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The Wild Man 01-15-2009 08:57 PM

I am currently working on a Nickleback parody song and video, due to the fact that they of course suck. It is funny so far and the final product should be a hoot.

Some will say, "Hey, lay off Nickleback! There just a couple of guys play'n music and doing what they love."

Well, our movement will not stop until Nickleback stops playing. This is the civil rights movement of people with musical taste. Do not defend that band. They do not defend the sanctity of music.

Surell 01-15-2009 09:08 PM

I can't say I like em.

Fruitonica 01-15-2009 09:15 PM

I don't understand all the Nickleback hate. I never understood what was so terrible about them.

Surell 01-15-2009 09:23 PM

They're just cheesy to me. Their early stuff, looking back, was kinda Ok.

lucifer_sam 01-15-2009 09:43 PM

Not worth caring about. Parodies are great when you're an iconoclastic figure (like Frank Zappa) making fun of enormously well-respected musicians (like Frank Zappa).

Now that I think about it, you should probably just give up and let Frank Zappa write it.

Surell 01-15-2009 09:53 PM

Send your idea to Frank Zappa and he'll pretend to care.

dac 01-15-2009 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by lucifer_sam (Post 579819)
Not worth caring about.


Dr_Rez 01-16-2009 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by The Wild Man (Post 579784)
I am currently working on a Nickleback parody song and video, due to the fact that they of course suck. It is funny so far and the final product should be a hoot.

Some will say, "Hey, lay off Nickleback! There just a couple of guys play'n music and doing what they love."

Well, our movement will not stop until Nickleback stops playing. This is the civil rights movement of people with musical taste. Do not defend that band. They do not defend the sanctity of music.

You are on a music forum. Surely there is already a Nickelback thread. Search always helps answer that problem.

Click here, even though you should have done this first.

Also don't start thread that just says I hate [inset band here], because [insert obvious reason here].

mr dave 01-16-2009 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by The Wild Man (Post 579784)
I am currently working on a Nickleback parody song and video, due to the fact that they of course suck. It is funny so far and the final product should be a hoot.

Some will say, "Hey, lay off Nickleback! There just a couple of guys play'n music and doing what they love."

Well, our movement will not stop until Nickleback stops playing. This is the civil rights movement of people with musical taste. Do not defend that band. They do not defend the sanctity of music.

congratulations on taking the most direct approach to having your musical future written off as worthless by anyone who might ever care.

jackhammer 01-16-2009 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by Surell (Post 579824)
Send your idea to Frank Zappa and he'll pretend to care.

He will have to get through ten feet of earth to get there. Fuckers been dead years :D

Surell 01-16-2009 05:50 PM

Raptor Jesus relays messages for me. But I never know about people being dead for some reason.

dac 01-16-2009 06:02 PM

This thread needs to stop being bumped. Arguing Nickelback is like arguing if George W. Bush was a bad president.

Dr_Rez 01-16-2009 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by dac (Post 580310)
This thread needs to stop being bumped. Arguing Nickelback is like arguing if George W. Bush was a bad president.

*is a bad president.

Lets not get ahead.;)

The Wild Man 01-16-2009 08:29 PM

There is some of the propaganda I'm talking about on this thread. I don't make horrible music like the band and all of a sudden I'm the bad guy. Nickleback transcends I hate [insert band here], because [insert reason here]. You may downplay this as a stupid person rambling on about a band they hate, but this is thread is not one. If you want a research paper I will be happy to type one.

Surell 01-16-2009 09:38 PM

It doesn't matter because we all know Nickelback is horrible. It's done, kinda like oooold internet memes.

Except Raptor Jesus, of course.

Ace 01-18-2009 01:24 AM

Nickelback pwns.
The latest album is definately subpar compared to the rest.
And the one before that isn't as good as it's forerunners either.

Silver Side Up was a great album,
and The State had some good songs on it.

Kroeger has a very distinctive voice as well. I think most of the Nickelback bashing comes from slightly homosexual men who don't want to seem wimpy when other slightly homosexual men make negative comments. I should go into some Bright Eyes thread and constantly post every other reply about how much I hate emo kids.

Dr_Rez 01-18-2009 01:52 AM

Please dont encourage to have people buy Metallica's album. They are are ****s and should not be endorsed in any way.

Rainard Jalen 01-18-2009 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by dac (Post 580310)
This thread needs to stop being bumped. Arguing Nickelback is like arguing if George W. Bush was a bad president.

He'll still probably end up going down as one of the greatest when history looks back. Just like with Harry Truman.

dac 01-18-2009 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Ace (Post 580833)
Nickelback pwns.
The latest album is definately subpar compared to the rest.
And the one before that isn't as good as it's forerunners either.

