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Fiskenheimer 04-08-2009 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by crash_override (Post 632759)
I couldn't take more pleasure in informing you that you are wrong. That is not a possiblity.

I never really understood why Queen is considered to be so great. In my humble opinion both Queen and Brian May are a bit overrated :)

Must be me.

crash_override 04-08-2009 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Fiskenheimer (Post 632810)
I never really understood why Queen is considered to be so great. In my humble opinion both Queen and Brian May are a bit overrated :)

I'm not a huge Queen fan either, but Brian May can certainly play. Hay Hay.

Fiskenheimer 04-08-2009 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by crash_override (Post 632811)
I'm not a huge Queen fan either, but Brian May can certainly play. Hay Hay.

I didn't say I wanted him off the list. I just took a semi-random person from the top 20 and suggested that he could be replaced by Neil Young, which I prefer over Brian May.

crash_override 04-08-2009 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Fiskenheimer (Post 632819)
I didn't say I wanted him off the list. I just took a semi-random person from the top 20 and suggested that he could be replaced by Neil Young, which I prefer over Brian May.

Well, now I know where you stand. I understand what you mean, there are certainly things about the list that I disagree with and would change.

Sodacake 04-09-2009 12:50 PM

Neil young isn't nearly as great a guitar player as May is, and I'm not talking about technical skill before any of you start.

boo boo 04-09-2009 12:58 PM

Yeah, May > Young without a doubt.

Don't be rippin' on Young though. Cinnamon Girl = Best one note guitar solo ever.

Sodacake 04-09-2009 01:05 PM

I dig Young, but had it not been for his ability as a songwriter I don't think he'd ever have gotten anywhere as a guitar player.

crash_override 04-09-2009 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Sodacake (Post 633777)
I dig Young, but had it not been for his ability as a songwriter I don't think he'd ever have gotten anywhere as a guitar player.

Speculation is not reality.

Sodacake 04-09-2009 03:10 PM

No ****, Sherlock? That's why I said "I don't think he'd ever have gotten anywhere as a guitar player" and not "It's a known fact that Neil Young gave up songwriting because he knew his guitar playing ability would carry him for the rest of his life."

crash_override 04-09-2009 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by Sodacake (Post 633965)
No ****, Sherlock? That's why I said "I don't think he'd ever have gotten anywhere as a guitar player" and not "It's a known fact that Neil Young gave up songwriting because he knew his guitar playing ability would carry him for the rest of his life."

You bucketface fans sure do get testy huh?

Sodacake 04-09-2009 03:40 PM

Man, you really are pathetic. It's actually sad how stupid you are.

boo boo 04-09-2009 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Sodacake (Post 633777)
I dig Young, but had it not been for his ability as a songwriter I don't think he'd ever have gotten anywhere as a guitar player.

Yet when he got into the business, producers mostly told Neil that he should stick to guitar playing and not try to be a singer/songwriter.

I think Neil could have easly been successful even if he were just a guitar player.

Actually, that WAS how he got his start, he only wrote and sang a few songs for Buffalo Springfield. Stills was the leader of that band mostly, and Young's primary role was as the band's lead guitarist.

crash_override 04-09-2009 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 633995)
Yet when he got into the business, producers mostly told Neil that he should stick to guitar playing and not try to be a singer/songwriter.

I think Neil could have easly been successful even if he were just a guitar player.

Actually, that WAS how he got his start, he only wrote and sang a few songs for Bufallo Springfield. Stills was the leader of that band mostly, and Young's primary role was as the band's lead guitarist.

Yeah he also had a couple really nice stand out tracks of his own, Cortez the Killer was a great guitar piece of his.


Originally Posted by Sodacake (Post 633992)
Man, you really are pathetic. It's actually sad how stupid you are.

That would mean something if I respected your opinion, but I don't so no worries. I'll let it go and chaulk that up as an immature mishap. It happens, and when you grow up you will realize that it's better to let things go and create a constructive conversation. That's why we are here.

boo boo 04-09-2009 04:11 PM

Why are you guys getting so nasty?

Come on people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together and try to love one another right now.

