joyboyo53 |
07-25-2007 03:30 PM |
douche bag, i mean 'the unfan'. you are close minded, retarded, and don't make any points... you just disagree (ie your logo 'your favorite band sucks'). your job is "a bum" so i can assume you are angry at the world. you interject you opinion into everything as opposed to trying to take a unbiased view towards something.
now let me play you
Originally Posted by The Unfan
(Post 382962)
Yeah, but having strong beliefs doesn't prevent you from writing terrible music.
Like even though you have strong beliefs that this band sucks, it doesn't prevent your opinion from being completely wrong and worthless.
Originally Posted by The Unfan
(Post 382962)
Oh, well I'd rather hear music.
It is composed noise... just like jimi hendrix 'bombs' in the national anthem... or was that just trash noise too?
Originally Posted by The Unfan
(Post 382962)
But his methods are horrible. Everything about his playing is bland, boring, and all around atonal.
If by bland and boring you mean its a new sound that nobody has ever done before and most people cannot even reproduce... then ya sure ill agree with you.
Originally Posted by The Unfan
(Post 382962)
Correct. No real human, or even decent being likes a RATM fan.
Wow, so i guess your not only an idiot but a nazi too.
Originally Posted by The Unfan
(Post 382962)
If by massive you mean fat college kids who wear Che Guevara shirts without any understanding of his politics I am inclined to agree.
Cmon its not my fault you didnt make it into/through college. If you actually knew what you were talking about I would be inclined to explain the people I am talking about.
Originally Posted by The Unfan
(Post 382962)
Okay, random pothead guy! You're cool!
I never claimed that, I just dont like cops. If anything it sounds like your angry, upset, argumentative, stick up your ass self could use a puff, it will lighten you up man. Besides, I'd rather be a pothead than some dip**** like yourself any day.
Originally Posted by The Unfan
(Post 382962)
They suck, were talentless, and I still stand, by my statement of them being the worst band I've ever heard.
Your so cool too! You said exactly what i said not to... you rebel you, your always using that big brain of yours to come up with something really intelligent to say.