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Janszoon 02-12-2011 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by VocalsBass (Post 1003204)
whats Springsteen's got that's so much better musically than Cherry Bomb?

Springsteen is able to write darker, more gut-wrenching songs than anything I've ever heard from John Cougar.

Necromancer 02-12-2011 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1003207)
Springsteen is able to write darker, more gut-wrenching songs than anything I've ever heard from John Cougar.

I disagree with that, John Cougar has material that is just as equal as Springsteen, I prefer Cougar more so than you, really depends on personal choice. I like Springsteen, but he is over played to me personally. John Cougar has written some very good songs through the years, but this is a Springsteen Thread, so..

Jedey 02-13-2011 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by VocalsBass (Post 1003204)
John Cougar's material contains more funk and soul as an artist. (For me anyway). Just listen to Cherry Bomb by John Cougar..whats Springsteen's got that's so much better musically than Cherry Bomb?

Mellencamp doesn't stand the test of time like Springsteen.

Mellencamp's albums tend to be more filler than substance.

Mellencamp tends to rewrite others songs, for example I fight authority, authority always wins sounds a lot like the Bobby Fuller Four song from 1965 I fought the Law and the law won.

TP&HB FAN 02-13-2011 10:10 AM

Oh my!

Springsteen over Mellencamp anyday!!!
Don't get me wrong, I like Mellencamp, but if I had to choose... Hands down Steen!

Love-song 02-14-2011 05:29 AM

...great early video...and the more polished version...


Save My Love

...hold me in Your Arms...and Our doubts won’t break Us
if We open up Our Hearts...Love won’t forsake Us...
...just let the music take Us
and carry Us home...

Howard the Duck 02-14-2011 05:53 AM

not much of a fan

i only like Nebraska

Jedey 02-20-2011 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by Il Duce (Post 1004006)
not much of a fan

i only like Nebraska

You should give The Ghost Of Tom Joad and Devils & Dust a listen, you'd probably like them too.

Howard the Duck 02-20-2011 08:38 PM


Buzzov*en 02-25-2011 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by VocalsBass (Post 1003211)
I disagree with that, John Cougar has material that is just as equal as Springsteen, I prefer Cougar more so than you, really depends on personal choice. I like Springsteen, but he is over played to me personally. John Cougar has written some very good songs through the years, but this is a Springsteen Thread, so..

Name one thing that he has written that is darker then what Springsteen has written. Just because something is overplayed does not mean it is not better.

Sorry John Cougar is nothing special IMO. Few good songs here and there, but I have yet to hear him write anything on par with Springsteen, or as dark.


Originally Posted by Jedey (Post 1003367)
Mellencamp doesn't stand the test of time like Springsteen.

Mellencamp's albums tend to be more filler than substance.

Mellencamp tends to rewrite others songs, for example I fight authority, authority always wins sounds a lot like the Bobby Fuller Four song from 1965 I fought the Law and the law won.


captaincaptain 06-18-2011 08:22 PM

RIP Clarence Clemons 1942-2011

Although, he's known as a saxophonist I always like his small part in Santa Claus is Coming to Town.

Captain Ron 06-19-2011 11:55 AM

aw man clarence clemons died. damm

BastardofYoung 06-19-2011 10:51 PM

RIP. Never was huge on Springsteen apart from "Nebraska" and a few singles. But Bruce is still alright in my books.

One of my favorite videos though:

I am a big Social D fan, so seeing him here makes me happy.

sopsych 07-30-2012 09:46 PM

Here's an excellent, long article about Springsteen that raises my opinion of the man.
Bruce Springsteen at Sixty-Two : The New Yorker

TheBig3 08-19-2012 07:47 AM

So I saw my first Springsteen show last night and holy ****, that guy kills it live. Here's some highlights from last nights show out in Foxboro (From youtube, not the actual show)...

Racing in the Street

Lost in the Flood

Death to My Hometown

Haters to the left...

Trollheart 08-19-2012 11:48 AM

What's the verdict on his latest? Personally I think it's Bruce back to his best: angry, unrestrained, blue-collar and just not fcking taking it anymore.

But that's just me...

TheBig3 08-19-2012 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1220598)
What's the verdict on his latest? Personally I think it's Bruce back to his best: angry, unrestrained, blue-collar and just not fcking taking it anymore.

But that's just me...

On Wrecking Ball? Its really good. I don't know if, except for the late 80's, he really had a misstep. I think Springsteen is still putting together great stuff, and Wrecking Ball is not exception.

Though my favorite late-game Springsteen has been the Live in Dublin Album. That thing'll set you on fire.

cozypowellsdrumkit 08-19-2012 06:55 PM

You mentioned some of my favorites. Atlantic City, Brilliant Disguise. Cover Me.
I thought it was funny when England shut the show he and Paul McCartney was doing down. Bruce yells at them. I think they finished it from the looks of it.


Originally Posted by Kurt_Cobain (Post 342344)
Ok, so really he's rock 'n roll, but we don't have one of those ;).
He's HUGE in my house, my mum loves him. He's had such a long career now, his 'Essential' album has three discs, that's how many great songs he has. Ok he's written some of the more famous rock songs like 'Born to Run' and 'Born in the U.S.A', but he has some quality work like 'Im on fire', and 'Hungry Heart.'
Anyone else like The Boss?

cozypowellsdrumkit 08-19-2012 07:09 PM

I hope I look as good as he does at 62. I'm 9 years younger now. My birthday was this spring. He certainly has aged well. Just think. In 1979 at No Nukes, he was going on about turning 30, and he thought he was gonna die.


