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Merkaba 11-12-2005 12:58 PM

Your Dream Team
Ok, no doubt stuff similar to this has been done before but I am adding a twist. Kinda.

You are the lead singer of a band. Pick a maximum of 4 musicians throughout history, who you would personally love to play along with. The musicians can be dead or alive upon picking them.

Think of your favourite style of rock, and the people who influence your tastes.

Choose your Weapons
Pick your favourite musicians, from basists to drummers, trumpet players to guitarists. No more than 4!

Now, this is all subjective to your tastes. So no abusive crap to someone who wants a member of greenday as their guitarist etc etc. Deal with it.

EDIT: Remember, the hardest part is picking someone who would make your style of music the best. Don't just pick your favourites because it would be cool, pick them because they would compliment your tastes the most....Though now that I think about it, tastes = favourites so they are kinda one in the same. ANYWAY....enough from me, have fun kids.

Merkaba 11-12-2005 01:03 PM

My team: Well I'm going for a stock standard setup...

Guitarist: Dimebag Darrel
Basist: Flea
Drums: Danny Carey

Man, what I wouldn't give to have that lineup behind me.

Coda 11-12-2005 02:55 PM

Guitarist: Jimi Hendrix.
Bassist: Steve Harris (MAIDEN).
Drummer: John Bonham.

The ultimate band in soulful greatness.

mosesandtherubberducky 11-12-2005 03:14 PM

Lead guitarist: Billy Corgan
Rythme guitarist: Jack White
Bassist: Matt Freeman
Drummer: travis Barker

wow, now that i look at it that is going to be some wierded out music :)

Merkaba 11-12-2005 03:18 PM

Jack and Billy are interesting choices, would be a cool composition:thumb:

mosesandtherubberducky 11-12-2005 03:19 PM

or instead of Matt the bassist from Death From Above 1979... his name has slipped my mind right now I think it is Jesse though.

riseagainstrocks 11-12-2005 03:28 PM

Luke Jaeger (Sleep Terror) - Guitar
Michael Amott (Arch Enemy, Carcass) - Guitar

these two would combine the best of both worlds, Prog Death and Melodic Thrash. The results would be mind numbing.

Stefan Fimmers (Necrophagist) - Bass

very few bassist I have heard capture the essence of controlled chaos like Fimmers does. His sheer inventiveness and fretwork leave almost everyone in the dust.

Gene Hogan (Dark Angel, Strapping Young Lad) - Drums

who better than the God of Thunder to be pounding away at the skins? Able to throw down blast beats (he along with Cryptopsy's Flo Mounier can do double blast beats as well) as well as jazz fills, nothing comes close to his style and precision.

We'd be the best jazz/death band ever. With actual lyrics. Ephel Duath better watch their back.

boo boo 11-12-2005 04:10 PM

Peter Gabriel - Vocalist/Recorder
Ian Anderson - Vocalist/Flute/Accoustic Guitar
Robert Fripp - Rhythm Guitar/Mellotron
Steve Howe - Lead Guitar/Sitar
Tony Levin - Bass/Chapman Stick/Bass Cello/Upright Bass
Neal Peart - Drums
Kieth Emerson - Keyboards/Piano/Organ/Moog Synthisizer
Di<k Parry - Tenor Saxophone
Mel Collins - Saprano Saxophone/Flute
Ian Mcdonald - Alto Saxophone/Flute/Mellotron
David Cross - Violin/Viola
Robin Miller - Oboe
Mark Charig - Cornet
Nick Evans - Trombone

Pompous and Overblown?, you bet. :)

TheBig3 11-12-2005 04:28 PM

/\ And illegal

boo boo 11-12-2005 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog
/\ And illegal

Oh yeah, i forgot about the 4 musician limit, but hey, thats my dream ensemble, what can i say? :(

Ok then.