Silver Side Up was a great album,
and The State had some good songs on it.

Kroeger has a very distinctive voice as well. I think most of the Nickelback bashing comes from slightly homosexual men who don't want to seem wimpy when other slightly homosexual men make negative comments. I should go into some Bright Eyes thread and constantly post every other reply about how much I hate emo kids.

Is this a serious post?


Originally Posted by Rainard Jalen (Post 580906)
He'll still probably end up going down as one of the greatest when history looks back. Just like with Harry Truman.

He was a visionary, but any visions he had failed to be executed. Establishing a democracy in the middle east would be fantastic, but the way he and his administration attempted to do so was a complete failure.

Ace 01-18-2009 04:00 PM

Halfway serious, yes.
Having an opinion of a band is one thing, constantly trolling it through a thread is another.

And Metallica's first three albums alone were enough to own your soul, RezZ.
I like how I post something about Nickelback and you ignore the topic and go off on something completely different. :laughing:

EDIT: Here's what I really think.
I think that, just like Hot Topic kids have a trend of buying Nirvana t-shirts when they don't even listen to the band, that society has a trend of automatically either loving or hating mainstream music.
Oh, and if they hate whoever makes it mainstream, they go on about how much the band sucks and has no talent at all.
Yet, I bet most of those critics can't even play two notes on a frying pan with a wooden spoon.

Just my opinion.

Myxomatosis 01-18-2009 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Rainard Jalen (Post 580906)
He'll still probably end up going down as one of the greatest when history looks back. Just like with Harry Truman.

It's kind of hard to overlook 26% approval ratings...

The Wild Man 01-18-2009 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Ace (Post 581137)
Halfway serious, yes.
Having an opinion of a band is one thing, constantly trolling it through a thread is another.

And Metallica's first three albums alone were enough to own your soul, RezZ.
I like how I post something about Nickelback and you ignore the topic and go off on something completely different. :laughing:

EDIT: Here's what I really think.
I think that, just like Hot Topic kids have a trend of buying Nirvana t-shirts when they don't even listen to the band, that society has a trend of automatically either loving or hating mainstream music.
Oh, and if they hate whoever makes it mainstream, they go on about how much the band sucks and has no talent at all.
Yet, I bet most of those critics can't even play two notes on a frying pan with a wooden spoon.

Just my opinion.

The main people that dislike mainstream music ARE musicians. This Nickleback movement consists of only musicians.

Dr_Rez 01-18-2009 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Ace (Post 581137)
And Metallica's first three albums alone were enough to own your soul, RezZ.
I like how I post something about Nickelback and you ignore the topic and go off on something completely different. :laughing:

I think I know much better than you ever will how Mettalica is. I used to play for 2 years in a Mettalica cover band. Learned every song off there first 4 albums. And not once did I mention they didnt have talent or were not great musicians, just the fact that as people they are not to be respected or defended.

Secondly if you actually took the time to read some of my old posts you would realize I have about 20-30 posts on my opinion about Nickelback. There is nothing I could say without repeating myself.

So before criticizing people, do you homework and stop acting like a twat. :finger:

jackhammer 01-18-2009 07:28 PM

I think 'Never Again' is a perfectly acceptable Rock track. I have heard far worse in my time. I don't care much for them as a rule but people take them far too seriously. They are a bubblegum rock band and they have been around for years.

The Wild Man 01-18-2009 07:33 PM

This could be the Nickleback thread to end all Nickleback threads.

Don't miss your chance to be part of history!

Dr_Rez 01-18-2009 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by The Wild Man (Post 581284)
This could be the Nickleback thread to end all Nickleback threads.

Don't miss your chance to be part of history!

You should have seen the old one. The title was something like "Why Nickelback Sucks", and one "who sucks more Nickelback or Creed". You would have enjoyed them.

dac 01-18-2009 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Ace (Post 581137)
EDIT: Here's what I really think.
I think that, just like Hot Topic kids have a trend of buying Nirvana t-shirts when they don't even listen to the band, that society has a trend of automatically either loving or hating mainstream music.
Oh, and if they hate whoever makes it mainstream, they go on about how much the band sucks and has no talent at all.
Yet, I bet most of those critics can't even play two notes on a frying pan with a wooden spoon.

I'd like to see you play more than two notes on a frying pan with a wooden spoon.

Dr_Rez 01-18-2009 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by dac (Post 581291)
I'd like to see you play more than two notes on a frying pan with a wooden spoon.

