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beat yr own KID 06-08-2007 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by swimintheundertow (Post 372261)
...Baroness is pretty damn amazing live but they don't do too much for me on record.

really? man they fuckin owned when I saw them open for municipal waste.

MoonlitSunshine 06-09-2007 04:36 AM

there's actually a band called Genghis Tron? I'd be willing to listen to them just for the name, that's brilliant

The Unfan 06-09-2007 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by MoonlitSunshine (Post 372483)
there's actually a band called Genghis Tron? I'd be willing to listen to them just for the name, that's brilliant

Genghis Tron on myspace. They're amazing live.

boo boo 06-10-2007 07:41 AM

Not impressed.

jackhammer 06-10-2007 02:16 PM

Genghis tron-just checked them and they remind me a little of the MAD CAPSULE MARKETS-it's not bad, and I checked out ULVER wasn't impressed really.

The Unfan 06-10-2007 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 372900)
and I checked out ULVER wasn't impressed really.

Ulver is probably the single hardest band to get into simply because of how varied their material is. Bergtatt was more straight forward black metal while Kveldssanger is some acoustic folk (?) with really deep vocals. On the other hand Blood Inside is outright experimental stuff that almost reminds me of a crazy Tool/Coldplay hybrid or something (I'm honestly not sure if any description can do the album justice.). Definitely a band you need to take your time with.

Muzak 06-10-2007 03:50 PM

Rage Against the Machine rules, end of story.

Seltzer 06-10-2007 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by The Unfan (Post 372913)
Ulver is probably the single hardest band to get into simply because of how varied their material is. Bergtatt was more straight forward black metal while Kveldssanger is some acoustic folk (?) with really deep vocals. On the other hand Blood Inside is outright experimental stuff that almost reminds me of a crazy Tool/Coldplay hybrid or something (I'm honestly not sure if any description can do the album justice.). Definitely a band you need to take your time with.

Agreed - Nattens Madrigal is quite inaccessible as well, even for a black metal album. But it kicks ass - the first song is probably one of my favourite black metal songs.

Ulver never releases the same album. Everything from folk to black metal to trip hop to post rock.

jackhammer 06-19-2007 06:24 PM

---Ulver never releases the same album. Everything from folk to black metal to trip hop to post rock.----

this has got me intrigued. as I have said I wasn't impressed by MELANCHOLY, but if they are releasing genre crossing stuff, then it may bring this album into focus a bit more. Will have to investigate.

skatinguitarist27 07-25-2007 12:39 PM

one big reason might be that they did the credits music for The Matrix

joyboyo53 07-25-2007 01:05 PM

first of all they actually have a purpose in what they are doing. they have a specific idea they are 100% devoted to. thus their music has a meaning and a purpose. their songs have lyrics that are meant to bring something out of you (a rage against the machine). now whether you LIKE them or not, i hope you can appreciate that. just watch the concert performance outside of the democratic national convention where they continue to play after being told they will be arrested in 5 minutes... and when the cops come to arrest him he starts singing '**** YOU I WONT DO WHAT YOU TELL ME'. talk about believing in something.

secondly, tom lays down some sick as noise on the guitar. he is a phenomenal guitar player. sure he CAN play 2 handed tabbing solos like all other super 'talented' guitarist, but instead he does something creative. he makes his own sounds, and often plays the guitar in an unconventional method. he is also not so one dimensional as many guitarist nowadays. he has a different sound when he was with audioslave, and the night watchman is completely different than anything one would expect from him.

thirdly, these guys dont have a POPULAR following. they have a massive following of people who believe in the words that they speak. they have some of the most crazy and die hard fans i have ever seen of any band ever.

fourthly, they ****ing hate cops.... me too!

so if you dont LIKE them thats fine, but dont sit here and say they suck, or that they are talentless, or any other bull**** like that.

boo boo 07-25-2007 01:14 PM

Thank you for going back on topic. The Unfan was trying to turn this into the "crappy black metal bands no one should care about" thread.