Sodacake 04-09-2009 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by crash_override (Post 634012)
That would mean something if I respected your opinion, but I don't so no worries. I'll let it go and chaulk that up as an immature mishap. It happens, and when you grow up you will realize that it's better to let things go and create a constructive conversation. That's why we are here.

I'm sorry, you want me to grow up? You're the one who tried to bait me when you posted "you bucketface fans sure do get testy" to try to wind me up, then telling me to grow up is a bit hypocritical and childish, don't ya think?

crash_override 04-09-2009 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Sodacake (Post 634034)
I'm sorry, you want me to grow up? You're the one who tried to bait me when you posted "you bucketface fans sure do get testy" to try to wind me up, then telling me to grow up is a bit hypocritical and childish, don't ya think?

I certainly can't force you to grow up, but yes, it would be nice. I wasn't trying to wind you up, I was trying to dismiss your previous condescending comment and leave it at that. Which is what I will do now. No more off topic blabbering about pointles dribble. Please.


p.s. Smile on you brother. :)

boo boo 04-09-2009 04:33 PM

Hey, that's not smiling on your brother. :mad:

glutoro 04-09-2009 05:35 PM

YouTube - jimmy page solo

The Vintage Sound 04-11-2009 12:01 PM

I like the list (nice to see Townshend way up there!!!), although I would've like to see Robby Krieger a little higher...but then again, it is a matter of opinion.

Ahem 04-12-2009 03:54 PM

I don't know, Hendrix was definitely a god, but personally, I think Page was an absolute genius who, in my eyes (or...ears) made better all around sound.

crash_override 04-13-2009 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by Ahem (Post 636190)
I don't know, Hendrix was definitely a god, but personally, I think Page was an absolute genius who, in my eyes (or...ears) made better all around sound.

Yes, I agree. That can be a tough issue to push, alot of people won't budge on the Hendrix thing.

Ahem 04-13-2009 04:42 PM

Yeah well, like I said it's my opinion and for the Hendrix-Page clash you'd need a gigantic scale.

Janszoon 04-13-2009 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by crash_override (Post 636796)
Yes, I agree. That can be a tough issue to push, alot of people won't budge on the Hendrix thing.

Probably because Hendrix was a lot better. :D

crash_override 04-13-2009 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 637182)
Probably because Hendrix was a lot better. :D

See what I mean.;)

The Monkey 04-14-2009 08:03 AM

I won't rank them, but I will just say that I enjoy listening to Page's guitar work a whole lot more than Hendrix'.

boo boo 04-15-2009 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Ahem (Post 636190)
I don't know, Hendrix was definitely a god, but personally, I think Page was an absolute genius who, in my eyes (or...ears) made better all around sound.

I probably prefer Page myself but it's not a preference list.

I think when it comes to impact, influence, innovation, whatever, Hendrix has it in the bag for number 1.

2/5 are interchangable, but I think Hendrix, Page, Beck, Clapton and EVH is the definite top 5.

crash_override 04-15-2009 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 638782)
I probably prefer Page myself but it's not a preference list.

I think when it comes to impact, influence, innovation, whatever, Hendrix has it in the bag for number 1.

2/5 are interchangable, but I think Hendrix, Page, Beck, Clapton and EVH is the definite top 5.

Im not exactly sure Hendrix should have it in the bag for #1, although I can't see him going any lower than 2nd or 3rd. Also, I think you could exchange Clapton at fifth for Chuck Berry at sixth. Making my dream list look something like this.

1. Jimmy Page
2. Jimi Hendrix
3. Eddie Van Halen
4. Jeff Beck
5. Chuck Berry
6. Eric Clapton

As youcan see, my top 6 has the same guitarist's that your list does, just in a slightly different order. That's how I would have had it... personally.

Mojo 04-15-2009 04:29 PM

Why would you rank Page over Hendrix when the criteria includes, as said above, impact, innovation and influence?

Thats not meant to appear an arsey question either, by the way. I am genuinely just interested to understand your reasoning.

spark10036 04-15-2009 05:58 PM

200 spots and still not enough room for Steven Wilson....!?!?!? :crazy:

crash_override 04-16-2009 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by mojopinuk (Post 638885)
Why would you rank Page over Hendrix when the criteria includes, as said above, impact, innovation and influence?