Hey at least he brought up something extremely original and insightful. No one has ever made that argument before.:rofl: ;)

Ace 01-18-2009 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by RezZ (Post 581275)
I think I know much better than you ever will how Mettalica is. I used to play for 2 years in a Mettalica cover band. <---:laughing: Haven't laughed this much in a while.

Secondly if you actually took the time to read some of my old posts you would realize I have about 20-30 posts on my opinion about Nickelback. There is nothing I could say without repeating myself. (My point exactly.)

So before criticizing people, do you homework and stop acting like a twat. :finger:

I also did not accuse YOU of saying they had no talent.
I was just making a general assessment of most musical critiques.

As for most of these people being musicians, good for you.
Let me hear the music that you think is worth more than their catalouge.

It doesn't matter what band it is, a handful of people are going to start "OMZ I LOVES THEM" threads, and the other half will start "THEY FUXIN SUCK MAN" threads. Doesn't change the fact that there is a different between stating your opinion, and being a downright ****.

And dac, I could probably say something like "I played in a Metallica cover band for two years" right now, but I'll keep my comments to myself.

Dr_Rez 01-18-2009 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Ace (Post 581363)
I also did not accuse YOU of saying they had no talent.
I was just making a general assessment of most musical critiques.

As for most of these people being musicians, good for you.
Let me hear the music that you think is worth more than their catalouge.

You don't get the point do you? Do you read the news? Do you know whats going on with the music industry? Obviously ****ing not or you would get the point I was making.

Do us all a favor and read some articles on what Mettalica has done regarding media rights. Then come back here and maybe, just maybe, you will understand that what I said has nothing to do with what your feverishly arguing.

Ace 01-19-2009 12:03 AM

First of all, when did this turn into a Metallica debate at all? It didn't, so stop trying to make it one.
Secondly, contrary to your belief, it is I who probably knows more about Metallica than you do, Mr. Two-Year Cover Band.
I bet you were one of those kids who stood out in the street and trashed all your Metallica albums when the Napster thing came up.
Honestly, what the hell does anything Metallica has EVER done, tie in with me saying bashing a band into the ground, (in this case, Nickelback), is like beating a dead horse?

dac 01-19-2009 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by Ace (Post 581363)
And dac, I could probably say something like "I played in a Metallica cover band for two years" right now, but I'll keep my comments to myself.

I was more so challenging you to produce 3 or more musical notes with a wooden spoon and a frying pan. I found that to be a rather ridiculous claim.

Ace 01-19-2009 12:08 AM

You think playing a frying pan is complex?

Dr_Rez 01-19-2009 12:28 AM

Sigged by Ace:) You really dont understand do you.

mr dave 01-19-2009 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by RezZ (Post 581365)
You don't get the point do you? Do you read the news? Do you know whats going on with the music industry? Obviously ****ing not or you would get the point I was making.

Do us all a favor and read some articles on what Mettalica has done regarding media rights. Then come back here and maybe, just maybe, you will understand that what I said has nothing to do with what your feverishly arguing.

sorry man but it's one T and two Ls, it's just bugging me haha

the only thing nickleback did wrong was to not add a single thing to the well worn (out) 70s arena rock formula. it's not like they ever pretended to want to be anything besides corporate rock whores. complaining about nickleback is like complaining about the stink off pee after you piss into the wind.

Ace 01-19-2009 12:31 AM

Yes, I sigged it. That's the hardest I've laughed this week.

And no, you're completely right.
I do not understand what Metallica has to do with Nickelback, not at all.

And he probably knows how to spell it, he's more than likely just looking for an excuse to say something like;
"I refuse to type the word metal in their name!" :laughing:

Dr_Rez 01-19-2009 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by mr dave (Post 581381)
sorry man but it's one T and two Ls, it's just bugging me haha

It figures :(

mr dave 01-19-2009 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by Ace (Post 581382)
I do not understand what Metallica has to do with Nickelback, not at all.

actually a buddy of mine saw them like 2 years ago or something. i can't for the life of me remember who the opening act was but i swear on his behalf that they were the reason he went. might have been the aussie pink floyd. either way he stuck around for the headlining act since he had to pay full price anyway.

for some reason midway through their set kroger's talking to the crowd and starts mouthing off about metallica or something and claiming he can play any of their tunes. like he's arguing with the crowd about hiz skillz vs. jaymz's.

so for some reason there actually is some sort of NB vs M action going on out there.

Ace 01-19-2009 12:45 AM

That'd be interesting to hear.....can't really imagine Chad singing a Metallica song.

Piss Me Off 01-19-2009 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by Ace (Post 581387)
That'd be interesting to hear.....can't really imagine Chad singing a Metallica song.

There ya go

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