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Old 01-12-2010, 05:56 PM   #31 (permalink)
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hip hop bunny hop's Avatar
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What the hell does "bree" mean?

Anyways, don't argue that, somehow, a particular band is good because they stay true to a certain genres aesthetics. It's a bad argument and the inevitable result is crappy bands receiving undeserved praise, as well documented by Nokturnal Mortum.
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Old 01-12-2010, 09:54 PM   #32 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by hip hop bunny hop View Post
What the hell does "bree" mean?

Anyways, don't argue that, somehow, a particular band is good because they stay true to a certain genres aesthetics. It's a bad argument and the inevitable result is crappy bands receiving undeserved praise, as well documented by Nokturnal Mortum.
its an onomatopoeia of the "pig squeal" vocals employed by most deathcore bands.

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Old 01-19-2010, 02:20 AM   #33 (permalink)
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I have only started to listen to deathcore ( or what I thought it was, but after reading this I discovered I'm listening to the wrong bands a few months ago, while I allready liked metal for many years.
I acctually dont care what genre it is called, of if they are 'true' or not. As long as I like it, I will listen to it, whatever people say.

I once read in an interview with Mille from Kreator a brilliant line, wich I think is so true. He stated that If we are judging nowadays bands ( for example NWODC, new wave of deathcore/ whatever you'll like to call it) we would be just as bad as our parents judging bands like kreator back in the days, who are now heroes of the genre.
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Old 01-21-2010, 08:53 PM   #34 (permalink)
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Finally - somebody who listens to "deathcore" with a taste in music!!

I cannot agree with you more (well, I might be able to if I wasn't so distracted by your avatar LOL). I myself am a metalhead, and the only deathcore band I listened to until just recently was ABRB which I love - I would listen to all that other crapcore out there and my reaction would be something along the lines of "What the hell was that crap? Chug chug chug + really fast bass drums =/= good song... for god's sakes stop all that moshing and ugly hardcore dancing... OMFG ANOTHER BREAKDOWN PLEASE SHOOT ME!".

I have to say, bands like Suicide Silence and Whitechapel are bands that, rather than focusing on creating actual music, they focus on the 1) mainstream appeal and 2) putting on a good show. If I wanted that crap, I'd just listen to Lady GaGa or something (hey at least she has boobs..).

Anyway, my friend tried to get me into all that pukecore and I ended up tossing out 90% of what he recommended to me. I must say, I do love ASP though- they are amazing! And I don't even think most of their songs have any breakdowns in them (at least the ones I'm listening to from Hate.Malice.Revenge) . Beneath The Massacre is another highlight, but they are pretty much metal so yea. (IMO at least)

Oh and as for that guy who says there is no variation in metal.. you are one ignorant person. Ever listen to blues? Metal is way more innovative than 90% of the blues out there (and this is coming from somebody who's two favorite genres are Metal and Blues).

Listen to the following bands and tell me there is no variation: (remember I said LISTEN) Cryptopsy (early stuff), Nile, Opeth (really prog-gy), Death, Meshuggah, Atheist, the list goes on.
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Old 01-21-2010, 11:12 PM   #35 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by CAPTAIN CAVEMAN View Post
its an onomatopoeia of the "pig squeal" vocals employed by most deathcore bands.

Holy shit, that was seriously really good. She should start a death metal band. Wow... I am just blown away... Actually I wish I was blown away... hehe... but seriously... that was really I am impressed.
I'll stay if I ever could, and pick up your pieces babe, because there's never a perfect day.

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