The Unfan 07-25-2007 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by jgd85 (Post 382950)
first of all they actually have a purpose in what they are doing. they have a specific idea they are 100% devoted to. thus their music has a meaning and a purpose. their songs have lyrics that are meant to bring something out of you (a rage against the machine). now whether you LIKE them or not, i hope you can appreciate that.

Sorry, I don't appreciate people preaching a view I am against. That would be like me appreciating what the Bush administration does.

just watch the concert performance outside of the democratic national convention where they continue to play after being told they will be arrested in 5 minutes... and when the cops come to arrest him he starts singing '**** YOU I WONT DO WHAT YOU TELL ME'. talk about believing in something.
Yeah, but having strong beliefs doesn't prevent you from writing terrible music.


secondly, tom lays down some sick as noise on the guitar.
Oh, well I'd rather hear music.

he is a phenomenal guitar player. sure he CAN play 2 handed tabbing solos like all other super 'talented' guitarist, but instead he does something creative. he makes his own sounds, and often plays the guitar in an unconventional method.
But his methods are horrible. Everything about his playing is bland, boring, and all around atonal.

he is also not so one dimensional as many guitarist nowadays.
I'm not sure which guitarists you're speaking of.

he has a different sound when he was with audioslave, and the night watchman is completely different than anything one would expect from him.
I've not heard it so I won't judge it.


thirdly, these guys dont have a POPULAR following.
Correct. No real human, or even decent being likes a RATM fan. However, they are a popular band with a following.

they have a massive following of people who believe in the words that they speak.
If by massive you mean fat college kids who wear Che Guevara shirts without any understanding of his politics I am inclined to agree.

they have some of the most crazy and die hard fans i have ever seen of any band ever.
Only crazies would like such a horrible band.


fourthly, they ****ing hate cops.... me too!
Okay, random pothead guy! You're cool!


so if you dont LIKE them thats fine, but dont sit here and say they suck, or that they are talentless, or any other bull**** like that.
They suck, were talentless, and I still stand by my statement of them being the worst band I've ever heard.

The Unfan 07-25-2007 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 382955)
Thank you for going back on topic. The Unfan was trying to turn this into the "crappy black metal bands no one should care about" thread.

The only black metal mentioned in this thread is some of Ulver's material.

boo boo 07-25-2007 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by The Unfan (Post 382962)
But his methods are horrible. Everything about his playing is bland, boring, and all around atonal.

Yes, a black/death metal fan that dispises unmelodic guitar playing. Who would have thunk it?


I'm not sure which guitarists you're speaking of.
*Enter metal guitarist here*


Correct. No real human, or even decent being likes a RATM fan.
You truly are the biggest prick in this forums history.

adidasss 07-25-2007 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 382967)

You truly are the biggest prick in this forums history.

Puh-lease...he's a wee baebeh compared to the likes of Don/Hiu...

RATM make kick ass music, I don't much care about their, more often than not, undecipherable lyrics\political agenda. *shallow*

Don't feed the trolls people....unless you're really bored... :rolleyes:

boo boo 07-25-2007 01:33 PM

Nope. It was tough at first but I already decided that he's worse than Don and Hiu.

And if The Unfan insists on trolling on his own thread, why should we keep it open? The whole idea was to make a thread devoted entirely to dissing a band and taking the sh*t on anybody who even thinks of defending them. Aren't those kinda things breaking the rules?

Inuzuka Skysword 07-25-2007 01:44 PM


secondly, tom lays down some sick as noise on the guitar. he is a phenomenal guitar player. sure he CAN play 2 handed tabbing solos like all other super 'talented' guitarist, but instead he does something creative. he makes his own sounds, and often plays the guitar in an unconventional method. he is also not so one dimensional as many guitarist nowadays. he has a different sound when he was with audioslave, and the night watchman is completely different than anything one would expect from him.
Yeah I really like Tom's solos. He is innovative as far as guitar playing goes. Sometimes I swear he is using a turntable, but really he is just using a guitar.

And I have to say that over my two week vacation I have learned to appreciate RATM a lot more. I don't think they are amazing, but their music is great for traveling. I swear every time I was in the car I listened to their s/t at least once.

boo boo 07-25-2007 01:50 PM

And he uses really cheap pedals. All the stuff about him using advanced equipment and studio tricks is completely fabricated. Watch him live, its a few little piss ant stomp boxes.

