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Piss Me Off 09-02-2008 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 513785)
Luke did u catch the bbc2 doc on sunday night about 'tallica?

BBC iPlayer - The Culture Show: 2008/2009: Metallica: A Culture Show Special

Haha i was going to iplayer it later tonight as a matter of fact! I've had several peeps tell me to watch it, ta for the link.

Demonoid 09-02-2008 04:27 PM

and hope they don't sue us :D
Not having any high expectations for this...Lets just keep St. Anger in mind while listening to this.
Nothing can be worse than that!

Piss Me Off 09-02-2008 04:30 PM

I'll wait 'till the morn if it's crap quality.

Muzak 09-02-2008 05:35 PM

128k isn't too bad IMO.

So far the drums don't sound like ****.

jackhammer 09-02-2008 05:36 PM

link u slimey fookers and then I will delete. I'm lazy

Piss Me Off 09-02-2008 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 513785)
Luke did u catch the bbc2 doc on sunday night about 'tallica?

BBC iPlayer - The Culture Show: 2008/2009: Metallica: A Culture Show Special

This was good, i still haven't seen Some Kind Of Monster though, really need to get round to that.

Muzak 09-02-2008 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 513828)
link u slimey fookers and then I will delete. I'm lazy

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

Ace 09-02-2008 09:28 PM'll be my luck, by the time I download it on my dial up, it'll have already been released in stores. :laughing:

Ace 09-02-2008 11:00 PM

I can't wait to hear it.

Ace 09-03-2008 03:03 AM

Holy ****ing ****....

Piss Me Off 09-03-2008 05:53 AM

Well i'm listening to it now, so i'm not as horribly disappointed as i thought i would be! Drums are high in the mix but to be honest it doesn't bother me that much, and i'm been nodding my head a few times in approval.

Ace 09-03-2008 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by Piss Me Off (Post 513942)
Well i'm listening to it now, so i'm not as horribly disappointed as i thought i would be! Drums are high in the mix but to be honest it doesn't bother me that much, and i'm been nodding my head a few times in approval.

Ha, dude I've said the same thing for weeks.
That, and the vocals are a tad bit buried....and James needs to write better lyrics on a few songs......but this kicks ass.
First thrash album since ...And Justice For All.

Piss Me Off 09-03-2008 10:11 AM

Yeah i'm fairly impressed i have to admit. My Apocalypse is still the best track but all of them apart from The Unforgiven III hold up well i'd say. Time will tell but it's looking like it could be the best since Justice.

Ace 09-03-2008 10:16 AM

Best thrash since Justice, no doubt. I still like the Black album though. And The Unforgiven III kinda disappointed me was alright, but not worthy of the title.

Meph1986 09-03-2008 11:23 AM

I'm listening to it now.

Ace 09-03-2008 07:55 PM

Anyone happen to have another Megaupload link? I have it, but I want to send it to my brother......might be a good idea not to name the file after the album too.

jackhammer 09-04-2008 05:01 PM

Fuck I'm 16 all over again. This is definitely a good thing BTW. :D

Ace 09-04-2008 09:13 PM

Haha. I can't wait to see the reactions of all the people that've said, "Metallica can never put out another good album."

The Unfan 09-05-2008 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by Ace (Post 514555)
Haha. I can't wait to see the reactions of all the people that've said, "Metallica can never put out another good album."

Based on the few tracks I've heard from Death Magnetic they'll all be saying "I told you so!"

Piss Me Off 09-05-2008 05:28 AM

It's going to split people, some will hear the thrash and think it's back to their best while some will think it just pales in comparison to the earlier stuff.
I know it's nowhere near the likes of Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets but that shouldn't take away from this album.

jackhammer 09-05-2008 12:54 PM

Musically it is unadventurous but this is a damn good Thrash album with great production, solid riffing and a decent amount of Bass for a change.

15Steps 09-06-2008 09:44 AM

ill give it a dl then.
ill give you my opinion in a few hours.

