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boo boo 06-18-2008 11:17 AM

Rock N Roll... THE DEVILS MUSIC!!!
So, what do you think about the "anti rock crusaders" among fundamentalist Christians.

Some christians love rock music, but we also have our superstitious idiots, we know that hardcore fundamentalist Christians have been at war with rock n roll music since it was born. And some of the sh*t thats made up get's funnier and funnier.

YouTube - They Sold Their Souls For Rock 'n' Roll part 1

Lol, this is a Christian special I watched a long time ago, when I was stupid and believed this crap. Looking at it now it's just hilarious. Watch and enjoy.

Theres some other ones but I don't want to look for them. Just watch some of these for how hilariously full of crap they are.

Oh, and I don't intend for this thread to be an attack on Christianity, so lay off of any anti-religious bullcrap and just poke fun of the idiots behind these videos.

It's so hillarious how these are trying to make out this whole conspiracy that rock n roll was secretly created by satanists to take over the world. :lol:

And what the hell is with the Wayne Campbell narrator?

Ballin by Nature 06-18-2008 02:37 PM

I just remember when I took my extremely catholic grandmother to church one morning and thought it would be funny to blast ACDC's Hell aint a bad place to be.

She hasn't looked at me the same since

boo boo 06-18-2008 04:32 PM

Next time try some Mayhem or Gorgoroth.

variatingmule 06-18-2008 06:24 PM

Some people just didn't get the memo:

boo boo 06-18-2008 06:30 PM

Here are the things these retards find as evidence of a Satanic connection.

-Some kind of an association with/or admiration for Aleister Crowley, who was an occultist, but not a Satanist.
-Stupid coincidences.
-Urban legends and myths that have been debunked.
-Quotes that can easly be interpreted in different ways. When Hendrix, Santana, Black Sabbath and Ginger Baker talk about "being posssessed" on stage does that mean they are actually demon possessed? Um, THEY TOOK A LOT OF DRUGS. Getting possessed can also just be a term for really getting into it.
-When artists like Madonna say they are full of demons, they must be talking about actual demons and not personal problems which are often called personal demons.
-When artists talk about the power of music, it's always interpreted as being something supernatural, how ****ing retarded.
-If a rock artist has a religious experience, it's Satan. Santana claims to be visited by Metatron, an ANGEL. Yep he's a Satan worshiper.
-Any reference to hell is taken as Satanic, like Hotel California, which is supposed to be pro hell? These people dont know anything, whatever place that song is about, it dosen't show it in a positive light.
-Songs with Satanic themes are always interpreted to be pro Satan. Sabbath and Maiden only have a few songs about Satan and hell, and they're just singing about it, not glorifying it.
-Drug users are instantly Satanic because drugs open them up to the "demon world".
-Homosexuals like Elton John are consistantly called sexual deviants with some kind of evil agenda.
-Any references to Hinduism or any other non Christian religion is considered Satanic. They even say Krishna is actually Satan and My Sweet Lord is a Satanic song because it's about Krishna.
-Quoting artists like David Bowie and Kurt Cobain, who are notorious for saying and doing things for the sake of being provocative.
-Backmasking. The most retarded anti rock music argument there is.
-Criticizing Christianity is automatically Satanic.
-When stupid kids murder people because of music, it's always the music's fault, it's not because they make their own choices.
-Kids are angry because of the angry music they listen to, they don't listen to it because they're angry.
-If a performer is very energetic on stage, it must be demon posession.
-When artists say they "sold their soul to the devil" its always taken literally. :laughing:

Few of these artists downright said they worshipped Satan. Maybe because they don't?

These videos are so full of ridiculous bullcrap.

Elvis was NOT born on the same year Robert Johnson died, he was born on 1935 which was before Johnson even started recording, Johnson died in 38. They both died on August 16? Whoa, that can't just be a coincidence.

