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Demonoid 09-12-2008 09:20 PM

Yup, the lyrics are bullshit.
Well, i got more or less what i expected - An Improvement from St. Anger but nothing great either. Definitely listenable for a month or two, but It'll fade off after that.

jamestl2 09-13-2008 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by 15Steps (Post 517821)

Okaaaay.... :rolleyes:

ScaryMovie 09-13-2008 11:40 AM

i loved it
best i've seen in a while

15Steps 09-13-2008 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by Wayfarer (Post 517834)
Okay, yes, we get it. You think it's a bad album. You're not going to change anybody's mind by coming back over and over again and re-stating your opinion.

the ignorance post was me telling him he was ignorant for thinking dm was better than 90% of music out there today, implying that he thinks modern music sucks, which is ignorant.

15Steps 09-14-2008 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by Wayfarer (Post 518084)
He doesn't appear to be implying anything - seems to me he's simply saying that he thinks DM is better than 90% of music out there today. For all you know, he listens to little but modern music and DM is just the one album that impacted him most. Do you think people will like the album less if you argue with them about it or something?

are you blind?

the way he puts lil quotation marks on "music"?


Mojo 09-15-2008 08:41 AM

Opinions on a new Metallica album were always gonna be split. St. Anger had a few supporters and one hell of a backlash. DM was either going to continue in the same trend or it was going to turn St. Anger on its head, maybe go back to their thrash roots a little and start to win some of their fans back. They would have even satisfied some of their fans if they had made another Reload. As it turns out I think a large proportion of the initial opinions are positive but of course there are going to be some negative opinions too. You cant help that. It's the same with any band, any record etc.

While some of the negative opinions I've read/heard since the album was released have been perfectly understandable and theres been some good points raised I believe this thread, in places, just highlights what we already know and that is that a large number of people wrote it off before it came out and were always going to. DM is no masterpiece and it was never going to be an album you could hold up to the likes of MoP and Kill Em All but I would expect the Metallica haters to all be able to agree on ONE thing provided they had kept an open mind and gave this album a listen and that is, even if you think its ****, its NOTHING like St. Anger....

Janszoon 09-15-2008 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by Demonoid (Post 517880)
Definitely listenable for a month or two, but It'll fade off after that.

Will it fade to black? ;)

jamestl2 09-15-2008 12:19 PM

I was referring to all the mainstream rap, pop, hip-hop, etc. I've heard (that so many in the MTV crowd seem to adore) with those quotes around music. The 90% was just a round generalization relating to those types. That's how good I think DM was.

Besides, what do my musical preferences and tastes have to do with ignorance? You, not having a CLUE what other music I am in to and have heard recently, nor knowing what exactly I was referring to with the quotes, is what's ignorant.

But anyway, back on topic, my favorite band has been Metallica for the past six years so perhaps I'm biased to a degree, but I honestly enjoy listening to DM, and am really getting into it. Wayfayer hit the nail right on the head, DM was the one album that impacted me the most, recently. It grew on me the more and more I listened to it.

Ace 09-15-2008 12:52 PM

I ended up paying way too much for the thing, but I was impatient. I expected better quality on the actual cd itself, than on the rips I got. I still give the CD about an 8/10. Definately the best thing they've done since 91, and metalwise, since the late 80's. I can honestly thank Rick Rubin for pushing them in the right direction on this one. But I can also honestly say, I don't think Rubin had a thing to do with the production on this album. The mixing is mediocre at best. Alot of elements are probably near peak levels, the drums are slightly high in many of the songs, and the vocals are nearly buried in alot of tracks. The high audio level in some elements, may have added to the almost "muddy" sound on the album......probably wouldn't have hurt to bring the gain down on those instruments.

The bass is certainly alot better than in recent albums, but it's still a tad low in the mix. Overall, it seems like it could use some of Rock's infamous "polished" sound. It certainly wouldn't hurt to have some more highs in the overall mix. I love the album, but the production takes alot away from it.... I'm not that picky either, so if I notice production faults without even looking for them, it's saying something on my part.
The album is definately worth listening to a few hundred times, so go pick it up.
But it definately lacks in the production area.


under 09-15-2008 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by Ace (Post 512736)
The solo in The Day That Never Comes jumps around.......My Apocalypse just seems like it fits in well with the song.

I will agree with one thing.
When I heard the single for the very first time, my first thought was..."Man, they have those drums waaayy too hot in the mix." I think it would be better toned down a bit, but I love what I've heard so far.

was definately listening to the solo when i read this post. thats what make this special.

although, i haven't taken a liking to My Apocalypse, it probably has to do with me not listening to it as much as their other songs on the album. I mean the first part of the song just doesn't seem to fit into my liking. Maybe i'll give it more of a listen and see if i like it.

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