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Old 11-02-2005, 12:43 AM   #11 (permalink)
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Best- The Suicide Machines... I was up at the front going ****ing crazy (cuz he was playing the song i was waiting for all night) and i was singing and he was lookin at me and he handed me the mic Then i climbed on stage, jumped off.. ran in the circle pit.. and then it ended.

WORST - I was at warped tour this year with my Boyfriend's sister. I was pretty ****ing tired at the end of the day...and you know once it starts to get down to the last couple bands playing, it draws HUGE fukkin crowds. Hawthorn Heights was playing ( i dont really like them) but his sister dragged me into the middle of a human hell hole. It seemed like when the music got harder and louder.. the crowd got more out of control, i seriously couldnt move. we were sloshing around. and im pretty short and i was getting clastrophobic or however u spell it so i tried to get out and i couldnt! i was pushing and cussing and tryin to get the **** out of there. Finally danielle grabbed my hand and led the way out.. and you gotta push people to get out and i guess this one punk bi*tch didnt like it so she pushed danielle back. So that automatically made me push her. then she pushed me.. i really didnt want to fight this girl 1. cuz i was hot, sweaty, tired, and 2nd i had autographed posters in my hands. so i let her have it 1 time in the face and Danielle reached over and socked her in the arm. lol. This little b*itch started kicking me, what a pussy. By this time guys were holding her back from me and all i could do was stand there and laugh and yell FUKK YOU to her face. When i was FINALLY out of there, i noticed my arm was hurting real bad and when i looked at it it was bleeding. it wa slike this big bloody gash/bruise. I didnt even feel it happen or anything. We left right after that ****.. and we watched our backs on the way out. Dont get me wrong though i had a great time!!!
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Old 11-02-2005, 05:33 AM   #12 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by runawaymylilnightmare
Jimmy Eat World one of the few bands that sounds better live
damn straight my dear - i was at the front of a balcony too, really close, no twits in front of me, fully view - was great!
'alive or just breathing?'
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Old 11-02-2005, 04:05 PM   #13 (permalink)
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lucky u!
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Old 11-03-2005, 01:14 PM   #14 (permalink)
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yes one did feel immensely lucky and smug about it lol (dont hate me!)
'alive or just breathing?'
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Old 11-03-2005, 01:19 PM   #15 (permalink)
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its funny watching kids get all googly eyed at people you used to party with back in the day.
This message has been approved by Shawn Erroneous - The Declaimed
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Old 11-14-2005, 01:22 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by VixyFiend
yes one did feel immensely lucky and smug about it lol (dont hate me!)
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Old 06-05-2009, 10:10 AM   #17 (permalink)
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Easily enough, the best/worst experience I had in this was during one of my own shows. I had just finished my first beer of the night, waiting for the opening band's performance, when my brother's girlfriend, Cathy, walked up to me and asked if I wanted to do a shot of tequila with some friends outside. I said sure, why the **** not? Walking out to the parking lot, I forgot to leave my empty cup inside and proceeded to walk to my friend Laura's car with about a half dozen other people in tow. Laura reaches into her car and develops a lemon, which she begins hacking up -with a huge butcher knife- on the hood of her Cadillac, and Cathy follows up behind her with a 2-liter bottle full of Jose. I was shooting the **** with my buddy Dan as we waited for the round to be handed out when he looked over my shoulder and said, "We got company." We live in Myrtle Beach, so that means we have cops on those weird, 3-wheeled Segway things. 2 of them pulled up behind our group and instantly locked onto my empty cup. Laura dropped her blade and Cathy dropped her 2-liter and they both kicked them under the caddy as the police officers proceeded to arrest me for drinking in public... because of my empty cup that had beer residue on it. I started to loudly protest as they were putting the cuffs on me, but resigned to calmly mocking the arresting officers when I was threatened with a fine of Disturbing The Peace.

Well, come to find out, a buddy of mine from Georgia, Kevin, caught wind of our show a few hours beforehand and hit the road immediately to catch it. He got to the venue right as I was being arrested and asked what was going on? He was filled in on the situation as I was driven to jail in a transport unit and gave Cathy the money to bail me out. He came up to see AFTERMATH, goddamit!

