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KoRnkid69 11-30-2004 08:44 AM

The Official KoRn Thread
whats your opinion on korn and your reasons for haveing them

kornslayer 11-30-2004 08:44 AM

Do you like Korn or not let see who does

kornslayer 11-30-2004 08:46 AM


KoRnkid69 11-30-2004 08:49 AM

i love korn they are a ****ing awsome inspiration, and **** those who dont like the slap, that is some tlented stuff

MyWorld 11-30-2004 10:12 AM

I don't really like Korn. I do like corn.

theman78370 11-30-2004 12:03 PM

i like korn, but not as much as i used too. they were supremely awesome at first; but, ever since "Untouchables", their 2 albums seem to have lost something that all of their previous albums contained. im not sure what it is, but korn isnt the korn that it used to be.

itchytasty 11-30-2004 03:15 PM

no, i can't say that i like Korn.

they make me bored

98degrees_ispunk 11-30-2004 07:10 PM

I recently started listening to them and I think they're pretty good but there are some songs that are poorly written and it is hard to listen to.(ie."Y'all want a single)

Pit-Bull84 11-30-2004 07:22 PM

Hate them.

The lyrics and subject matter are repetative and annoying at times.
I can see how you can get into it if you were a kid who got his ass kicked a lot or if you can't get over your problems, but I can't. (I, in NO way, meant to offend those of you who are in that situation.)

The guitarists are pretty much hacks too.
People give them credit and props because they play 7-string guitars, but it's no harder than a six string and just as easy to master.

That's my 2 cents.

Pit-Bull84 11-30-2004 07:23 PM


Oi_To_The_World 11-30-2004 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by theman78370
i like korn, but not as much as i used too. they were supremely awesome at first; but, ever since "Untouchables", their 2 albums seem to have lost something that all of their previous albums contained. im not sure what it is, but korn isnt the korn that it used to be.

i would say after the self titled and life is peachy things have been downhill.

itchytasty 11-30-2004 07:53 PM

and you would think their bassist would have learned to properly tighten his bass strings by now...


they get way more credit than they desereve as musicians. not that they deserve much, anyways.

Oi_To_The_World 11-30-2004 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by itchytasty
and you would think their bassist would have learned to properly tighten his bass strings by now...


they get way more credit than they desereve as musicians. not that they deserve much, anyways.

korn was really big when i was a freshman in high school- which was like seven, eight years ago. i liked their first two albums, but i never imagined they would still be popular today (particularly after follow the leader and whatever the hell they came out with after that). so i have to ask the current korn fans, what do you guys like by korn? the new stuff, old stuff? be specific.

RaqAttak 11-30-2004 09:11 PM

Korn's wayyyyy to hardcore for me lol

demon 12-01-2004 04:35 AM

kron damn cool but they r not my favorite 2

demon 12-01-2004 04:36 AM

like em

kornslayer 12-01-2004 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by Pit-Bull84
Hate them.

The lyrics and subject matter are repetative and annoying at times.
I can see how you can get into it if you were a kid who got his ass kicked a lot or if you can't get over your problems, but I can't. (I, in NO way, meant to offend those of you who are in that situation.)

The guitarists are pretty much hacks too.
People give them credit and props because they play 7-string guitars, but it's no harder than a six string and just as easy to master.

That's my 2 cents.

hahahahahahahahahahaha props lol ur a total idiot man u probably got your ass kicked u puss i cant believe some of the **** you come up with ***korn Rocks out with their ****s out and ur suckem them

gregb 12-01-2004 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by Oi_To_The_World
korn was really big when i was a freshman in high school- which was like seven, eight years ago. i liked their first two albums, but i never imagined they would still be popular today (particularly after follow the leader and whatever the hell they came out with after that). so i have to ask the current korn fans, what do you guys like by korn? the new stuff, old stuff? be specific.

Agreed, I remember watching "Got the Life" on MTV and thinking it was great, but that was 6 years ago when I was a sophmore in high school. They are a gateway band in the genre, but by no means front runners in it.

Lets Gets ReTaRdEd 12-01-2004 09:17 AM

I started listenin 2 dem bout 2 months bck and love them not me fav but i do love dem

Sneer 12-01-2004 10:10 AM

dont mind them

[MERIT] 12-01-2004 11:49 AM

i liked Korn until all the goth-poser-loser-homos started listening to it. now people associate korn with them, so i stopped listenng to it.

Raine 12-01-2004 05:03 PM

The wway I see it if you like Disturbed then you love KoRN.
This isn't true of all peopel I know but from my experience if yuo like Disturbed you like KoRN. At any rate, I started listening to them in about 1998 or something like that.
I am in love with a whole lot of their songs.
Freak on A Leash is one of my all time favorites.

And on stage the band is just feaking awesome. The energy they have is contagious.

Thrice 12-01-2004 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by kornslayer
hahahahahahahahahahaha props lol ur a total idiot man u probably got your ass kicked u puss i cant believe some of the **** you come up with ***korn Rocks out with their ****s out and ur suckem them

Thanks for opinion, but please try to express it a little nicer. If you do not agree with someines statement, please say why, instead of your profanity and effed up english

Thrice 12-01-2004 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Raine
The wway I see it if you like Disturbed then you love KoRN.
This isn't true of all peopel I know but from my experience if yuo like Disturbed you like KoRN. At any rate, I started listening to them in about 1998 or something like that.
I am in love with a whole lot of their songs.
Freak on A Leash is one of my all time favorites.

And on stage the band is just feaking awesome. The energy they have is contagious.

Definently Not.
I think disturbed is okay, I have their CD. But no way in hell do I love Korn. I do like a few of their songs, but thats their older stuff from back when was in middle school. I do not like any of their newer stuff.

