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Old 04-01-2011, 04:06 PM   #51 (permalink)
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Well, I learned about the term 'post-crunkcore' so you can imagine the resulting depression.. I haven't got out of bed in weeks.
Like an arrow,
I was only passing through.
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Old 04-01-2011, 04:08 PM   #52 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Engine View Post
Well, I learned about the term 'post-crunkcore' so you can imagine the resulting depression.. I haven't got out of bed in weeks.
I have a proto-post-crunkcorestep band you have GOT to hear!
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Old 04-01-2011, 05:27 PM   #53 (permalink)
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I don't think its right to lump so many different groups under the genre nu metal. SOAD, Rage, Korn, Linkin Park, Slipknot all make distinctly different styles of music.
I never liked Linkin Park but I still love System and occasionally crack out some of the others. Slipknot are great when Im feeling really angry. Skin ticket is still one of the best songs Ive ever heard. Korn's 'my give to you' is incredible and Rage's 'settle for nothing' is a classic, in my mind. Ive neverconsidered them to be of the same genre.

Seriously if you put these groups in the same category you can't possibly be listening to the music. Listen to Darts off SOADs first album. A lot of it sounds almost punky but the ending...its not of any genre Ive ever heard. Sugar? Sounds almost Jazzy...Many of slipknots tracks sound so industrial. RATM were so innovative with their guitars. They used no effect pedals on their first album! And the rapping style was unique with lyrics of deep and clever political and social relevance. Korn's sound is so rough and unrefined. The slap bass does sound a bit thin and tuneless and the 'melodies' are simple because they are chromatic and mostly low end. It makes the music sound dismal and sometimes I feel the same way.
I don't care about making genre's too specific. The only point of a genre is to ease communication, so people can talk and enquire about bands of a similar style. But if you make genre's too broad there's no point of them at all. The only things that each of the bands mentioned on this thread have in common is that they play guitars and drums and bass. I don't care what anybody decides to call the genre of each group but dont label them all as the same.
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Old 04-01-2011, 06:04 PM   #54 (permalink)
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I think they all sound similar enough to fall under the same general label and the fact that they were all big around the same time also helps.

And when have Slipknot ever released anything that sounds like industrial?
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Old 04-01-2011, 06:27 PM   #55 (permalink)
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I mean the music sounds literally industrial. The sheer scale of the sound, the metallic percussion and some of the ambience used. Skin ticket instantly springs to mind but also prosthetic amongst others. Its not a sound Ive associated with any other group.
And I dont think music should be defined by the time it came out. It should be defined by the content and each of these bands are too different. Rage are generally slower blues influenced and more obviously hip hoppy. You can clearly here classic rock influences in wake up (from Led Zeppelin's Kashmir) and the solo in settle for nothing...youd never hear anything like that in Slipknot. SOAD have obvious Eastern roots showing throough in their music.
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Old 04-01-2011, 06:53 PM   #56 (permalink)
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SLIPKNOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $lipknot is the best Nu-Metal Band Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Al Least,Thats What I Think)
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Old 04-01-2011, 07:07 PM   #57 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Psem5 View Post
I mean the music sounds literally industrial. The sheer scale of the sound, the metallic percussion and some of the ambience used.
I was hoping you could post an example.

Originally Posted by Psem5 View Post
And I dont think music should be defined by the time it came out. It should be defined by the content and each of these bands are too different.
Music is often a product of its time and as a result that's one of the things that defines it. Nu-metal is very much a product of its time IMO and as result it make a lot of sense to partially define it that way.

Originally Posted by Psem5 View Post
Rage are generally slower blues influenced and more obviously hip hoppy. You can clearly here classic rock influences in wake up (from Led Zeppelin's Kashmir) and the solo in settle for nothing...youd never hear anything like that in Slipknot. SOAD have obvious Eastern roots showing throough in their music.
I've never considered Rage Against the Machine nu-metal, though they were certainly a strong influence on the style.
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Old 04-01-2011, 07:23 PM   #58 (permalink)
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Yeah the time can to an extent define the style. But the same time period can produce different styles. I still can't put SOAD, slipknot and linkin park in the same place.
As for examples just type Skin ticket or prosthetics into youtube. Also highway song by system. I could neversay these songs were similar enough to call them Nu-metal. I would say they are all metal tracks but if Im putting them into sub genres they don't go together. Frankly Ive never really defined them which I guess is part of the reason I like them.

Or soil by system. No Linkin park track sounds like this. Its the linkin park thing which stings the most. Its such a shame that SOAD should be considered even similar!
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Old 04-01-2011, 07:54 PM   #59 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Psem5 View Post
Yeah the time can to an extent define the style. But the same time period can produce different styles.
Of course. But all the bands you're talking about have enough similarities and were influenced by enough of the same things to be considered part of the same style. In the context of what had come before in metal these bands do have a lot in common: they were more groove-oriented, borrowed a fair amount from hip-hop (anything from vocalists who rapped, to having a turntablist in the band, to simply the beats themselves), had much more prominent bass and featured guitar that was often downtuned and which typically eschewed the type of soloing that was prominent in metal up to that point.

Originally Posted by Psem5 View Post
As for examples just type Skin ticket or prosthetics into youtube.
I just checked out "Skin Ticket" but it doesn't sound anything like industrial to me.
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Old 04-01-2011, 08:30 PM   #60 (permalink)
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Not industrial the genre I mean some of the sounds used sound literally industrial as in from industry. The echoing metallic sounds and the ambience.
I see your point and in those respects I might agree that slipknot, linkin park and korn are similar but never system. They had some slightly hip hop like beats but their music as a whole seemed to come from a completely different direction as if their music just happened to develop around the same time. I think they are too unique to label as Nu-metal.
It is a personal thing. When I think Nu-metal I always think of linkin park, limp biskit and papa roach etc. and I see them as kind of cheesy and poppy. I would likely here their songs in the charts. I never heard system, slipknot or korn in the charts
At a stretch Korn are similar especially recent korn and if slipknots tracks were slower maybe but not system.
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