Demonoid 09-06-2008 10:06 AM

Yup, definitely their best since Justice. But it did kinda bore me though...I'll give it another listen later.

15Steps 09-06-2008 11:07 AM

just finished listening to it.

to me, its just the same bland stuff they keep releasing. its no better than the black album, and i dont know why people are saying "o god thrash is back, gaaah metallica is bst band ever hurr durr."
to be honest, i really couldnt stand listening to it. nothing jumped out at me, there was nothing new, just the same old recycled riffs.

more like trash is back amirite?

15Steps 09-06-2008 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by Wayfarer (Post 515101)
Wait a second...

You put a thrash metal album on and expected something innovative/musically daring?

Of course it's just going to be a bunch of riffs. That's what thrash metal is. Hell, that's basically what all metal is.

i realise this. its just that some metal brings something new to the genre, or an album might have some driving riffs/solos that really catch my attention. this however, was just a re hash of their whole career, except without the little bits and pieces of soul and creativity that were Master Of Puppets and Ride the Lightning.

Ace 09-06-2008 10:15 PM

Uh. If it were the same thing they had been doing, we'd end up with some sort of St. Anger or Load/Reload sequel. Rick Rubin told them to try to make an 80's sounding album, and they did. You aren't going to get better than Master of Puppets, ...And Justice For All and The Black Album, so people need to quit comparing everything they do to those albums. EVERY band has that one or two records that's just simply better than the rest. The highlighted moments of their careers. Metallica has never released "the same thing", that's the reason why they lost so many old fans.

I think most of us are glad to hear some old familiar sounds for a change.

Tomorrow 09-06-2008 11:14 PM

First off, I love Metallica. They're the reason I ever started listening to music. I even thought Load and ReLoad were great rock albums, but St. Anger turned me off so much that I completely stopped paying attention to this band.

With that said, I wasn't expecting much from this. But I think, at least judging by this one song alone, they've made a step in the right direction. It's nothing brilliant at all and they'll never be what they were, but I like it. Hopefully the record is also just as decent.

Demonoid 09-08-2008 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by 15Steps (Post 515102)
i realise this. its just that some metal brings something new to the genre, or an album might have some driving riffs/solos that really catch my attention. this however, was just a re hash of their whole career, except without the little bits and pieces of soul and creativity that were Master Of Puppets and Ride the Lightning.

Seriously though...i don't think anyone expects RTL/MoP.
This is as good as it gets with modern day metallica. Listening to it a second time, I'm actually liking it now. There isn't much room for originality in thrash metal. It's either you dig it or don't dig it.

The Unfan 09-09-2008 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by Demonoid (Post 516066)
There isn't much room for originality in thrash metal.

Blatant lie.

Demonoid 09-09-2008 01:34 AM

Well, i meant now. Or at least most of the modern day thrash. There's thrash-death and progressive-thrash which i prefer more now, but that's nothing new for me. Let me know, if you do have any recommendations.(I'm talking about last 5 years or so)

15Steps 09-10-2008 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by Ace (Post 515309)
Uh. If it were the same thing they had been doing, we'd end up with some sort of St. Anger or Load/Reload sequel. Rick Rubin told them to try to make an 80's sounding album, and they did. You aren't going to get better than Master of Puppets, ...And Justice For All and The Black Album, so people need to quit comparing everything they do to those albums. EVERY band has that one or two records that's just simply better than the rest. The highlighted moments of their careers. Metallica has never released "the same thing", that's the reason why they lost so many old fans.

I think most of us are glad to hear some old familiar sounds for a change.

IT WAS a re/load sequel.
sloppy sound, dull instrumentals,choppy production.
nothing changed.
really, nothing changed, metallica fans are just too sucked up in the hype of a new album that they all think its brilliant stuff. in two years you will all agree with me.