Thats not meant to appear an arsey question either, by the way. I am genuinely just interested to understand your reasoning.

Are these qualities something that you're claiming Page doesn't have? I mean he's certainly had impact, especially when it's considered that he was in the most powerful rock band in history, and probably influenced just as many if not more young musicians than Hendrix did. He had innovation, his use of unorthodox style's around the 'Houses of the Holy' and 'Physical Graffiti' era was nothing short of groundbreaking. I guess I'm just not seeing where he's a lacking candidate for #1. Not to mention the solid fact's that Page has played on much more material and had a longer career.

boo boo 04-16-2009 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by crash_override (Post 639314)
Are these qualities something that you're claiming Page doesn't have? I mean he's certainly had impact, especially when it's considered that he was in the most powerful rock band in history, and probably influenced just as many if not more young musicians than Hendrix did. He had innovation, his use of unorthodox style's around the 'Houses of the Holy' and 'Physical Graffiti' era was nothing short of groundbreaking. I guess I'm just not seeing where he's a lacking candidate for #1. Not to mention the solid fact's that Page has played on much more material and had a longer career.

A few things.

He would be a good candidate for #1, IF Hendrix didn't exist, Page has obviously accomplished a lot, that's why he's in the top 5. But overall it can't be denied that as far as influence, innovation and universial appeal goes, Hendrix is the obvious choice for number 1.

Also. I wouldn't consider longevity a real good reason. CC Deville has been playing guitar a lot longer than say Randy Rhoads or Shawn Lane. That surely doesn't make him greater than them.

It's not how long you have been playing, it's what you've accomplished in the time you have been playing. And lets be honest, Page hasn't really done anything noteworthy post-Zep. But that doesn't matter, it's what he accomplished in the 60s and 70s that earns him his place, and so while Hendrix only lived to enjoy his popularity for a few years, he accomplished a lot more than most guitarists could ever dream of in just that short amount of time.

Janszoon 04-16-2009 02:02 PM

I've never understood why people rate Clapton so highly. I find his guitar playing extremely uninteresting and it seems fairly derivative to me.

boo boo 04-16-2009 02:07 PM

He was a big influence on Hendrix, Page and all the others. He along with Beck and Hendrix did a lot to reinvent the electric guitar for the hard rock era. He's not as original as the others, (though the fuzzy tone he achieved with albums like Wheel of Fire and Disraili Gears were pretty unique for the time) but he makes up for that in every other field IMO.

Janszoon 04-16-2009 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 639597)
He was a big influence on Hendrix, Page and all the others. He along with Beck and Hendrix did a lot to reinvent the electric guitar for the hard rock era. He's not as original as the others, (though the fuzzy tone he achieved with albums like Wheel of Fire and Disraili Gears were pretty unique for the time) but he makes up for that in every other field IMO.

But he's so... boring.

Urban Hat€monger ? 04-16-2009 02:15 PM

Everytime I see Clapton I keep thinking somewhere in the world there's an office with a member of middle management missing with an empty ford Mondeo parked outside.

boo boo 04-16-2009 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 639601)
But he's so... boring.

He's on and off for me.

His Cream and Dominos stuff I love, his solo stuff is hit and miss, though Slowhand is a really good album. I'm not a big fan of his turn towards adult contemporary stuff.

He can be boring for sure, but you can't deny that he's done some awesome stuff as well.

Anyway I might change this list up some more. Steven Wilson is someone I forgot completely. D=

Janszoon 04-16-2009 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 639651)
He can be boring for sure, but you can't deny that he's done some awesome stuff as well.

If he has I definitely have never heard it.

Janszoon 04-16-2009 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger (Post 639604)
Everytime I see Clapton I keep thinking somewhere in the world there's an office with a member of middle management missing with an empty ford Mondeo parked outside.


boo boo 04-16-2009 03:10 PM

Not a Cream fan eh?

Sunshine for your Love was pretty badass for 1968, c'mon now.

Janszoon 04-16-2009 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 639664)
Not a Cream fan eh?

Sunshine for your Love was pretty badass for 1968, c'mon now.

It's alright. Not really my bag but I guess I could see that it might have been kind of edgy for 1968.

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