boo boo |
11-16-2005 11:08 PM |
Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog
HELP would have been awesome because ELP couldn't write a damn song to save their lives. A good one anyway.
If you mean progressive in moving an art form forewards, im sure they would have, it you meant prog in the contemporary sense, then I would loathe them. There is passion in that band, and I would want them to go where it took them, I would not want them to take a step back and try to improve things by doing what thought right, just what felt right.
God dammit, you sound like all the Lester Bangs wannabees who make way too much money writing crap articles for Rolling Stone.
ELP couldnt write a good song?... uh Tarkus?... From The Begining?... KARN EVIL ****ING 9???... What the hell, are you another one of those people who are saying progressive rock has no feeling and isnt progressive?. Or even worse, not creative and imaginitive, which is the most stupid thing i have ever heard, prog is one of the most imaginitive genres out there, how is it not imagintive?... Because it isnt degestible to the emo and punk crowd?... Because of the lack of bubble gum pop melodys and repetitive as hell riffs and choruse's?... You think writing a prog song is easy?... That is rubbish in the best sense of the word. The common criticism used from critics, punks and other idiots who cant appreciate anything they are too stupid to understand is that prog puts more emphasis on the music rather than the message or lyrics, jesus christ is that bad now?... Does this mean all jazz, classical music and all forms of music that dont have lyrics about doing drugs and having sex is crap now?...The typical logic used from people who have no idea what they are talking about...Well screw that, id take good music with crap lyrics over horrible music with wonderful lyrics anyday.
Im sorry if im being too polite. X_X
Edit: And i cleaned up my languange, was a little too much like a Eminem lyric sheet there, i dont mean to come off being so agressive, but sometimes i get very carried away in arguements.