Ace 09-10-2008 09:51 PM's really hard not to think you're speaking out of pure ignorance, but I'll bite. How is this thrash metal album a sequel to a hard rock album with ****ty production? This one sounds like it cost atleast a few grand to produce, and St. Anger sounded like it cost a few bucks.
Neither Load or ReLoad contained instrumentals, either.

The Unfan 09-11-2008 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by Demonoid (Post 516117)
Well, i meant now. Or at least most of the modern day thrash. There's thrash-death and progressive-thrash which i prefer more now, but that's nothing new for me. Let me know, if you do have any recommendations.(I'm talking about last 5 years or so)

Dorso? They've been around for ages but their latest (released just recently actually, the name escapes me) is still pretty different.

FireInCairo 09-11-2008 05:55 AM

i had a listen today\
prett ygood stuff
reminded me of their old stuff in a nice way

Piss Me Off 09-11-2008 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by 15Steps (Post 516721)
really, nothing changed, metallica fans are just too sucked up in the hype of a new album that they all think its brilliant stuff

By the same token their doubters will be too set in their ways to give them any praise where it's deserved :D

Demonoid 09-11-2008 01:24 PM

More or less what I wanted to say, but was a bit off.
Well said :clap:

Definitely, I don't think anyone was expecting anything new or revolutionary from them.

jackhammer 09-11-2008 01:25 PM

You could have used a less offensive word to get your point across wayfarer. Let's hope it's the last.

As for your review: some decent valid points.

jackhammer 09-11-2008 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Wayfarer (Post 517179)
Alright alright fine, edited.

And yeah, I guess it does sound a bit off, but that's probably because I was replying to a few particular points somebody made in a post. He was talking about how a lot of people think DM is good but not "great" (as in up there with RTL/MOP). I'm basically just saying that it's virtually impossible for it to be "great" now because that style had already gone about as far as it was going to go by the early '90s, so anything thrashy made afterwards is probably just going to sound like a bunch of rehashed riffs/ideas. If Death Magnetic came out in '86 and Master Of Puppets came out now, people would probably be going on about how it's good but not quite up there with RTL/DM/AJFA.

Calm down fella. I agree with your review and you did'nt recieve a PM did you ;).

The Unfan 09-11-2008 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by Wayfarer (Post 517179)
I'm basically just saying that it's virtually impossible for it to be "great" now because that style had already gone about as far as it was going to go by the early '90s, so anything thrashy made afterwards is probably just going to sound like a bunch of rehashed riffs/ideas. If Death Magnetic came out in '86 and Master Of Puppets came out now, people would probably be going on about how it's good but not quite up there with RTL/DM/AJFA.

Or not. Death Magnetic is just a genuinely bad thrash album. The riffs sound redundant, the song structures seem to flop about as opposed to progressing, the leads aren't notably good, the production is horrendously over done, and it seems to lack any real emotion. MOP was masterfully crafted, DM just isn't.

jackhammer 09-11-2008 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by The Unfan (Post 517205)
Or not. Death Magnetic is just a genuinely bad thrash album. The riffs sound redundant, the song structures seem to flop about as opposed to progressing, the leads aren't notably good, the production is horrendously over done, and it seems to lack any real emotion. MOP was masterfully crafted, DM just isn't.

MOP had Burton underpinning everything with his melodic sense. They have NEVER come close to recreating this since. However DM is damn close. The reason why it sounds overdone and lacks emotion is because Thrash (as Wayfarer points out) is a limited genre and before we get all the 'sub genre' labels; Thrash is a genre that influenced a multitude of other Metal genres; yet there is no reason why it cannot stay true to it's original ideals and perform within those parameters.

Metallica were never a 'Progressive' band who pushed boundaries and musical avenues. They are merely one of the best bands at what they do. Motorhead and Hawkwind still stick to a fairly set formula so why not Metallica?

If you think it's a sloppy Thrash album, then you should backtrack and listen to every other Metal album circa '88-'90. The odd gem passed through but by god was there some crap.

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