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boo boo 09-14-2005 06:40 PM

Backwards Messages in Songs
I was just wondering, do you any of you guys know some songs that have deliberate backmasking and hidden messages?, here are some worth mentioning.

"Dinner at Deviants Pallace" by Cradle of Filth - Not as much of a song as a collection of ambient noises, there is a very creepy voice that seems to spout nothing but jibberish, but if you play it backwards you will come to find that the creepy voice when played backwards is a recital of the lords prayer...Ironicaly in old Salem, if one was able to recite the lords prayer backwards it was a sign of being a witch, knowing Cradle of Filth this probably wasn't a coincidence.

"Staralfur" by Sigur Ros - A art piece that was made intentionaly to sound exactly the same if you play it backwards.

"Empty Spaces" by Pink Floyd - When played backwards there is an intentional message that says "...congratulations. You've just discovered the secret message. Please send your answer to Old Pink, care of the funny farm, Chalfont", a reference to Syd Barrett.

"Revolution 9" by The Beatles - Not a song but a avant garde experiement, a collection of abient sounds, when played backwards you will hear a whole bunch of weird ****, there are said to be hidden messages including "turn me on, dead man, turn me on, dead man..."

"Darling Nicky" by Prince - A intentional backwards line that says "Hello, how are you? I'm fine, 'cause I know that the Lord is coming soon, coming, coming soon"

Anyway there are many songs that are aledged to have backwards messages but they haven't been proven and could easly be just a coincidence, these include...

"Hit Me Baby One More Time" by Britney Spears - There are said to be many hidden messages when played backwards, including "sleep with me, I'm not too young," "smoke marijuana," "we love it," "Satan is an enemy of Christ," and other sayings.

"Another One Bites the Dust" by Queen - There is a section when played backwards it sounds like "It's fun to smoke marijuana."

"Im So Tired" by The Beatles - If you play it backwards there is suposedly this message... "Paul is dead, man, miss him, miss him...This gave way to the famous "Paul is dead" rumour that Maccartney died in a serious car crash in 1966 and the Paul Maccartney we know today is just a imposter. =(

"Stairway To Heaven" by Led Zeppelin - Though i doubt there to be any credibility in this myth, it is said that there is a whole verse that when played backwards is a satanic message, "If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now
It's just a spring clean for the May queen
Yes there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on" is claimed by some to sound like "Oh, here's to my sweet Satan. The one whose little path would make me sad, whose power is Satan ... He'll give those with him six six six (666); there was a little toolshed where he made us suffer, sad Satan." when played backwards.

And finaly...

"Better by You Better Than Me" by Judas Priest - The infamous song that put Priest on trial in 1990 when the song suposedly led to the attempted suicide of two nevada kids in 1985, one died and another survived and accused Priest of putting backwards messages in their songs that encourage listeners to commit suicide, However the only message they found were the words "Do It" which were not specific enough to prove anything and Priest was soon aquited of all charges, Priest members had since been quoted of saying that if they ever did put hidden messages in their songs they wouldn't be suicide related since killing their fans would be counterproductive, they said they would rather add a message like "Buy more of our records."

Anyway these are just some of the ones i know, share some of your own.

boris jawaka 09-14-2005 07:50 PM

i know of the empty spaces one and that is true because i have heard it when i played my version backwards.

also, hotel california by the eagles supposedly has a hidden message but when i listened to it backwards i couldnt hear anything

this site has mp3 files of bakcmasked songs on it but at the moment, it doesnt work for me

boo boo 09-14-2005 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by boris jawaka
i know of the empty spaces one and that is true because i have heard it when i played my version backwards.

also, hotel california by the eagles supposedly has a hidden message but when i listened to it backwards i couldnt hear anything

this site has mp3 files of bakcmasked songs on it but at the moment, it doesnt work for me

This is from Wikipedia....

"Vokey and Read study
In 1985, university psychologists John R. Vokey and J. Don Read conducted a study using Psalm 23 from the Bible, Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust," and various other sound passages made up for the experiment. Of the 300 people tested, less than 10% claimed they could hear any messages. When a particular phrase was cited beforehand and the subjects prompted to listen for it, 90% were able to hear it, even when the phrase was not intentionally recorded. Vokey and Read concluded that if backmasking did indeed exist, it was ineffective. Their volunteers had trouble even noticing the backmasked phrase when the tape was played forward, were unable to judge the type of message (whether it was Christian, Satanic, or commercial) it contained, and were not led to behave in any certain way as a result of being "exposed" to the backmasked phrase. Due to this research, Vokey and Read were later called upon as expert witnesses in the above-mentioned trial involving the band Judas Priest."