Raine 12-01-2004 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Thrice
Definently Not.
I think disturbed is okay, I have their CD. But no way in hell do I love Korn. I do like a few of their songs, but thats their older stuff from back when was in middle school. I do not like any of their newer stuff.

I did say it wasn't true for all people.

And I only listen to Disturbed because I think they are alright and because I don't have to take out a poster of theirs and throw darts at it while I listen to their music unlike some bands out there (Pearl jam sucks!!!)
And I have this wierd way of association Disturbed with KoRN. But whenever I hear a KoRN song I don't even think of Disturbed.

And I can't believe you took my quote with all of it's many spelling errors. I feel so embarassed. :yikes:
Now I have to go ack and edit that post.

I'm officially bored of education.

RandomHErO14 12-01-2004 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by Pit-Bull84
Hate them.

The lyrics and subject matter are repetative and annoying at times.
I can see how you can get into it if you were a kid who got his ass kicked a lot or if you can't get over your problems, but I can't. (I, in NO way, meant to offend those of you who are in that situation.)

The guitarists are pretty much hacks too.
People give them credit and props because they play 7-string guitars, but it's no harder than a six string and just as easy to master.

That's my 2 cents.

U sound full of ur self. No offense,but do u think u are like some god who knows everything about music. What have u done musically. or do u even have any talent. Id like to find out>>

jibber 12-01-2004 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by RandomHErO14
U sound full of ur self. No offense,but do u think u are like some god who knows everything about music. What have u done musically. or do u even have any talent. Id like to find out>>

um, so anyone who gives their opinion is full of themself? since when do people have to be talented in music to have an opinion about it?

KoRnkid69 12-03-2004 07:52 PM

(um, so anyone who gives their opinion is full of themself? since when do people have to be talented in music to have an opinion about it?)

i agree but i really hate it when people feel they need to dog on their tallent which is damn good no matter what they play, even though i posted for an argument, some people jus get on my nerves with some of the stupid **** they say:bonkhead:

Sneer 12-05-2004 12:28 PM

if you have the ability to hear then you are entitled to opinions on music. and in regards to the actual topic of this thread, Korn are ok, seem a bit false to me though, john davis tries too hard with his whole gothy image etc. nothing wrong with their songs though. head is a great guitarist.

TheBig3 12-05-2004 04:16 PM

In my opinion, there are only two nu-metal bands worth anyones time. Korn and SOAD.

Korn got a bum rap because, like nirvana, every kid who was socailly inept and needed to follow some fad to have direction saddled up on the Korn bandwagon. People tend to forget that when that first CD came out, there was no one else doing that, and it was heralded by critics as an amazing album. I wouldn't blame Korn because anyone with a guitar who wanted to nail chicks copied there style. Even the deftones first album ripped korn exponentially.

Its easy to hate Korn because a million other bands copied there sound. But if no one had they would be revered as doing something original and diffrent. I think they still should be, and they've only been improving. I don't think on the whole, korn has ever fallen backward on the progression chart.

People who loathe them probably just hate most of their fan base, the 14 year old WASPs who walk around shopping malls with cut up baggy jeans making problems. Understandable. But don't hate a band for doing what they wanted.

Oi_To_The_World 12-05-2004 05:17 PM

^ hey man, i used to be a huge korn fan back in high school when the self titled and life is peachy came out. those were exceptional albums, and many other bands tried to put out stuff like that.

i agree it is easy to hate korn. But, its even easier when they arent putting out good music. Look...follow the leader was commercial as f*ck- that's what got em on MTV. thats when they lost lots of fans but gained more. then there was issues- which had the whole album cover gimmick, but it was a really weak, depressing album. they lost more fans than gained there. Then "the rest"- which i know little about, cept Untouchables- which i could not bare to listen to.
yeah and i hate their fan base, i admit it. but then again, i hate a lot of bands just because of their fan base. what can you do?

btw, can you really call korn and SOAD new? maybe eight years ago...

dog 12-07-2004 03:18 AM

nah korn sucks. i hate em. i don really feel like arguring with other korn fans, its pretty meaningless. if they wanna like korn they can go ahead and like em all they want.

dog 12-07-2004 03:46 AM


Originally Posted by MyWorld
I don't really like Korn. I do like corn.

hahaha thats good.

dog 12-07-2004 03:47 AM

man theres lots of "do u like korn or not" threads. but anyway to answer the question, no i hate em.

kornslayer 12-07-2004 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by ledzeppelinrulz
man theres lots of "do u like korn or not" threads. but anyway to answer the question, no i hate em.

just like i hate you ***et :ar_15s:

kornslayer 12-07-2004 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by oojay
i liked Korn until all the goth-poser-loser-homos started listening to it. now people associate korn with them, so i stopped listenng to it.

well thats kind of dumb how u just stopped listening :soapbox:

kornslayer 12-07-2004 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by Thrice
Thanks for opinion, but please try to express it a little nicer. If you do not agree with someines statement, please say why, instead of your profanity and effed up english

hey thank you for the advice hahaha you are just ass worse :ar_15s:

Oi_To_The_World 12-07-2004 08:45 AM

maybe people should elaborate on why they hate korn, instead of just saying it.

riseagainstrocks 12-07-2004 06:05 PM

There probably are so many threads because people spam accounts on this site...

I do not like them at all. Besides being angsty they're music is the same again and again. I've checked out the tabs and such. Its repetitive and not even good repition at that.

dog 12-10-2004 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by kornslayer
just like i hate you ***et :ar_15s:

omg thats really stupid, you don even know me!

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