So I spent 15 minutes in a cell at the Myrtle Beach Police Department with a snoring crackhead and some poor guy that didn't realize his driver's license was suspended when he got pulled for a busted tail light, and got bailed out in time to catch most of the opening band's set. The place went nuts when I walked through the door. PYRATES played a great show, and we got down to thrashing out a wild, triumphant, beer-drenched set of our own brand of metal. Around halfway through our show, a limo pulled up and a bunch of friends spilled out ****faced-hammered. Turns out it was also the night of my friend Max's bachelor party, and they rolled in with time to spare to go buck wild.

With beer thrown everywhere and a broken window, our show left the place pretty ****ed up, but the owner was just glad to have a good time in his bar. We almost made enough from the door to reimburse Kevin for the money he posted to bail me out, but he wasn't concerned with the money and used what we gave him to buy a round for the bar.

Killer times.
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Old 06-05-2009, 04:23 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Best experience: Being up the very front, on the barrier for Iron Maiden a couple of years ago. There was only a short gap between the barrier and the stage and it was such a surreal experience seeing them perform right in your face. Best gig ever.

Worst experience: Being up near the front for The Prodigy at a festival last summer. I could tell from about 15 minutes before they were due onstage that this was gonna be a very uncomfortable experience as i was already pretty squashed at this stage. When they went on stage and kicked into their set the crowd started swaying from side to side and i was trying to stay on my feet and not fall over. The first time the crowd around me fell over the crowd from behind us surged forward and someone was basically standing on top of me as i was panicing and struggling to get up. The second time i fell over some c*nt stood on my head, and after getting up i decided to get the hell out of there and move back further out. One of my friends was worse off though, some scumbag spiked her cup of water with ecstasy tablets and we had to look after her as well.
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Old 06-05-2009, 11:28 PM   #19 (permalink)
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My best concert so far was actually a collection of concerts during a weekend in October of '08 that I spent for the most part in a drunken/ stoned state when I was awake. Friday was Opeth which just totally blew me away, the venue was awesome for them too because the acoustics of The Commodore Ballroom are just perfect for metal shows. The next night was The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets, a local Vancouver punk rock band that base most of their songs off H.P. Lovecraft works. The next day was Amon Amarth at a ****ty venue, but Amon Amarth were amazing and the beer and tickets were cheap so I can't complain too much. Finally the Monday was O'Death at the worst venue in Vancouver (The Media Club) but like Amon Amart, the tickets were cheap and I got to see O'Death who were ****ing amazing.

My worst was quite easily The Police in Oakland back in June 2007. I was super excited to see them with a friend, but my god were they boring. First the tickets told us to be there at 7 and then we got to sit through two opening acts. The first one I think was Stings son's band, who were alright, nothing spectacular but better than the next at The Fratellis. I'm sorry but those guys are ****ing horrible live, especially in a stadium. When The Police finally took to the stage, they were so far apart that it didn't really feel like a band effort. Also they played most of the newer stuff, after Ghost In The Machine, and a **** load of Stings solo work. To top it off they did extremely long renditions of "Can't Stand Losing You" and "Roxanne" which just got boring really fast.
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Old 06-05-2009, 11:31 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Pobodys_Nerfect View Post
My worst was quite easily The Police in Oakland back in June 2007. I was super excited to see them with a friend, but my god were they boring. First the tickets told us to be there at 7 and then we got to sit through two opening acts. The first one I think was Stings son's band, who were alright, nothing spectacular but better than the next at The Fratellis. I'm sorry but those guys are ****ing horrible live, especially in a stadium. When The Police finally took to the stage, they were so far apart that it didn't really feel like a band effort. Also they played most of the newer stuff, after Ghost In The Machine, and a **** load of Stings solo work. To top it off they did extremely long renditions of "Can't Stand Losing You" and "Roxanne" which just got boring really fast.
I saw The Police in Oakland last July 2008... and they were boring then too. Coincidence? I think not.
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