The Official Nirvana/Kurt Cobain Thread (alternative, debut album, single, beatles) - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 09-24-2008, 04:31 PM   #2031 (permalink)
i is a gud righter.
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Originally Posted by Piss Me Off View Post
He apparantly wrote About a Girl after he listened to Meet the Beatles for a few hours. Unsurprisingly it sounds like a Beatles song!
He was always said to 'make an excuse' for the pop style song. I like it though. It's got a Beatles structure to it.

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Old 09-25-2008, 04:08 PM   #2032 (permalink)
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I was shocked that Kurts daughter had that happy birthday sweet 16 and my daddies dead party last week.
That was kind of wierd
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Old 09-25-2008, 05:02 PM   #2033 (permalink)
i is a gud righter.
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Originally Posted by RockGuitar101 View Post
I was shocked that Kurts daughter had that happy birthday sweet 16 and my daddies dead party last week.
That was kind of wierd
Mindless Self Indulgence played it, from what I read. I read nothing of her 'and my daddies dead' part. You need to calm down on posting on every fucking thing you can find.

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Old 09-26-2008, 12:24 PM   #2034 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cobe Kai View Post
He was always said to 'make an excuse' for the pop style song. I like it though. It's got a Beatles structure to it.
that doesn't mean he copied it...
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Old 09-26-2008, 12:26 PM   #2035 (permalink)
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^^ Guy sure has a hard on for dead, scruffy singers
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Originally Posted by Alfred View Post
I'd rather my face reek of women's body parts than of comic book ink and dirty NES cartridges.
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Old 09-26-2008, 12:28 PM   #2036 (permalink)
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yeah i sure do.
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Old 09-26-2008, 02:45 PM   #2037 (permalink)
i is a gud righter.
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Originally Posted by ToeAndno View Post
^^ Guy sure has a hard on for dead, scruffy singers
Hes talented, but he isn't amazingly original.

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Old 09-26-2008, 02:49 PM   #2038 (permalink)
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I have acquired four score and nineteen difficulties, but a wench cannot be counted among them

Originally Posted by Alfred View Post
I'd rather my face reek of women's body parts than of comic book ink and dirty NES cartridges.
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Old 12-09-2008, 03:34 AM   #2039 (permalink)
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nirvana was a great band and always will be. kurt cobain was an amazing artist. kurt, krist, and dave blended the perfect combination to create great music that sounds just a good today as it did back then. now i can honestly say that my views on nirvana have changed/matured over the years but they still created something great.

i was only 13 when kurt died so i really wasn't big into music yet. when i was 14 i bought in utero and from that day on they have remained my favorite band. i'll admit back in the day i would have told you the kurt was murdered but now i can say that yeah he killed himself. i kinda believe it was his whole plan though. he came from being a nobody to being at the top of the charts and really going out while on top. he created nevermind to be, as much as i hate to say it, one of the greatest pop records of all time. now i say pop because more or less grunge was pop music of the early 90's. grunge flew to the top as everybody was tired of all the lame glam rock bands and pop of the 80's and out comes nirvana. he then turned around a went the other direction and created in utero to more or less prove that he was still "punk" as nevermind was so overproduced.

kurt could form these great songs out of a few simple chords blending perfectly the whole quite-loud-quiet thing, borrowed from the pixies not invented by nirvana, and having an amazing voice to top it all off. nevermind was a great record, mind you in utero is their best one in my opinion and bleach is a great album too. i still listen to their music today and it still moves me just as much.

i don't really get the people that put so much emphasis on their lyrics though. other than in utero there wasn't really much reasoning in the lyrics. kurt always said music was first lyrics were second. on their first 2 albums it was pretty much just random lines from his journals strung together and he was more concerned with how the words sounded then what he was actually saying. he was more or less working at creating great pop songs which shows with nevermind. in utero i think his writing style had a little more structure and the main theme of the album more or less had to do with courtney. but still half of nirvana's lyrics don't even make sense. you can also see where when they would write a catchy pop song but then would throw in really abrasive lyrics to offset that for instance 'polly' and 'rape me'

would their music be as great if it came out today? no, but black sabbath wouldn't be as iconic either if they came out today. would they still be creating great music today if kurt didn't kill himself? i think they would still have good music but i don't think they could have ever topped nevermind commercially speaking. kurt created this whole story around his life which he embellished a lot of details depending on how he wanted the story to go and when he reached the top he took his life as what else could he accomplish. loosely quoted, he set out to become a famous rock star and die before he was 30 and he accomplished that. nirvana will always be a great band and kurt cobain was a great musician/artist.

Last edited by punkrawker07; 12-09-2008 at 07:42 PM. Reason: make a little easier to read
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Old 12-09-2008, 03:57 AM   #2040 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by punkrawker07 View Post
nirvana was a great band and always will be. kurt cobain was an amazing artist. kurt, krist, and dave blended the perfect combination to create great music that sounds just a good today as it did back then. now i can honestly say that my views on nirvana have changed/matured over the years but they still created something great. i was only 13 when kurt died so i really wasn't big into music yet. when i was 14 i bought in utero and from that day on they have remained my favorite band. i'll admit back in the day i would have told you the kurt was murdered but now i can say that yeah he killed himself. i kinda believe it was his whole plan though. he came from being a nobody to being at the top of the charts and really going out while on top. he created nevermind to be, as much as i hate to say it, one of the greatest pop records of all time. now i say pop because more or less grunge was pop music of the early 90's. grunge flew to the top as everybody was tired of all the lame glam rock bands and pop of the 80's and out comes nirvana. he then turned around a went the other direction and created in utero to more or less prove that he was still "punk" as nevermind was so overproduced. kurt could form these great songs out of a few simple chords blending perfectly the whole quite-loud-quiet thing, borrowed from the pixies not invented by nirvana, and having an amazing voice to top it all off. nevermind was a great record, mind you in utero is their best one in my opinion and bleach is a great album too. i still listen to their music today and it still moves me just as much. i don't really get the people that put so much emphasis on their lyrics though. other than in utero there wasn't really much reasoning in the lyrics. kurt always said music was first lyrics were second. on their first 2 albums it was pretty much just random lines from his journals strung together and he was more concerned with how the words sounded then what he was actually saying. he was more or less working at creating great pop songs which shows with nevermind. in utero i think his writing style had a little more structure and the main theme of the album more or less had to do with courtney. but still half of nirvana's lyrics don't even make sense. you can also see where when they would write a catchy pop song but then would throw in really abrasive lyrics to offset that for instance 'polly' and 'rape me' would their music be as great if it came out today? no, but black sabbath wouldn't be as iconic either if they came out today. would they still be creating great music today if kurt didn't kill himself? i think they would still have good music but i don't think they could have ever topped nevermind commercially speaking. kurt created this whole story around his life which he embellished a lot of details depending on how he wanted the story to go and when he reached the top he took his life as what else could he accomplish. loosely quoted, he set out to become a famous rock star and die before he was 30 and he accomplished that. nirvana will always be a great band and kurt cobain was a great musician/artist.
really good post actually, but it was hard to read - try paragaphing? not being a grammar nazi or anything but the way you wrote that does make it almost impossible, painful even, to read. but yeah, the content was really good I felt.

I don't think In Utero was necessarily any less 'over-produced' than Nevermind. Both had really slick production. Not that I think that's a bad thing - I think the heavy, intricate production aesthetic boded well with Nirvana's songs.
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