Johnny Rotten - Vocals
Steve Jones - Guitar
Paul Cook - Drums
Uh.......... - Bass

mosesandtherubberducky 11-12-2005 04:32 PM

Jesus! Put Jesus as the bassist. He is Jesus he has to be good at everything with the whole fact that he is perfect

boo boo 11-12-2005 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by mosesandtherubberducky
Jesus! Put Jesus as the bassist. He is Jesus he has to be good at everything with the whole fact that he is perfect

He dosent have to be perfect, as long as he can play at least 3 chords, more than i can say for Sid Vicious.

half_baked87 11-12-2005 05:51 PM

my cream-dream-dream-team would be:

Ian McKaye - guitar
Jordan Burns - drums
Matt Freeman - bass

Laces Out Dan! 11-12-2005 08:46 PM

Alexi Laiho - Guitar
Geddy Lee - Bass/Vocals
Russel Adams - Vocals ( i think it would be cool to put theri voices together)
Frederik Ehmke - Drums

Laces Out Dan! 11-12-2005 08:46 PM

As horrible as their voices together may sound.........Geddy's mostly doing Bass

Cheese 11-12-2005 10:10 PM

Blackie Lawless - Vocals
Michael Schenker - Guitar
Les Claypool - Bass
Bill Ward - Drums

It could work, you know!

sleepy jack 11-12-2005 10:13 PM

Matt Tuck(Bullet For My Valentine) - Vocalist
Thomas Erak(Fall Of Troy) - Guitar
Ben Brown(Poison The Well) - Bassist
Ben Koller(Converge) - Drummer

Laces Out Dan! 11-12-2005 10:21 PM

Never heard of any of them......

bungalow 11-12-2005 10:26 PM

John Lennon-Vocals
Drums-Dave Grohl
Bass-Les Claypool

Cheese 11-12-2005 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by bungalowbill357
John Lennon-Vocals
Drums-Dave Grohl
Bass-Les Claypool

Wouldn't happen!

Lennon's dead;)

bungalow 11-12-2005 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by cheeseman
Wouldn't happen!

Lennon's dead;)

he is?????? since when

Merkaba 11-13-2005 12:53 AM

You morons read the thread starter!

First of all, YOU are the vocalist, because this is your dream band.
Second, I said dead people don't matter. If they played in their past life, eg Lennon, then it counts.

I went to an effort to do all that red fancy crap and you lot don't even read it. Slack ****ers.

Cheese 11-13-2005 01:04 AM

I'd sooner be the manager of said team as I have an amazing voice, but it travels a rough passage and all that.;)

Ps I'm not a moron.I prefer "pillock"

Kempson 11-13-2005 06:01 AM


Damn that would kick so much arse.

Spikey 11-13-2005 08:24 AM

Me- Vocals
gtr-Ceara O'Neill
Bass-Phill from Thin lizzy
Drums-Rodger Taylor

From Cosmic Left Feild... 11-13-2005 12:11 PM

Tori Amos- Piano (Herself)
Ralph Molina - Drums (Neil Young)
Justin Chancellor - Bass (TOOL)
Vincent DiFiore - Trumpet (CAKE)

I gave myself the ability to have two diffrent instruments lead and take solos. This coupled with the fact that no two instruments in my band are played the same allowing me to tackle a few diffrent styles. If we count myself I have two vocalists and at least two song writers. Im pretty happy with the way it came out.

riseagainstrocks 11-13-2005 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by From Cosmic Left Feild...
Tori Amos- Piano (Herself)

i'd let her play piano. just not sing.

From Cosmic Left Feild... 11-13-2005 01:56 PM


mosesandtherubberducky 11-13-2005 02:30 PM

i have to make this band, it is a message from god so please don't kill me for saying this.

Drums- Hellan Keller
Guitar- Gary Colman
Bass- Tom Cruise

and with this band i shall end the world! :D

riseagainstrocks 11-13-2005 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by From Cosmic Left Feild...

with the exception of My Beloved Wife, i dislike her voice.

