Music Banter

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boozerfreak14 12-14-2005 08:08 PM

Nevermind, let's talk about the same handful of bands that suck ad nauseum
Nickelback,from autumn to ashes,good charlotte,sick of it all,and icp all suck

boo boo 12-14-2005 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by boozerfreak14
Nickelback,from autumn to ashes,good charlotte,sick of it all,and icp all suck

This thread has been done before so many times. :rolleyes:

sleepy jack 12-14-2005 08:12 PM

I like From Autumn to ashes and i think if your gonna diss some bands give us some actual solid reasons as to why they suck, in order to avoid flaming.

Muzak 12-14-2005 08:20 PM

Blnk 182=dumb

sleepy jack 12-14-2005 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Muzak
Blnk 182=dumb

Im not gonna cut you any slack. If you're going to diss a band give an honest reason instead of "dumb" and the thing about blink is at least ninty percent of the people who hate them dont hate them. They just pick on them cause they're easy to pick on, most people i know like at least one song if not more. Besides they're just as influencial as tons of classic rock bands.

thedude01 12-14-2005 09:20 PM

bro i know its gonna seem like im trying to be a ass to you but Blink 182(thou they have one or two decent songs) are not as close as Influental as any classic rock band...any

sleepy jack 12-14-2005 09:22 PM


Tons of my friends garage bands come to mine as being totally influenced by blink 182. This new wave of pop rock bands was influenced by greenday/blink 182. Im sick of this classic rock eltism people need to realize that just because a band is new doesn't mean it can be equally infuencial (whether they influenced good or bad bands). Blink 182 are just as influencial. I will list bands if you want me too.

thedude01 12-14-2005 09:28 PM

no dont get me wrong there is some awsome and totaly Influental bands, but i dont think that they are one.Like Eclectic Theory whos Site you should check and alot of others

sleepy jack 12-14-2005 09:30 PM

How havn't blink 182 been influencial? a band doesn't have to overuse scales and make pot induced music and be from the 60s to be influencial. It has nothing to do with skill it has something to do with how many bands in you influence.

thedude01 12-14-2005 09:34 PM

yea but let me ask you this are those bands good(and i mean good lyrics,beat,and instruments,and i mean technicly not by mine or your standreds)?mmmmmmm

sleepy jack 12-14-2005 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by thedude01
yea but let me ask you this are those bands good(and i mean good lyrics,beat,and instruments,and i mean technicly not by mine or your standreds)?mmmmmmm

No (in my opinion) and yes. But what does being good have anything to do with being influenced?

I like some of the bands they've influenced finch for instance but i can't stand simple plan.

and just to tell you by saying a the bands they've influenced suck doesn't help your case. For you admit they influenced those bands helping my case.

thedude01 12-14-2005 09:41 PM

[QUOTE=Alexisonfire]stand simple plan.

thank you for hating simple plan they blow pig balls i wanna:ar_15s: even if i do go to :jailed:

JohnnyK 12-14-2005 09:43 PM


I'm glad to see that your contributing quality posts like this to the forum.

thedude01 12-14-2005 09:44 PM


Seltzer 12-15-2005 12:03 AM

This website ( doesn't seem to think Blink 182 influenced many bands at all. Usually this site is good, but I'm sure it must be incorrect (it says Blink 182 has 6 followers).

But you should see the Bob Dylan list of followers - it's huge!

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 12-15-2005 12:17 AM

the internet feeds people with loads of crap. dont believe what you read on the internet. my opinion, i dont see what everyone else seems to see in norma jean. i dont hear the musicianship that people seem to. to me it just sounds like a bunch of noise. i cant stand most of their songs simply because they are all so generic and repetitive. this is just my opinion, but i think they are one of the most overrated and least musically skilled bands that has become popular as of late.

