Originally Posted by bungalowbill357
Nu Metal is laughable, not political.
And you call me narrow minded.
Given that a lot of Nu Metal just plain sucks, but dismissing a whole genre is something else, you're doing a "this genre is better than that genre" game, i have played that game myself and it didn't do me any good whatsoever, don't make the same mistake... I don't really consider Rage nu metal either even if they did strongly influence the genre.... I wouldn't compare their lyrics to SOADs in any way, RATM's lyrics are a lot more planned out and meaningful.... And of course RATM are ridiculously better musicians.
If you disagree thats fine, but dont start some big rant about how i'm wrong and you're right, whats the point??.... I also think many of the bands you like suck major ass, i only choose not to be abrasive about it.