From Cosmic Left Feild... 11-13-2005 02:41 PM

you didn't like her voice changes on Caught a Lite Sneeze?

riseagainstrocks 11-13-2005 02:45 PM

the song doesn't come to memory, but the point I was making is that I don't like that vocal style as a whole. And of the 10 or so songs I've listened too the only one i really liked was My Beloved Wife

TheBig3 11-13-2005 04:36 PM

Tom Waits - Piano
<~~~Jack White - Guitar
Carlos Dengler - Bass
Carter Beauford - Drums

I like my sounds pretty junky, a little bit of slop and haunt. Like visiting a junkyard on the site of an old indian burial ground, though let that not stand that I like sacred desecration of a gentricfied and engenocided people.

I love Waits no matter which instrument he's playing, but when he's on the piano he can really emote and his piano blues are amazing. My profession of love for White should be made sufficent by my avatar. Carlos D, I don't really like interpol but he offers a varied style and he made it just for that sick riff from "Evil", Beauford made it because I needed someone who could keep a basic rhytham but put in flare and fills to add his own personality. Beauford can do AC/DC drums while he's adding his extra and his inclusion compliments that unversal or worldy sounds that waits brought to the band.

Jake-O 11-13-2005 10:37 PM

If there were rules, sorry, I'll have more fun without them.

First Guitar: Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin)
Second Guitar: Robbie Robertson (The Band)
Bass: Jaco Pastorius (Solo and Weather Report)
Drums:Terry Bozzio (Zappa and Missing Persons)
Tenor Sax: Michael Brecker (f'n everyone, jezz, the guy gets around)
Trumpet: Miles Davis
Keys: Bernie Worrell (Parlaiment/Funkadelic)
Harmonica and Vocals: Paul Butterfield (Paul Butterfield Blues Band)

Laces Out Dan! 11-13-2005 11:32 PM

Alright TheBig3.........Ive never found Jack White to be that cool in my would you chnage my opinion in a paragraph.......remeberign the fact that i dislike The White Stripes

Electric Eye 11-14-2005 12:40 AM

steve vai-lead guitar
that one guy from arch enemy-lead guitar
jimmy page-lead guitar
the pantara guy i have disgraced by forgetting his name, a fitting punishment would be death-lead guitar
basically my band would suck, no rythem guitar, no drummer, no bass guitar.

Merkaba 11-14-2005 12:53 AM

Haha yeah but whatever suits your style.

Heck popstars don't know what an instrument is and they all become superstars. You've got 3 great guitarists there and 1 who I can't comment on, that'd be some pretty cool twnging at the least.

Les Paul, Jack White is wicked by the way, maybe not a soloist perfectionist but is good fun none the less. I'd listen to ball and a biscuit anyday.

Electric Eye 11-14-2005 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by Merkaba
Haha yeah but whatever suits your style.

Heck popstars don't know what an instrument is and they all become superstars. You've got 3 great guitarists there and 1 who I can't comment on, that'd be some pretty cool twnging at the least.

Les Paul, Jack White is wicked by the way, maybe not a soloist perfectionist but is good fun none the less. I'd listen to ball and a biscuit anyday.

Some pop stars play insturments, he that ****ty click five band plays insturments, simple plan play insturments there pop.

Merkaba 11-14-2005 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by Electric Eye
Some pop stars play insturments, he that ****ty click five band plays insturments, simple plan play insturments there pop.

Sorry good sir almighty holy one, it was a broad, BROAD statement. And for christ sake, what I wouldn't give for simple plan to put their instruments down.

It's like a 1 year old trying to write an essay on shakespeare or Van Gough. It was not meant to be.

But you're right, not all are that stupid, it was a stereotypical generalisation thats all, if you get my drift.

Spikey 11-14-2005 05:26 AM

Holy cr*p! This is about people "Playing" their instruments? Oh dear god what is the world coming to?:D

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