturbed Trapt?smae genera?
Beatles-Acoustic garbage
that girl pop (britney spears beyonce) Wow sluts selling their bodys instead of their music
Blink 182-wow 30 year old men singing about screwing princess layla

i could go on forever.

blackTshirt 01-29-2005 01:52 AM

^ it's princess leia and they were younger when they worte that song...please don't ask me how the hell i know that

blackTshirt 01-29-2005 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by Soundgardener
I agree with all of those. Id have to add: Maroon 5, Good Charlotte, and Simple Plan.

uh huh, agree too

pianolp325 01-29-2005 02:16 AM

Maroon 5 is an awesome band, they are great musicians cept they are just in the wrong genre cause adam is a popstar.

I hate all the poppy punk bands. I dont like whiny music. I dont like whiny emo music(I like screaming emo tho). I dont like meaningless lyrics or music that doesnt sound well written or thought threw. Weezer and Chingy are some of the worst **** Ive ever heard.

Sneer 01-29-2005 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by MIsfitspunk
Casualties=One of the best street punk bands
Clash=one of the best classic punk bands

Nu Metal-Disturbed Trapt?smae genera?
Beatles-Acoustic garbage
that girl pop (britney spears beyonce) Wow sluts selling their bodys instead of their music
Blink 182-wow 30 year old men singing about screwing princess layla

i could go on forever.

no, the clash are the greatest punk band period.

sleepy jack 01-29-2005 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by LedZepStu
no, the clash are the greatest punk band period.

yes they great but i wouldnt go as far to call them the best but if their your fav thats cool.

Are_You_Experienced? 01-29-2005 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by masterofpuppets
Outcast sucks a ****.

If you're going to continue to judge Outkast based only on "Hey Ya!", I'll judge Metallica based only on "St. Anger", which clearly does not provide an accurate depiction of the band.

hookers with machineguns 01-29-2005 05:54 PM

^ That's basically what I said earlier. But if not St. Anger, there's always Load and Reload and Buttload and so on.

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-29-2005 06:13 PM

I`ve hated Metallica since Justice For All , horrible album badly produced & songs that just seem to go on & on & on forever.

Are_You_Experienced? 01-29-2005 09:07 PM

I always thought Metallica sold out when they did "Fade to Black", which is an unpopular stance, to say the least.

Tommyrocker 01-30-2005 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by LedZepStu
Emo in general
the darkness
green day (dunno why, they just do)
the killers
Motley crue

^^^ My list of favorite bands basically. We got a lot in common me and stu. I must point out i dont think you have heard a single motley crue song thou.

hookers with machineguns 01-30-2005 12:04 PM

A better question woulda been what music doesnt piss me off.
To sum up all the threads I've seen in this forum:
** Nirvana- get over it. For Christ's sake, find some new music to talk about.
** Crap Indie Spreading Like Syphillis- I'm sorry, but 2004 releases from The Killers, Franz Ferdinand, Interpol, Modest Mouse, Arcade Fire.... all extremely overrated. MM shoulda gotten attention aside from signing a major record deal. Interpol shoulda gotten attention with Turn on the Bright Lights. Franz is horrible, just listen to the album. The killers are more fillers than anything. Arcade Fire "funeral" was not the best album of the year, not even close.
**Total request faux punks- If you think sum 41, blink, GC, simple plan is punk music, then I recommend you stick with familiar territory, i.e., your carsons and britneys.
** Faux-politics in music- Eminem's new album was not political. Green Day's new album was not political. One or two songs on mediocre-to-below average albums making vague references to war and "f*ck bush" is not political. Both are extremely overrated albums and make their earlier releases almost look ten times better.
**Grammys or any Award shows for that matter- Old farts handing out awards to bands/musicians that should have either gotten the award decades ago or not gotten the award at all. These farts wouldn't know good music if it hit em straight in the f*cking face.
**Metallica- should have retired after Ride The Lightning or Master of Puppets. Either that or became a country band, frankly they'd still have the same core audience.

Urban Hat€monger ? 01-30-2005 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by hookers with machineguns
** Crap Indie Spreading Like Syphillis- I'm sorry, but 2004 releases from The Killers, Franz Ferdinand, Interpol, Modest Mouse, Arcade Fire.... all extremely overrated. MM shoulda gotten attention aside from signing a major record deal. Interpol shoulda gotten attention with Turn on the Bright Lights. Franz is horrible, just listen to the album. The killers are more fillers than anything. Arcade Fire "funeral" was not the best album of the year, not even close.


Out of those 5 bands you mentioned I`ve heard all 5 albums & there a combination of 4 songs on them I don`t hate. Mind you I don`t like them that much either.

LoStInSpAcE 01-31-2005 09:03 AM

i hate U2- vertigo, it's just so annoying aaargh!
eminem really annoys me, dunno why, mainly cos i hate rap
god i hate britney spears, she just sucks, her songs are so cheesy

ArtistInTheAmbulance 01-31-2005 09:46 AM

New lostprophets's stuff.. No offence to your sig^, I mean everyones different, I just think theyve changed for the worse.

Sneer 01-31-2005 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Tommyrocker
^^^ My list of favorite bands basically. We got a lot in common me and stu. I must point out i dont think you have heard a single motley crue song thou.

again tom, i repeat, i have actually heard a few motley crue songs and from what ive heard, i really dont like.

burnmonkey 01-31-2005 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Are_You_Experienced?
I always thought Metallica sold out when they did "Fade to Black", which is an unpopular stance, to say the least.

If only unpopular for JUST the fact that the song is basically James Hetfield's brother's suicide note set to music. I'd be curious to know why you believe this particular song was their sellout point. IT probably isnt their best song, but it was released long bfore they started sucking A$$ as a whole.

TheBig3 02-01-2005 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by masterofpuppets
Music that pisses me off!!!

REM-suck ass, plain and simple.
U2-Verigo??? argh!
Clash-some is good, but its annoying me lately.
Scorpions-To corny
White Lion-Also to corny
King Diamond-They just suck
The Causualties-Possibly the worst band I have ever heard
Outcast-Hey ya?

I dont know, I could be wrong here, but back me up on these. Post any bands/artists/songs that PISS YOU OFF!

God your an idiot.
1. no, your opinion is null and void and should be taken from you.
2. Yeah its up my ass too, but it doesn't suck its just overplayed
3. What is your basis for music
4. too corny? you don't write songs anything close to the scorpions
5. who?
6. I havn't heard their stuff, so no comment
7. same/\
8. Refer to numbers 1, 3


TheBig3 02-01-2005 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by burnmonkey
If only unpopular for JUST the fact that the song is basically James Hetfield's brother's suicide note set to music. I'd be curious to know why you believe this particular song was their sellout point. IT probably isnt their best song, but it was released long bfore they started sucking A$$ as a whole.

This is a popular sentiment amoungest pseudo-intellectual morons who watch one documentry and realize that this is their first ballad, not realizing it begins their climb to massivly beautiful counterpuntal interplay, a defining aspect of metallica that stands as a testiment to their talent.

Most 15 year olds who spout this off attribute the word ballad with that "80's power ballad" CD's and not to something genuinly artistic like Stairway to heaven, which is an example of a ballad that doesn't blow hardocre.

Fade to black is a great song of, what i think, is their best disc, just for song selection, i think they got better and better, i just like the thrash on RTL.

Whoever said this was an idiot. Ignore them.

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