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15Steps 09-22-2008 06:25 PM

Heres the album condensed, free of charge. (take THAT Lars.)




Vocals: *insert alt rock vocals here*

The Unfan 09-22-2008 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by 15Steps (Post 522822)

Loom Pah Doom Pah Dee Do!

MeltingPot 09-22-2008 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by 15Steps (Post 522822)
Heres the album condensed, free of charge. (take THAT Lars.)




Vocals: *insert alt rock vocals here*

Wow, you have certainly nailed it! They sold half a million in 3 days, how did your "condensed version" do? LOL

Isn't Hannah Montana on...get the Tivo set up, quick!

TheBig3 09-22-2008 10:00 PM

15 steps is a snarky show off. we mostly ignore him.

jackhammer 09-23-2008 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by MeltingPot (Post 522518)
Well yes it is actually pathetic and I'll be glad to explain why...

As for The Wall, which I find almost unimaginable that a supposed fan doesn't like, that's an opinion, as I didn't hear you cal lit unlistenable or s**t. You are very likely in the minority with that opinion but hey, that's cool. Saying it's weak or not a good piece of music would be insane, however.

No. Lot's of people don't like The Wall and I will ignore the 'Supposed Fan' line and point you in this direction:

You have only posted about Metallica thus far. It would be interesting to hear your views on other bands and genres and get a sense of what you are into.

jamestl2 09-23-2008 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by 15Steps (Post 519473)
people are crazy.

Who ISN'T? ;)


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog (Post 522950)
15 steps is a snarky show off. we mostly ignore him.

I see I still have much to learn :D.

Brad Stengel 09-23-2008 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by MeltingPot (Post 522944)
Wow, you have certainly nailed it! They sold half a million in 3 days, how did your "condensed version" do? LOL

Isn't Hannah Montana on...get the Tivo set up, quick!

Lets ignore the fact that someone is criticizing the banality of an album that you think is the greatest thing since The Beatles, and instead focus on the fact that this poster is younger than someone who was around when Metallica were considered a good thrash band, and then hyperbolize the fact that he's relativley (sp) young by accusing him of taking part in many fads affecting small girls 10-15 years younger than him to take the heat off the fact that you cant argue with someone who has a legitimate gripe about an album since its a matter of opinion after all, and his opinion is no better or worse than anyone else who's heard the album, whether they're 15 or 75.

Although I will say your passionate defense of this album is very well written, its a shame you had to make personal attacks on someone who was simply criticizing a Metallica album, rather than accepting the fact that alot of people think it sucks. Are you Lars Ulrich?

15Steps 09-23-2008 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by Brad Stengel (Post 523245)
Lets ignore the fact that someone is criticizing the banality of an album that you think is the greatest thing since The Beatles, and instead focus on the fact that this poster is younger than someone who was around when Metallica were considered a good thrash band, and then hyperbolize the fact that he's relativley (sp) young by accusing him of taking part in many fads affecting small girls 10-15 years younger than him to take the heat off the fact that you cant argue with someone who has a legitimate gripe about an album since its a matter of opinion after all, and his opinion is no better or worse than anyone else who's heard the album, whether they're 15 or 75.

Although I will say your passionate defense of this album is very well written, its a shame you had to make personal attacks on someone who was simply criticizing a Metallica album, rather than accepting the fact that alot of people think it sucks. Are you Lars Ulrich?

I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you now.

jackhammer 09-23-2008 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Brad Stengel (Post 523245)
Lets ignore the fact that someone is criticizing the banality of an album that you think is the greatest thing since The Beatles, and instead focus on the fact that this poster is younger than someone who was around when Metallica were considered a good thrash band, and then hyperbolize the fact that he's relativley (sp) young by accusing him of taking part in many fads affecting small girls 10-15 years younger than him to take the heat off the fact that you cant argue with someone who has a legitimate gripe about an album since its a matter of opinion after all, and his opinion is no better or worse than anyone else who's heard the album, whether they're 15 or 75.

Although I will say your passionate defense of this album is very well written, its a shame you had to make personal attacks on someone who was simply criticizing a Metallica album, rather than accepting the fact that alot of people think it sucks. Are you Lars Ulrich?

Excellent post. Kudos to you sir.

