Music Banter

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ArtistInTheAmbulance 03-07-2005 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by leftinkowloon
hey good job not prooving a point

Thanks. Good job not knowing how to spell "prove".

Soundgardener 03-07-2005 04:01 PM

^well what does that tell you....obviously that he is a 12 year old kid who isn't loved enough by his sad. do ya need a hug lil boy *cries*

Soundgardener 03-07-2005 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by leftinkowloon
hey good job not prooving a point

when you insult other people's taste in music that makes a big point too...

ArtistInTheAmbulance 03-07-2005 04:06 PM

Hah must be true Soundgardener...

And leftinkowloon, I completely proved my point. My point was that people like Korn. I dont get how you think you've won this... *Sigh* Just blissfully unaware methinks...

leftinkowloon 03-07-2005 04:34 PM

18 is my real age and how can you call me 12 with a 7th grade comeback like that. I thought people would stop with the mom and dad jokes after the age of 14 and don't say ohh im not joking because that won't be funny. Making fun of peoples spelling mistakes means that you don't have **** to say and you're making fun of my spelling as a last resort.

Soundgardener 03-07-2005 04:45 PM

I could make fun of your opinionated views on music, but even a dip sh!t could do that.

hookers with machineguns 03-07-2005 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by leftinkowloon
because people don't know about the good music that is really out there because they're to stupid to actually look for bands and just take what's given to them.

*hands leftinkowloon a beer

You know, I could care less whether someone likes Korn or not. That is, if it were still 1996.
The fact that Korn has a following still is pretty sad. Yeah whatever, people are ALLOWED to like them blah blah blah. But they havent even put out decent music since Life is Peachy, now their style is long stale and widespread. And who cares if Head is a Christian or a satanist or a masturbator. If Head didnt sport braids, he'd be unemployed, rotting somewhere next to Fred Durst.

Anarchy doll 03-07-2005 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by leftinkowloon
because people don't know about the good music that is really out there because they're to stupid to actually look for bands and just take what's given to them.

oi you! I was just posting it as a point of interest to anyone who LIKES Korn ok? Stop being a little fairy and posting rude things....and there was a KORN thread in here already so it's not like it is unheard of...jerk....

leftinkowloon 03-07-2005 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by Soundgardener
I could make fun of your opinionated views on music, but even a dip sh!t could do that.

hey take your time on " making fun of my opionated views"

and i will gladly except that beer if it's a michelobe amber bock because that beer is yummy

rockyosocksoff 03-08-2005 03:42 AM

*yawns* do you think you guys could argue about something other than the same old stuff PLEASE... im getting sleepy.... and i dont give a flying **** about what you think of korn....

Blingz11 05-16-2005 12:42 PM

KoRn-y'all want a single
that korn y'all want a single song kicks ass, what do you guys think i mean it only has about 3 words but it is a kickass song to freak out to :band: :hphones: KoRn kicks ass with alot of songs such as A.D.I.D.A.S and Good God off of there there take a look in the mirror album...i think thats what it is not sure, what are some other songs that you guys like by KoRn

maryjane88 05-16-2005 03:01 PM

I Like The New Version Of Another Brick On The Wall

stonedpath 05-16-2005 03:41 PM

korn suck ass ..............i think you misplaced a few words bitch

FistfulOfSky 05-16-2005 05:02 PM

i like Korn, i perfer their old music but Take a look in the Mirror wasn't horrible. better than Taking Back Sunday and all that other "punk" idiotic material.

sorry if i offended anyone. your entitled to your own opinions.
i also liked Korn's version of Brick in The Wall. i mean Korns defiantly no Pink Floyd but they still did a decent job of it. rock on.



Merkaba 05-16-2005 05:12 PM

brick in the wall was done rather well...tho i didnt like all that quiet goodbye crap at the end

TheBig3 05-16-2005 06:55 PM

yeah I agree the stuff at the end was uneeded. Good song though, less funk flicks, more rock. I like ya'll want a single, but I don't really ever freak out (intentionally) and so I wouldn't make a soundtrack. Unless you meant something else by freakout.

Stondpath - please list your paltry excuses for bands so that we may equally mock you. All i've seen you do is lampoon other peoples choices.