*knows this post is going to result in flamage*

Muzak 12-15-2005 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by Alexisonfire
Im not gonna cut you any slack. If you're going to diss a band give an honest reason instead of "dumb" and the thing about blink is at least ninty percent of the people who hate them dont hate them. They just pick on them cause they're easy to pick on, most people i know like at least one song if not more. Besides they're just as influencial as tons of classic rock bands.

err... O.k. Well I hate the name. I hate the singer. I hate the guitarist. The drummer is good but i still hate him. All their songs are about the same thing with a summer them to it. Their music videos are jokes (literaly). Plainly, my brother has one of the albums. Heard it and I thought none of the songs sounded that good at all except for their singles cause they are somewhat catchy. Besides Blink-182? Odd name.

one_more_atrocity 12-15-2005 06:51 AM

im gonna have to go for ''the darkness'', they really do suck ass! i hate the way they are so up themselves and think that they are awesome when they just really arent. the music they produce is terrible and are all really lacking of any talent what so ever.

MyFavouriteAccident 12-15-2005 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by Alexisonfire
stand simple plan.

thank you for hating simple plan they blow pig balls i wanna:ar_15s: even if i do go to :jailed:

ill share your cell, damn i hate that band.....

"im sorry but i cant be perfect"...then do us a favour and shoot yourself already....:jailed: *cellmate to thedude01*

Mr Sensitive 12-15-2005 11:23 AM

Here is a list of the bands I think suck, I'm just going to name the bands, I wont go into a whole lot of detail because I am far too lazy.

Green Day
Good Charlotte
Avril Lavigne
Simple Plan
Blink 182
The Rolling Stones
The Who
The Kinks
Led Zeppilin
The Arctic Monkeys
Bloc Party
Cradle of Filth
Linkin Park
My Chemical Romance
The Darkness
The White Stripes
Son of Dork
Funeral For A Friend
Kaiser Chiefs
Kings Of Leon
The Magic Numbers
James Blunt

There might be more later.

PerFeCTioNThrUSileNCe 12-15-2005 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Mr Sensitive
Here is a list of the bands I think suck, I'm just going to name the bands, I wont go into a whole lot of detail because I am far too lazy.

Green Day
Good Charlotte
Avril Lavigne
Simple Plan
Blink 182
The Rolling Stones
The Who
The Kinks
Led Zeppilin
The Arctic Monkeys
Bloc Party
Cradle of Filth
Linkin Park
My Chemical Romance
The Darkness
The White Stripes
Son of Dork
Funeral For A Friend
Kaiser Chiefs
Kings Of Leon
The Magic Numbers
James Blunt

There might be more later.

you sir, better back yourself up on a few of those. otherwise i see flaming, spamming, and hatred in your future. led zeppelin? the who? im sure.....


Mr Sensitive 12-15-2005 11:32 AM

Do I have to? I just think they suck, that doesn't mean they actually do. I'm not into music elitism, people can listen to what they want.

bop 12-15-2005 02:40 PM


bop 12-15-2005 02:40 PM

and mcfly

sleepy jack 12-15-2005 02:48 PM

I hate led zeppelin.

bungalow 12-15-2005 02:49 PM too
I was just afraid to say it :[
They....sing....about.....Lord....of.....The....Ri ngs

sleepy jack 12-15-2005 02:51 PM

robert plant is a slimy **** john bonham man,
he really sucked those greedy ****ers,
those phoney ****s they made their money off idiots
i hate led zeppelin 12 dollar concerts
were all the rage they bought cocaine for jimmy page "stairway to heaven" makes me see red bonzo's buried,
only three more left i hate led zeppelin

bungalow 12-15-2005 02:55 PM

I think they are WAY overrated
And any enjoyment I got out of their music in the past
Was completely destroyed by Kashmir86
Anytime someone mentions Led Zeppelin
I think of him....
and puke
But Yeah
Led Zeppelin seriously sucks

Hypnotised or Mesmerized 12-15-2005 03:08 PM

i hate limp bizkit - fred durst complete twat no need to say anymore
mcfly - bore me and they just basically remind me of busted
son of dork - just really can't stand their songs
bloc party - just don't get the music they are playing it doesn't appeal to me

ArtistInTheAmbulance 12-15-2005 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Hypnotised or Mesmerized
i hate limp bizkit - fred durst complete twat no need to say anymore
mcfly - bore me and they just basically remind me of busted
son of dork - just really can't stand their songs
bloc party - just don't get the music they are playing it doesn't appeal to me

Bloc Party - Goes without saying :)

mosesandtherubberducky 12-15-2005 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by bungalowbill357
I think they are WAY overrated
And any enjoyment I got out of their music in the past
Was completely destroyed by Kashmir86
Anytime someone mentions Led Zeppelin
I think of him....
and puke
But Yeah
Led Zeppelin seriously sucks

I got a Guitar World the other day and there was Jimmy Page and Jack White on the cover. You could really tell that Jimmy looks like shit from drinking too much. His face is all aged looking and he looks like a fat asian baby.

boo boo 12-15-2005 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Mr Sensitive

The Rolling Stones
The Who
The Kinks
Led Zeppilin
The White Stripes

You have horrible taste in music.