15Steps 09-23-2008 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by MeltingPot (Post 522944)
Wow, you have certainly nailed it! They sold half a million in 3 days, how did your "condensed version" do? LOL

Isn't Hannah Montana on...get the Tivo set up, quick!

Just because an album sells well, doesnt mean it's a quality album.

And could you please find a more original way to insult me than the whole, "Oh this kid is less than 17 years of age, therefore, must be a giant Jonas Brothers/Hannah Montana fan"
Also, give me 10 legitimate reasons why this album is superior to any other hard rock album released in the past five years.

now run back to the couch before you miss reruns of M*A*S*H.

jamestl2 09-23-2008 07:23 PM

Alright, here's 10 good reasons for you:
  1. That Was Just Your Life
  2. The End Of The Line
  3. Broken, Beat and Scarred
  4. The Day That Never Comes
  5. All Nightmare Long
  6. Cyanide
  7. The Unforgiven III
  8. The Judas Kiss
  9. Suicide and Redemption
  10. My Apocalypse

(Although admittedly, some of the tracks are just meh to me, like Cyanide and The Judas Kiss. They just didn't stand out very much to me compared to the rest of the album.)

Ludicati 09-23-2008 07:44 PM

Bob Rock killed the real Metallica

Zer0 09-24-2008 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by Ludicati (Post 523414)
Bob Rock killed the real Metallica

A tour bus crash in Sweden killed the real Metallica

15Steps 09-25-2008 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Zero1986 (Post 523500)
A tour bus crash in Sweden killed the real Metallica


TheBig3 09-26-2008 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog (Post 522950)
15 steps is a snarky show off. we mostly ignore him.


15Steps 09-27-2008 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by 15Steps (Post 524058)


Brad Stengel 09-27-2008 07:21 AM

What does qft mean?


Tanglewood 09-27-2008 11:05 AM

Unforgiven III is the best off the album IMO

jackhammer 09-27-2008 12:58 PM

qtf= Quoted for truth.

The Unfan 09-27-2008 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by Wayfarer (Post 524662)
The hell's the point then? Just ban the twat.

You just don't ban the instantly recognizable posters over trivial nonsense.

Ace 09-27-2008 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by Wayfarer (Post 524776)
Well no but if all he does is spew shite causing everyone to ignore him...

Anyway, to get back on topic, anyone still interested in the GH3 rips? Sorry I haven't gotten back to any of you, my internet was down for about a week.

Yeah, I'd greatly appreciate a link to that.
I'm close to using the retail version as a shooting ski.

Edit: The MeltingPot dude is acting like an arse in my opinion.

I've probably defended Metallica more than you have, but I am not going to sit here and ignore the flaws on Death Magnetic.
The music is genius, the production is utter crap. You don't have to be a sound technician to hear the problems on this album.

And I AM a sound tech, so it DEFINATELY does not sit well with me.
I am by NO means a pro, but I could have mixed this album better myself.
For one, I wouldn't have compressed the piss out of it and killed the dynamics of the music.

Ace 09-27-2008 07:18 PM

Alot of the riffs are influenced by very old ones. Most of these riffs are ideas they had from 2006 - onward.

Seltzer 09-28-2008 12:45 AM

I haven't given it a full listen yet, but I was just listening some of the tracks with my flatmate who loves Metallica.

After hearing The Day That Never Comes a couple of weeks ago, I didn't have particularly high hopes. Especially after that embarrassing section starting at 5 mins with the gimmicky riffs.

After listening to a few more tracks, they seem ok and definitely superior to St Anger, but nothing great. My problem is that a lot of it seems predictable and pedestrian. Especially the parts where they take one riff, repeat it and then add a variation for the third and fourth rounds... and that variation seems to be either switching 2 notes around, moving it down/up a bit, adding a second guitar playing the same riff, or playing it with two and taking one away. And I won't even start on the production... coupled with Lars' drumming, it makes it sound like a workout session.

I'll give it a full listen sometime - maybe it'll grow on me. I look forward to hearing the Unforgiven III.

Molecules 09-28-2008 02:37 AM

i've not listened to this yet, only watched all the 'Later...with Jools Holland' performances broadcast in the UK the other week.

