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Senzafine 07-04-2004 03:44 PM

Hey, I just wondered if there were any HIM fans here and what do you think of them?

If you haven't heard of them I recommend you check out this here site -

Sleepsnekkid 07-05-2004 12:27 PM

I used to love HIM, I guess I still do, but as soon as this really dumb fat chick at my school started wearing a HIM shirt, it was pretty much over.

covle 07-05-2004 07:50 PM

hahahaha iv had similar experiances. kinda ruined the used for me

SikThInDaHead 07-07-2004 02:38 AM

HIM arent great.But Ville Valo is a good frontman.

armedles 07-07-2004 05:43 AM

hey senzafine. ive seen u on sum otha sites, u must be into him personally i think they kick ass most probably cos bam margera lyks them but they rule i havta say

sadie_4_lauri 07-08-2004 03:49 AM

him used to be my fave band, but now my fave band is the rasmus.

covle 07-08-2004 03:56 AM

how can a band be good because somebody likes them? i find them similar to boysetsfire. i like both bands

burningbrightismyanthem 05-23-2005 07:15 PM

I like HIM, I started listening to them after I heard them on CKY4 and Viva La Bam. My favortie song of theirs is Sigillum Diaboli :band: :hphones:

.angie. 05-23-2005 07:26 PM

i love HIM.. as you can see. (my avatar) i really like their new cd, "Love Metal."

xX-Avenged7X-Xx 05-23-2005 08:23 PM

I used to like HiM but just never seem to listen to them anymore. Best tune is 'Buried Alive By Love'. IMO

Spike*Spiegel 05-23-2005 11:16 PM

they're A-ok with me.

tinker bell 05-24-2005 01:54 AM

Hes ok yer! My best mates bums the life out of him though. Plus I think he looks better with long hair!

blackTshirt 05-24-2005 02:32 AM

new cd "love metal"?? uh-uh...
their last one was "and love said no" and now they released a dvd

i like them a lot, i've said it in another thread about them

ArtistInTheAmbulance 05-24-2005 02:36 AM

I want that DVD so bad... I was gonna buy it the other day, but I was £1 too short :( If anyone has it can you tell me if its worth getting?

And didnt Love Metal get released last year, around about summer time?

And wasnt there another HIM thread around :confused:

blackTshirt 05-24-2005 02:38 AM

it was another thread. and "love metal" was released like 2 years ago, at least in the Eastern Europe. well HIM are big for a long time here, they became rather famous around the world after that

ArtistInTheAmbulance 05-24-2005 02:41 AM

Oh right... Hardly anyone seems to like 'em over here, I get loads of insults for having a HIM patch... It sucks.

*Sigh* Never mind, Im sure Ill live without their approval...

blackTshirt 05-24-2005 02:43 AM

here, every fucktard who thinks (s)he's (mostly girls, though :() a rocker wears a HIM/ Nightwish Tshirt or a Metallica or an Iron Maiden one. that makes me puke

ArtistInTheAmbulance 05-24-2005 02:46 AM

*Shudder* Must be fun where you live... At least over here they're slightly more honest with themselves and wear Green Day shirts.

We have the whole "Im wearing Metallica therefore Im hardcore" thing though... You try and talk to them about what Metallica album they like and theyre all 'Yeah, errmmm I listen to the older stuff, I doubt you'd know it *cough*....' Right.

Anwyays, back onto HIM... Awesome band, love listening to them :) Even if Ville does get on me nerves a bit.

blackTshirt 05-24-2005 02:51 AM

why? he's VERY skinny, that's what annoys me. he does look like a vampire, though :D that's cool. and his voice is cool...

ArtistInTheAmbulance 05-24-2005 02:52 AM

He's a great frontman, he just always seems very full of himself... Meh, doesnt stop me listening to them though :D Still a great frontman..

blackTshirt 05-24-2005 02:58 AM

uh huh... and he's really tall.. i know it has nothing to do.. but.. he's tall :D

and his voice can change a lot.. that's like.. whoa. cause one minute he's singing with his low voice, then he screams and the other minute his voice is going up. :D

LillGothic 06-12-2005 05:31 PM

I love HIM,Ville Valo is sooo hot and is a great singer, my fav song is "the funeral of harts"and i think Love metle is the best album yet

.angie. 06-12-2005 05:37 PM

i like that song a lot too. but 'love metal' is a great cd, i've only heard a few songs from their other albums.