Scientific studys show that if you were to play any song backwards theres a very likely chance you will hear a clash of words that sound remotely like "satan" or "666"...This is a illusion of mind, similar to that of ink block tests or shapes in the clowds, if you are expecting to hear a satanic message in a backwards recording, than you are more than likely to hear one...That being said there are still artists who intentionaly put backwards messages in their songs, many of them admit to doing this, and its usualy intended as either a joke, an artistic statement or a political statement, there are also many death and black metal bands who admit to diliberately putting hidden satanic messages in their songs, this includes Pantera and Darkthrone...There are also christian rock bands who admit to using backmasking for the purpose of getting people to repent and accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior.

bobinatcat 09-14-2005 10:07 PM

This willprobably sound dumb but without all the stuff on Lp and a player how are you meant to listen to them backwards...?

boo boo 09-14-2005 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by bobinatcat
This willprobably sound dumb but without all the stuff on Lp and a player how are you meant to listen to them backwards...?

well you are screwed if you dont have a tape or cd player that plays records backwards or something like i-tunes that allows you to play songs backwards.

boris jawaka 09-15-2005 01:39 AM

i just play my records backwards by turning off the record player, turning on the amplifier and manually spinning the record backwards 09-15-2005 05:37 PM

Iron Maidens _ Piece of mind LP, Someone is asking for a curry
Def Leppards Hysteria - Rocket, played backwards they are singing, we are fighting for the gods of war


TheCaster 01-02-2008 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 116635)
well you are screwed if you dont have a tape or cd player that plays records backwards or something like i-tunes that allows you to play songs backwards.

wooooaahhh how do u play songs backwards on itunes?

jackhammer 01-02-2008 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 116785)
Iron Maidens _ Piece of mind LP, Someone is asking for a curry
Def Leppards Hysteria - Rocket, played backwards they are singing, we are fighting for the gods of war


On the Maiden album it was Nicko Mcbrain quoting a phrase from a satirical book about IDI AMIN. In case anyone gives a shít.

tkpb938 01-02-2008 01:39 PM

Tool- Intension

tkpb938 01-02-2008 02:03 PM

Oh and - Backmasking & Reverse Speech will reverse songs for you. I don't have any .wav files tho, and I don't know how to change em. :(

topsy_kretts 01-05-2008 11:00 AM

you know what is scary. that episode os the simpsons with the "yvan eht nioj" thing! couldn't sleep for days after seeing that. subliminal messages are scary!

jackhammer 01-06-2008 01:21 PM

How can you play a fart backwards? Intake air and internally combust?!

musicjunki05 01-07-2008 03:51 PM

I find it really interesting the research that is put into trying to find if these "hidden messages" are real or not. As long as were on the subject, what do you think of the hidden phrases and such in movies, particularly the disney movies? Is it the same kind of deal that bands use in music just as a gag to see if people really pay attention?

valer 03-25-2010 08:12 AM

satanic subliminal backmasking message - CAGE
I found satanic subliminal backmasking message in the heavy metal band from USA - CAGE. It is in the CD release HELL DESTROYER - released in 2007 - track no. 10 - Cremation of care. If you play the song backwards you can hear the satanic message: "Rise master. Hail mighty satan! - 4x, We await your arrival. Deliver unto us armageddon."

Janszoon 03-25-2010 08:22 AM

One of my personal favorites comes from the song "Empty Spaces" by Pink Floyd:

Congratulations. You have just discovered the secret message. Please send your answer to Old Pink, care of the Funny Farm, Chalfont.

boo boo 03-25-2010 09:08 AM

What's funny is when I just came upon this thread a few seconds ago I thought to myself "Gee, what idiot made this thread?"

Turns out that idiot was me. :laughing:

Janszoon 03-25-2010 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 841277)
What's funny is when I just came upon this thread a few seconds ago I thought to myself "Gee, what idiot made this thread?"

Turns out that idiot was me. :laughing:


Well, hey, why not have a thread about backward messages?

boo boo 03-25-2010 09:17 AM

I thought it was gonna be some douche who was gonna go on about a bunch of bands being secret satanists or whatever.