I was initially impressed to see the solos and progressions back in force (it was an insane performance and as tight as you'd expect, especially in the context of the other bands on that show), but as Seltzer implies they haven't quite shaken some of the bad habits picked up from St.Anger, or indeed their meanderings from the 'classic' sound throughout the 90's (the Black Album onwards - most of this left me cold).

Still I'm gonna cop it, for 'Cyanide' at least :D

under 09-28-2008 11:18 AM

i do like the album because of the influence they put in from their earlier stuff. like the "Ride the Lighting" album, Death Magnetic comes from those earlier albums. I think it does need some improvement but the riffs and guitar solos are definately a good sign.

Ace 09-28-2008 12:38 PM

Don't look forward to The Unforgiven's alright, but it's horrible in comparison to the other two.
James pretty much killed the song with the lyrics.

"How can I be lost - If I got nowhere to go?" <----totally makes no sense.

Ace 09-28-2008 04:06 PM

"How can I BE LOST, if I've got nowhere to go."

Might make some sense if he said get lost, instead of be.

The Unfan 09-28-2008 04:16 PM

It doesn't make much sense either way. You can be completely oblivious to your surroundings and not know where you are even if you lack a direction in which you're supposed to be going.

Ace 09-28-2008 06:04 PM

Eh. I'm always critical of lyrics.
Thrash or not, that has nothing to do with the matter. Simply because it's thrash, doesn't mean people should ignore the lyrics.
I'm not being a prick, I just know James Hetfield is capable of a hell of alot more than that.

NSW 09-28-2008 10:53 PM

I skimmed through the album a few nights ago with my brother, who thinks it is completely awesome. It's definitely better than St. Anger from what I heard. And it might just be me, but does it seem like James Hetfield's vocals are lacking? They just seem weak. I don't know how else to describe it.
It's obvious they are trying to get back to their glory days, but it's just not there, IMO.

Ace 09-29-2008 10:58 PM

His vocals over the last few years haven't been as great as they were in the 80's and 90's......may be due to stage wear and aging, but I don't think he's intentionally trying to hold anything back. I miss some of the power he had in the 90's, it's especially noticeable on the S&M album....

SlipJam 09-30-2008 05:48 AM

Death Magnetic
Ok, so the other day i bought Death Magnetic. And although it beat St. Anger it was still pretty ****...

What do you think??

Seltzer 09-30-2008 05:50 AM

I think your post belongs here.

NSW 09-30-2008 07:00 AM

A little off subject, but the last post reminded me of how much I liked the S&M album because it was the only Metallica album we could listen to on road trips and stuff as a family. My mom would put "For Whom the Bell Tolls" on repeat. It was weird, but completely awesome too! lol. It brings back good memories.

Molecules 09-30-2008 08:00 AM

^lol. and Hetfield has lost his fire for a while now...'ain't my bitch-ah!'

under 10-01-2008 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by Ace (Post 525150)
"How can I BE LOST, if I've got nowhere to go."

Might make some sense if he said get lost, instead of be.

im thinking its like a metaphor mayhaps ya i have no clue. but who's to say Hetfield WILL get lost. than we'll see how much the lyrics make sense.

its better than something like...
"How can i not be not lost, if i've got not nowhere to not go"
now that makes no sense

TheBig3 10-01-2008 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Wayfarer (Post 525162)

So, feel better about yourself now that you pointed out how a lyric on a ****ing thrash metal album when taken literally doesn't technically make all that much sense?

Get a ****ing life. Honest to God.


lucifer_sam 10-01-2008 01:20 PM

At first glance, I thought it was okay, but I went back and listened to a few tracks, and they fucking sucked. Even if they brought the sound back to '91, Rick Rubin sure fucked it up.

black_roses 10-04-2008 06:25 AM

Death Magnetic is great album^^, I love it!It's better then St.Anger!

squareOne 10-04-2008 06:51 AM

They didn't set the bar very high with St. Anger. Maybe that was their plan - make one of the worst albums ever made, so that for everything they make afterwards, people will say "at least its not St. Anger." And then they sell millions of copies.

Death Magnetic is pretty good overall. All Nightmare Long and Judas Kiss are awesome, and they have some of the best choruses in any Metallica song.

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