Alfred 06-18-2008 06:43 PM

No wonder people are so against religion/Christians.

variatingmule 06-18-2008 06:44 PM

No but seriously, I'm watching the second part of that documentary right now, and it's really not a well presented argument. Their logic is completely flawed and supported with almost nothing, except some show and videos excerpts, supposedly compiled by an (an, one, singular) ex rock star I've never heard of. If I handed in an essay like that in an University writing class, the prof would have failed me.

Their argument against "music can solve violence and doesn't cause it" is "well, the Columbine killers listened to that kind of music, it must mean that music causes violence". Based on that fallacy: I enjoy the Carter Family, voice, so I must be a 70 something lady from Arkansas who goes to church twice a week? Or I'm from Quebec, hence I must love Celine Dion?

First of all, these guys were sociopath: that was the problem. I used to listen to Rammsteinn, I never shot anyone because of that. And bringing Marilyn Manson's into the argument is just pointless because the guy was always just a really smart guy trying to sell an act he knew would grab attention. He's Hard-Core Madonna. The Columbine shooters were not musicians, so you can't use them as an argument either. They did not want to have faith, listened to heavy metal, hence heavy metal is un-Christian because of 2 people?

If they'd had a hobby... such as, I don't know, playing music, they would have been too busy to plan a mass murder.

I don't want to watch the rest of it, it's a waste of time...

boo boo 06-19-2008 09:59 AM

Satan's Music

This is HILARIOUS. They even have some "satanic quotes". Here are some of them.


Rocker Frank Zappa (who discovered the awful truth December 4, 1993 the second he died) proudly boasted:
"I'm the devil's advocate. We have our own worshippers who are called 'groupies.' Girls will give their bodies to musicians as you would give a sacrifice to a god." (Peters Brothers, What About Christian Rock, p. 17)

Carlos Santana admits to being controlled by demons, and having NO concern for morality or God:

"The energy of devils and angels is the same energy; it's how you use it. It's fuel. There is a saying: If you scare all your devils away, the angels will go away with them. You know, the halo and the horns are the same thing. I mean it's OK to be spiritually horny - that's what creative genius is all about. Geniuses don't have time to think about how it's going to be received... they don't have time to think whether people like it or not, is it morally right, will God like it?" (Carlos Santana, Rolling Stone, magazine, March 16, 2000, p. 87).

" meditate and you got the candles, you got the incense and you've been chanting, and all of a sudden you hear this voice: 'Write this down' " (Carlos Santana, Rolling Stone magazine, March 16, 2000, p. 41).

Pink Floyd sings, in the song "Sheep",

"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want . . .
With bright knives he RELEASETH MY SOUL
He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places . . .
For lo, he hath great power and GREAT HUNGER."

Their song, "Lucifer Sam", they sing: "LUCIFER Sam . . . Always sitting by your side Always by your side."

The song "Sympathy for the Devil" by the Rolling Stones, is the official anthem for the Church of Satan. In it, Lucifer speaks in the first person and asks sympathy for all who meet him. Lead singer, Mick Jagger claims that Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan and author of the Satanic Bible, help inspire their music! Their album titled, "Their Satanic Majesties Request", leaves no doubt to their allegiance!

At the 1992 MTV Awards, the group Red Hot Chili Peppers, upon receiving their award and giving thanks, said:

"FIRST OF ALL we want to thank Satan . . .
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Demonoid 06-19-2008 11:42 AM

These guys should be put in a small room, surrounded by speakers and get blasted by some black metal.

That would teach them not to screw with Satan anymore :laughing:

For all we know, they might actually be possessed when they are out:bowdown:

SubPop 06-19-2008 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 491400)
So, what do you think about the "anti rock crusaders" among fundamentalist Christians.

Oh I love them. Fundamentalist Christains are my favourite types of people.
I usually like them with mustard, but if I am really going to treat myself, I will have them on toast with Avocado and tomato sauce and cheese.

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