Spike*Spiegel 06-13-2005 11:53 PM

I really like HIM but i just downloaded their cover of "don't fear the reaper" and i gotta admit, they slaughtered it.

FistfulOfSky 06-14-2005 02:01 PM

HIM rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
their music is very good. i like the song Sweet 666 and i also like Join Me in Death.

their new cd comes out in September. i can't wait!
do u have the HIM dvd?

Ville Valo is an awesome frontman, hot too, but thats besides the point.
glad to see a fellow fan.




jesus 06-14-2005 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by LillGothic
Ville Valo is sooo hot and is a great singer


Sneer 06-14-2005 03:14 PM

crap. pure crap.

ish 06-14-2005 04:56 PM

I think H.I.M is a pretty good band. They could do alot better but I suppose any band can...In all....I like them they are pretty good! :D

blackTshirt 06-15-2005 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by LedZepStu
crap. pure crap.

maybe you should give a reason to that, too

burningbrightismyanthem 01-02-2006 05:35 PM

I know this thread is kinda old but I wanted to put my 2 cents in. I personaly like His Infernal Majesty alot. Infact right now I am listening to Join me, and I own their new CD. I love Sigillum Diaboli, Join me, and love said no, and wings of a butter fly.:band: And to all those haters :finger:

.angie. 01-02-2006 05:52 PM

They stopped using the His Infernal Majesty thingo. S'just HIM now. I <3 HIM. As like, everyone knows, probably. I'm getting obsessed with Dark Light at the moment.

Kurt_Cobain 01-03-2006 11:11 AM

I like HIM, apart from the fact that I think Ville is sex on legs, I think they're amazing. Fortress of Tears, the nuts, and the Dark Light album is my fave so far.

blackTshirt 01-03-2006 11:32 AM

oh my god.. you've posted!!

ArtistInTheAmbulance 01-03-2006 11:49 AM

Bugger me , its Alan! Hey :)

And, I'd just like to say, that I hate the Wings of a Butterfly song. I didnt use to mind it, it was catchy enough, wasnt as depressing as they can be, but now, I hear it just once and that feckin guitar intro doesnt leave my head for weeks, no joke. Catchy is good, but it gets irritating and makes me hate the song if its too catchy.

Imonlydancing 01-03-2006 11:51 AM

I'm not a massive fan of HIM.
They're alright. but yeh.

sleepy jack 01-03-2006 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by ArtistInTheAmbulance
Bugger me , its Alan! Hey :)

And, I'd just like to say, that I hate the Wings of a Butterfly song. I didnt use to mind it, it was catchy enough, wasnt as depressing as they can be, but now, I hear it just once and that feckin guitar intro doesnt leave my head for weeks, no joke. Catchy is good, but it gets irritating and makes me hate the song if its too catchy.

The guitar intro = orgasmonstringsplusthirtyfour.
To catchy? Your a busted fan! =D

But I <3 HIM.

ArtistInTheAmbulance 01-03-2006 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Alexisonfire
The guitar intro = orgasmonstringsplusthirtyfour.
To catchy? Your a busted fan! =D

But I <3 HIM.

Mcfly fan, get it right! ;)

And, normally I have nowt against em, at all, and some catchy songs of theirs I love like Heartache Every Moment. I dont know what it is, I just have something against this song for being that catchy..

PaWp_tarHTs 01-18-2006 09:25 PM

i always thought HIM was a fun band to listen to. Then I saw some live footage. Definitly knocked them down a couple plegs but there still infinitly corny, but in a really cool way. gotta love those love songs.

Spike*Spiegel 01-18-2006 10:09 PM

i bought Dark Light yesterday. i was disappointed that there are only 10 songs and i only like half of them but the ones i did like well exceeded my expectations. enjoy :D

Mr Sensitive 01-19-2006 02:56 AM

They suck.

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