This must have been one of the first threads I ever made on this forum. Anyway, this is a better time than ever to post this.

Insane Guest 03-25-2010 12:12 PM

There is a lot of bands that did it on purpose in response to the whole accusing of rock bands putting in satanic messages in their songs. Weird Al in one of his songs played backwards says "Satan Eats Cheese Whiz", and The Beatles have some too. But my favorite is the Pokemon theme song. The part "Gotta Catch Em All" played backwards supposedly says "I Love Satan". Check it out on Youtube.

Eric 1234 03-26-2010 11:15 PM

on Dio's Holy Diver there are some garbled noises in the fade out at the end. if you play those backward it says "I am the crucified" . When this album came out, I got the cassette and my auto-reverse tape deck would change directions but the head didn't click over to the other side of the tape, so we listened to a lot of stuff backward. not always on purpose.

Red Forman 03-27-2010 03:40 PM

A friend told me that if you play the Pokérap backwards it says "I love Satan I love Satan I love Satan".

...I can't say it'd surprise me.

mr dave 03-27-2010 05:38 PM

my favourite backwards messages is from the first Soundgarden LP. track called 665 for obvious reasons.

Santa, I love you baby
My Christmas king
Santa, you're my king
I love you, Santa baby
Got what I need

i've read claims Cornell goes on to ask for a bike in the unintelligible stuff at the very end of the track following the reversed Santa blurb above. either way, far more hilarity than most of the 'devil' messages 'found' in most tracks.

Janszoon 03-27-2010 10:15 PM

Another pretty good one comes from the beginning of the They Might Be Giants song "I'll Sink Manhattan". If you play it backwards it says:

Thanks a lot guys, from the NYPD, we love you.

Saggitarian Pulse 03-28-2010 01:19 PM

I distinctly heard Ozzy say, I can see you pissin" in Sweet Leaf. Sad but true story. I am a geek who has nothing better to do than play music backwards. o-0

Surell 11-12-2011 05:24 PM

Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra 11-12-2011 06:49 PM

Howard the Duck 11-13-2011 02:19 AM

all my Justin Bieber records sound better in reverse

sopsych 11-19-2011 10:12 AM

Backmasking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lol at some of those.

blankety blank 11-26-2011 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by boo boo (Post 116624)
This is from Wikipedia....

"Vokey and Read study
In 1985, university psychologists John R. Vokey and J. Don Read conducted a study using Psalm 23 from the Bible, Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust," and various other sound passages made up for the experiment. Of the 300 people tested, less than 10% claimed they could hear any messages. When a particular phrase was cited beforehand and the subjects prompted to listen for it, 90% were able to hear it, even when the phrase was not intentionally recorded. Vokey and Read concluded that if backmasking did indeed exist, it was ineffective. Their volunteers had trouble even noticing the backmasked phrase when the tape was played forward, were unable to judge the type of message (whether it was Christian, Satanic, or commercial) it contained, and were not led to behave in any certain way as a result of being "exposed" to the backmasked phrase. Due to this research, Vokey and Read were later called upon as expert witnesses in the above-mentioned trial involving the band Judas Priest."

Scientific studys show that if you were to play any song backwards theres a very likely chance you will hear a clash of words that sound remotely like "satan" or "666"...This is a illusion of mind, similar to that of ink block tests or shapes in the clowds, if you are expecting to hear a satanic message in a backwards recording, than you are more than likely to hear one...That being said there are still artists who intentionaly put backwards messages in their songs, many of them admit to doing this, and its usualy intended as either a joke, an artistic statement or a political statement, there are also many death and black metal bands who admit to diliberately putting hidden satanic messages in their songs, this includes Pantera and Darkthrone...There are also christian rock bands who admit to using backmasking for the purpose of getting people to repent and accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior.

Freddie was Zoroastrian. A Parsi. I think it is a matter of hearing things that you are programmed to hear by others. I don't buy into it. Just opinion, but, I listened to some, and, although some can be perceived as a reverse message, I think it is a matter of hearing what you want to hear.

blankety blank 11-26-2011 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by Il Duce (Post 1118916)
all my Justin Bieber records sound better in reverse

I think they sound better muted.:)

Norm 11-27-2011 05:59 PM

the song "The Spawn of Yog Sothoth" by Dayglo Abortions starts off with a backwords msg.

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