Why is this thread still here?

mosesandtherubberducky 12-15-2005 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo
You have horrible taste in music.

Why is this thread still here?

It his opinion that they suck not a known fact and yes I think he has a bad taste in music too but lets let him have his opinion because we want to have our own too don't we?

boo boo 12-15-2005 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by JohnnyK

I'm glad to see that your contributing quality posts like this to the forum.

You think thats lame?...I have been to forums with posts like this.


boo boo 12-15-2005 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by mosesandtherubberducky
It his opinion that they suck not a known fact and yes I think he has a bad taste in music too but lets let him have his opinion because we want to have our own too don't we?

Yes, but if i said it was my opinion that Blink 182 invented rock music, you would certainly flame me for it (that is if you thought i was serious) would you not?...And of course that would be your right.

Everybody has a right to their opinion, but when they make it public on a forum, then we have pretty much the same right to tell them that their opinion sucks...... Its our opinion.

mosesandtherubberducky 12-15-2005 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo
Yes, but if i said if was my opinion that Blink 182 invented rock music, you would certainly flame me for it (that is if you thought i was serious) would you not?...And of course that would be your right.

Everybody has a right to their opinion, but when they make it public on a forum, then we have pretty much the same right to tell them that their opinion sucks...... In our opinion.

OPINIONS SUCK...but yes that all is true. Everything is an opinion.

sleepy jack 12-15-2005 06:26 PM

I hate classic rock!!
I think the Rolling Stones and led zeppelin smell.
Yes kiddies a foreign word around here.
The Beatles SUCK.
Go ahead flame away.
Cause freedom of speech is dead.

boo boo 12-15-2005 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Alexisonfire
I hate classic rock!!
I think the Rolling Stones and led zeppelin smell.
Yes kiddies a foreign word around here.
The Beatles SUCK.
Go ahead flame away.
Cause freedom of speech is dead.

What are you talking about??...Freedom of speech is alive and well, thats why this country is going to hell.

We all have a right to express our opinions, even our opinions about other peoples opinions, its called disagreeing.

By the way, your opinion sucks. :finger:

Laces Out Dan! 12-15-2005 06:29 PM

Well i hate Emo in general...Greenday, nickleback, and theory of a deadman are to name a few others

thedude01 12-15-2005 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Mr Sensitive
Here is a list of the bands I think suck, I'm just going to name the bands, I wont go into a whole lot of detail because I am far too lazy.

Green Day
Good Charlotte
Avril Lavigne
Simple Plan
Blink 182
The Rolling Stones
The Who-
The Kinks
Led Zeppilin
The Arctic Monkeys
Bloc Party
Cradle of Filth
Linkin Park
My Chemical Romance
The Darkness
The White Stripes
Son of Dork
Funeral For A Friend
Kaiser Chiefs
Kings Of Leon
The Magic Numbers
James Blunt

There might be more later.

Green Day-old good
Good Charlotte-suck
Avril Lavigne-suck
Simple Plan-suck
Blink 182-suck
U2-new not as good old jams
The Rolling Stones-holy god i love these rockers
The Who-They had major talent and jammed
The Kinks-suck
Led Zeppilin- your cazy they rock
The Arctic Monkeys-suck
Bloc Party-suck
Cradle of Filth-suck
Linkin Park-few good songs
My Chemical Romance-few good songs
The Darkness-suck
The White Stripes-suck
Son of Dork-suck
Funeral For A Friend-suck
Kaiser Chiefs-suck
Kings Of Leon-suck
The Magic Numbers-suck
James Blunt-alright
Coldplay-they jam

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