David Frost 05-16-2005 09:25 PM


Kurt_Cobain 05-17-2005 11:31 AM

I like freak on a leash, I think KoRn are pretty cool. *Bets this thread turns into an argument*

ArtistInTheAmbulance 05-17-2005 11:49 AM

^Of course, why should this thread be an exception to the rest?

But yeah, on Korn... Theyre ok, not exactly a favourite band of mine. Everything after Untouchables just wasnt worth listening to for me though... Before all that, it was fun, I could listen to them if I was in the right mood. But now, no...

stonedpath 05-18-2005 05:10 PM

that song sounds like the noises that come out of my mouth when i take shits. they are no talent loser Fuckzors

AFI 05-21-2005 03:32 PM

I like them quite a bit.KoRn rule y'all want a single kicks ass.

Wyldchild 05-21-2005 09:27 PM



PIXIECORPSE 05-22-2005 11:09 PM

Korn is KICK ASS, their Take a look in the Mirrior album could have been better way better. I personaly perfure listening 2 their older music. the new version of the wall was ok.

Starsha420 05-23-2005 02:44 AM

I personally like Korn, and I think that Jon Davis is an excellent composer, but any song with a few words gets repetative. I think that a$$hole who called Korn no talent losers is just jealous because they get more pu$$y then he even dreams of. Sorry if I offened anyone other then the loser who made that post. And my favorite song is Falling Away From Me.

xX-Avenged7X-Xx 05-23-2005 09:19 PM

KoRn. I forgot they existed. Do people still listen to them?? I guess so....
I liked them when I was a kid, but they don't interest me anymore.

BloodFox900 05-24-2005 07:21 AM

KoRn kick ass!!!! they rock!!! y'all ant a single is a classy song!! so is right now!!

Brother_Of_Metal 05-24-2005 06:50 PM

Korn - The Biggest Shame to Music
It is without a doubt a fact that Korn deserves to be destroyed for their cruel recreation of the legendary Another Brick in The Wall series. No one remakes Pink Floyd, when they are as far from being like Pink Floyd as Korn. Pink Floyd made The Wall with such in depth a meaning, and so great a sound, NO BAND has the right to replay it, and put their name on it.

Merkaba 05-24-2005 07:19 PM

someone decapitate this guy

Brother_Of_Metal 05-24-2005 07:22 PM

I'd destroy you before you get even close. Korn is **** for trying to remake Pink Floyd's music.

SATCHMO 05-24-2005 09:42 PM

I think your Mother of Metal and Father of Metal were actually brother and sister.

Static-Fear-Shot 05-24-2005 09:42 PM

Yeah l've heard the cover of Floyds 'Another Brick in the Wall' and well that was rortered ..... sorry to say, but my respect and like of 'Korn' was completely obliterated at that stage .... but of course we all being individuals will realise that diversity amongst our opinions is what makes non-conformist actions loveable!...

Static-Fear-Shot 05-24-2005 09:43 PM

And you .. 'mam' are an idiot!

Static-Fear-Shot 05-24-2005 09:48 PM

l personally didn't mind the film clip to this song .... it was very angry and well ... angry is cool ... really shows ones emotions! .. and l gathered that J.D was majorly peeved ... !

SATCHMO 05-24-2005 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by Static-Fear-Shot
And you .. 'mam' are an idiot!

I have boobs ? COOL!!!!!

Static-Fear-Shot 05-24-2005 10:05 PM

I'm here to help .... *nods*

SlayeReyalS 05-25-2005 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by unknown
Everyone makes mistakes. Korn has made a lot of them.


TheBig3 05-25-2005 01:58 AM

Pink Floyd sucks, be thankful Korn gave that song legs...see you at woodstock hippy

Urban Hat€monger ? 05-25-2005 02:41 AM

The Wall was **** anyway

dog 05-25-2005 06:24 AM

yea it thought it was pretty poo that korn remade that song, if people wanna like it, they can go ahead. i don really care

ArtistInTheAmbulance 05-25-2005 06:29 AM

I liked The Wall.. But "No band has the right to replay it"? Get a grip, its a song. If you were in a band, I doubt you'd choose not to do your own version of a song because it wouldnt do the original justice.

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