And what he can do with just a few little piss ant stomp boxes is pretty remarkable. Like you said, he's a Hip Hop guitarist, and really the only guy deserving of such a title.

adidasss 07-25-2007 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 382970)
Nope. It was tough at first but I already decided that he's worse than Don and Hiu.

And if The Unfan insists on trolling on his own thread, why should we keep it open? The whole idea was to make a thread devoted entirely to dissing a band and taking the sh*t on anybody who even thinks of defending them. Aren't those kinda things breaking the rules?

Sorta, but it's produced some good counter arguments so it would be kinda pointless to close it now. Tough call.... Do you want me to ban his ass, just for shits and giggles?*shrug*

boo boo 07-25-2007 01:57 PM

Nah, I don't want to have a double standard. Since I don't like it when mods abuse their power.

Muzak 07-25-2007 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by The Unfan (Post 382964)
The only black metal mentioned in this thread is some of Ulver's material.

Why would you even begin to compare RATM to Black Metal? Completely different styles and messages.

Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 382967)
Yes, a black/death metal fan that dispises unmelodic guitar playing. Who would have thunk it?

Black Metal is quite melodic in most cases actually, despite its extreme nature.

Inuzuka Skysword 07-25-2007 02:02 PM


Yes, a black/death metal fan that dispises unmelodic guitar playing. Who would have thunk it?
You need to listen to more black metal then. Specifically Folk Black Metal like Windir. They are melodic.

And as for RATM having no talent well they did help boost the nu-metal movement, which IMO the only good nu-metal bands are the originals like RATM, Faith No More, etc.

joyboyo53 07-25-2007 03:30 PM

douche bag, i mean 'the unfan'. you are close minded, retarded, and don't make any points... you just disagree (ie your logo 'your favorite band sucks'). your job is "a bum" so i can assume you are angry at the world. you interject you opinion into everything as opposed to trying to take a unbiased view towards something.

now let me play you


Originally Posted by The Unfan (Post 382962)
Yeah, but having strong beliefs doesn't prevent you from writing terrible music.

Like even though you have strong beliefs that this band sucks, it doesn't prevent your opinion from being completely wrong and worthless.


Originally Posted by The Unfan (Post 382962)
Oh, well I'd rather hear music.

It is composed noise... just like jimi hendrix 'bombs' in the national anthem... or was that just trash noise too?


Originally Posted by The Unfan (Post 382962)
But his methods are horrible. Everything about his playing is bland, boring, and all around atonal.

If by bland and boring you mean its a new sound that nobody has ever done before and most people cannot even reproduce... then ya sure ill agree with you.


Originally Posted by The Unfan (Post 382962)
Correct. No real human, or even decent being likes a RATM fan.

Wow, so i guess your not only an idiot but a nazi too.


Originally Posted by The Unfan (Post 382962)
If by massive you mean fat college kids who wear Che Guevara shirts without any understanding of his politics I am inclined to agree.

Cmon its not my fault you didnt make it into/through college. If you actually knew what you were talking about I would be inclined to explain the people I am talking about.


Originally Posted by The Unfan (Post 382962)
Okay, random pothead guy! You're cool!

I never claimed that, I just dont like cops. If anything it sounds like your angry, upset, argumentative, stick up your ass self could use a puff, it will lighten you up man. Besides, I'd rather be a pothead than some dip**** like yourself any day.


Originally Posted by The Unfan (Post 382962)
They suck, were talentless, and I still stand, by my statement of them being the worst band I've ever heard.

Your so cool too! You said exactly what i said not to... you rebel you, your always using that big brain of yours to come up with something really intelligent to say.

boo boo 07-25-2007 03:49 PM

Don't let him drive you crazy, because that would just be giving the douchebag what he wants.

The Unfan 07-25-2007 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by jgd85 (Post 383015)
now let me play you


My greatness is so unmatched that even people who act like they hate me try to imitate it. How cute.

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