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lucifer_sam 08-27-2008 06:41 PM

Oh come on...

Stadium Arcadium was at least better than By The Way. Slow Cheetah, Death of a Martian, even Wet Sand are fantastic songs, not to mention the singles.

devilz advocate 08-27-2008 07:16 PM

I got few songs that I like from RHCP.
these are:
by the way
under the bridge
other side
scar tissue

Ace 08-27-2008 09:09 PM

It's just one of those bands. I respect them alot for always evolving through the years, yet still maintaining their track record for producing quality songs. Even if you don't like the newer stuff, you can't deny that their ability as a band has continued to improve year after year.

psylocke 08-28-2008 01:02 AM

I like their song "by the way", I keep watching the music videos of that song before because I'm amazed.. lol

Janszoon 08-28-2008 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by lucifer_sam (Post 511366)
Okay, that's absolute rubbish. Even if you hated everything they produced in the last decade, Blood Sex Sugar Magik was a great, great album, and it got them out there. It was in the heyday of grunge and along came RHCP, a band that could actually carry a tune without looking like a bunch of hobos that got waylaid by a city bus.

I think you need to do a little fact checking on your music history there. Blood Sugar Sex Magik wasn't released during the heyday of grunge, it was released just a couple months before grunge popped into the mainstream, during the final moments of the hair band era. Shit like Extreme's "More Than Words" was still dominating the rock airwaves and Nirvana's Nevermind, the album that eventually broke grunge to the world, was released the exact same day as Blood Sugar Sex Magik. Also, it's not as if this time period is when the Chili Peppers first made an appearance, they weren't the biggest band in the world or anything but they had already been around for 8 years by 1991 and had a couple of minor hits, videos on MTV, movie appearances, and a fairly large fanbase.

I was a huge RHCP fan before Blood Sugar Sex Magik. I remember how excited I was in the summer of 1991 when I heard they had a new album coming out. The first time I heard it was at a birthday BBQ at my friend's house and I can clearly remember how disappointed I was by how much it sucked. Gone was the energy and fun and the funk and punk of their previous four albums and in it's place was some lame approximation of classic rock. Such a bummer. And then, to add insult to injury, the album got huge and on the back of what was easily the worst song they had written up to that point, "Under the Bridge".

lucifer_sam 08-28-2008 11:37 AM

See, I'm not the biggest Chili Peppers fan, I could care less about their earlier works, but I grew up with BSSM and Californication and although I acknowledge there's a very big difference between old RHCP and new RHCP, I couldn't give a rat's ass for how much I appreciate their earlier works.

And just so you understand, BSSM was released the same day as Nevermind and about a month after Pearl Jam's Ten.

Janszoon 08-28-2008 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by lucifer_sam (Post 511740)
And just so you understand, BSSM was released the same day as Nevermind...

I know. Did you not notice that I said that in my post? Thing is, Nevermind wasn't an instant hit. It took a couple months for it to build up steam, and considering that it was the album that kicked off the grunge era, you're hard pressed to say BSSM was released during the heyday of grunge.


Originally Posted by lucifer_sam (Post 511740)
...and about a month after Pearl Jam's Ten.

Ten took even longer to catch on than Nevermind. It took the better part of a year for it to become big.


Originally Posted by lucifer_sam
See, I'm not the biggest Chili Peppers fan, I could care less about their earlier works, but I grew up with BSSM and Californication and although I acknowledge there's a very big difference between old RHCP and new RHCP, I couldn't give a rat's ass for how much I appreciate their earlier works.

That's fine. We just have different perspectives on them based on when we first heard them. You were a toddler when BSSM came out so that's incarnation of the Chili Peppers that's ingrained in you. To people like myself who were listening to them prior to BSSM it was a major, and not necessarily good, shift in style because the older, punkier style was ingrained in us. :)

online_music 09-03-2008 09:09 AM

They are great musicians. Flea and John really kick a**. Vocally not quite matching that.

I went to see them live and I was very impressed. For me best albums are Californication and By the way. I think they are evolving with each new album so I expect much more from them.

zombiekiller0 02-16-2009 12:52 PM

ya the peppers are the best i like the song love rollercoaster

mr dave 02-16-2009 04:46 PM

i'm so happy they decided to take an indefinite hiatus.

nothing lasts forever. i think it's high time the chilis call it a day.

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