Comus |
12-26-2008 07:58 PM |
I'm a metal-head and proud
Now, for those of you who know my tastes that might seem either very sensible or completely odd depending on what you've been paying attention to. But no, one part of me is a total metal head, when I heard a well executed and well timed blast beat and a riff that can crush skulls I get a flurry in my nether-regions.
I think good metal albums "crush" and "destroy" I use the word "br00tal" I can often find black metal vocals soothing and most importantly, I'm elitist to a fault.
Dimmu Borgir? Fuck off! Give me Drudkh any day, don't want any of your girly shite!. I detest all forms of nu-metal and find the only thing heavy about slipknot to be their makeup.
However what makes me proud to be a metal-head is that I don't solely listen to metal, infact I very rarely listen to metal, I very rarely discuss metal and I most certainly do not hate anyone simply because they don't like metal. What makes me proud is that I'm different from the simple minded metal-head, what makes me proud is that I can stand above them and say! I LOVE FOLK MUSIC... HA!
What makes me proud is that I know that an unnacompanied acoustic guitar can be so much heavier than a 5-man metal ensemble, corpse paint and all (although mix the two and then you've got something pretty damn kvlt).
But you know what makes me prouder than anything? Knowing that I'm better, better than you; the person who listens to only metal, and better than you; the person that wouldn't ever dream of touching it.
Who else is a metal-head and proud?