Originally Posted by wisdom (Post 1213554)
Here's an excellent, long article about Springsteen that raises my opinion of the man.
Bruce Springsteen at Sixty-Two : The New Yorker

Trollheart 08-19-2012 07:21 PM

I kind of lost touch a little with albums after "The rising". Didn't really like D&D (must give it another try) and never listened to "Magic" or "Working on a dream", but everything up to then:pure class.

My all-time favourites would have to be (not in order)
Born to run
Wrecking ball (yeah, I think it's that good)
Live 75-85 (I know, I know: a box set, but every note is gold)
Human touch/Lucky town (love them both in equal measure)
Tunnel of love

I have to mention Born in the USA, as it was the first Springsteen album I ever bought, but really it's quite commercial and kind of his "Eliminator", when you look at it: everyone was listening to it, just because it was cool. Like The The's "Infected": after the cool factor died everyone but the true fans drifted away. Men from the boys, ya know?

cozypowellsdrumkit 08-19-2012 07:23 PM

Live 1975-1985 my first set was cassettes, and I wore them out. I got the deal on CD. It is still magical.

TheBig3 08-19-2012 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by trollheart (Post 1220740)
i kind of lost touch a little with albums after "the rising". Didn't really like d&d (must give it another try) and never listened to "magic" or "working on a dream", but everything up to then:pure class.

My all-time favourites would have to be (not in order)
born to run
wrecking ball (yeah, i think it's that good)
live 75-85 (i know, i know: A box set, but every note is gold)
human touch/lucky town (love them both in equal measure)
tunnel of love

i have to mention born in the usa, as it was the first springsteen album i ever bought, but really it's quite commercial and kind of his "eliminator", when you look at it: Everyone was listening to it, just because it was cool. Like the the's "infected": After the cool factor died everyone but the true fans drifted away. Men from the boys, ya know?


cozypowellsdrumkit 08-19-2012 07:52 PM

It is also a shame Clarence is gone and I believe Roy Bittan is too. He passed first.

Trollheart 08-20-2012 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by TheBig3 (Post 1220750)

Er, "Devils and dust". Not, as you might have thought, "Dungeons and dragons"... :laughing:

Trollheart 08-20-2012 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by cozypowellsdrumkit (Post 1220753)
It is also a shame Clarence is gone and I believe Roy Bittan is too. He passed first.

And Danny. Few of the E Streeters left. :( Time gets us all in the end...

Trollheart 08-20-2012 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by cozypowellsdrumkit (Post 1220742)
Live 1975-1985 my first set was cassettes, and I wore them out. I got the deal on CD. It is still magical.

Oh I had (and still have) it on vinyl. Big cardboard box, open it and inside are the albums each in individual dust sleeves. Biggest box set I ever got, and one of the few I ever played all the way through. Total magic.

Franco Pepe Kalle 08-20-2012 01:15 PM

I have always found myself liking Bruce Springsteen. He is someone who has always managed to be real whether you like or not. He is a true man. That is why I respect him big time.

sopsych 08-22-2012 09:12 PM


I have to mention Born in the USA, as it was the first Springsteen album I ever bought, but really it's quite commercial and kind of his "Eliminator", when you look at it: everyone was listening to it, just because it was cool. Like The The's "Infected": after the cool factor died everyone but the true fans drifted away. Men from the boys, ya know?
Good analogy, but I wasn't old enough then to be listening to Bruce. I got into it later, and it is by far my favorite Springstreen album. However, I like "Tunnel of Love" (the song) and probably "Atlantic City" better than anything on Born in the USA. When one goes commercial, often some depth is sacrificed for breadth. I'm not a big fan of any Springsteen song after 1992 or so.

adidasss 08-13-2021 05:23 AM

So I heard Born in the U.S.A. from start to finish for the first time the other day and dayum, that album is tight.

I was always reluctant to listen to it because the title and album cover made me think it's some nationalistic bullshit but apparently Springsteen isn't about that at all.

And anyway, I'm a whore for catchy tunes and that album is chalk full of them.

rubber soul 08-13-2021 06:36 AM

Actually, Springsteen is somewhat socially liberal and generally writes songs in that vein. Born in the USA, in fact, is about the horror that was experienced by a soldier in Vietnam. The Boss was later none too happy when Reagan used it as a political campaign theme song without even listening to the lyrics.

Plankton 08-13-2021 07:40 AM

I'm just a whore, but there's a few tunes by Bruce and the boys I've learned to appreciate. I went through the entire Boss phase as a hater when BITUSA came out in the 80's since that was a requirement for being a Metalhead. After shedding those mental bonds of oppression the message he was conveying became a bit clearer and I came to appreciate the talent involved. His radio saturated stuff is a bit annoying but these few are on a couple of my playlists:

This one hits me hard, since I had a musician friend pass away at the beginning of the year. The lyrics mirror exactly what I've felt and the accompaniment is solid with the ebb and flow of the tune:

Rosalita's another one I won't turn off when it comes over the airwaves.

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