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Old 11-06-2013, 10:12 AM   #11 (permalink)
Shoo Thoughts
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Old 11-07-2013, 02:02 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Gavin B. View Post
Babylon was located in Iraq on a stretch of desert just south of Baghdad. At the time he was deposed Sadam Hussein was attempting to rebuild the ruins of ancient Babylon as a historical restoration project. (see photo below).

Babylon was a highly evolved civilization under the rule of Hammurabi but devolved into decadence as gangsta tribes like the Assyrians, the Sumerians, the Amorites, the Hittites, and the Kassites overran the city state of Babylon and used it a a party town to rape, pillage, plunder and kill. Babylon was surrounded by militaristic city states and nearly every ambitious mercenary nomadic tribe was hell bent on plundering for profit and then burning it down to the ground. Babylon turned into a the ancient equivalent of Tombstone Arizona where every badass went to raise hell.

By the way the original location of the Garden of Eden is just up the road where the Tigris and Euprates Rivers converge. You'd never know it was a garden of eden because climate change has turned Eden into a barren desert wasteland.

A lot of Rastafarian teaching is based on the Old Testament. In fact many Rastafarians claim lineage to the Lemba tribe the legendary lost African tribe of Israel. This Bantu-speaking group claims Jewish ancestry and observes many Semitic traditions such as kosher-like dietary restrictions and slaughter practices, male circumcision rites, strict rules against intermarriage, and Semitic-sounding clan names.

A few years back some British scientists collected DNA samples from the Bantu tribles of Lemba descent and one out of every 10 Lemba tribe members had a particular Y chromosomal type that appears to be a signature of Jewish ancestry. It's a significant percentage considering that Lemba tribe members moved to Africa around 2000 B.C., and have been removed from that particular Jewish Y chromosomal gene pool for at least 3000 years.
There is also a Rastafarian commune in Israel. They claim to be Jewish, have gained Israeli citizenship, even serve in the army.
The Magen David, or star of David, is often used in Rastafarian imagery, I presume this is because they claim ancestry from the tribe of david?
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Old 11-07-2013, 08:03 PM   #13 (permalink)
Shoo Thoughts
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Yeah, that's right. I lived on a kibbutz (which is a kind of commune) in Israel in the Negev desert and there were Rastafraians there who had gained Israeli citizenship and had served in the Israeli Army. It's largely thanks to them that I love reggae music so much, they lived next door to us and all they ever did was play reggae music, smoke grass and play football. They often shared their weed with us and invited us to play football, and they were a really happy and chilled out lot. Good memories.
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Old 01-15-2014, 11:49 AM   #14 (permalink)
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actually you're pretty close
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Old 06-16-2014, 11:20 PM   #15 (permalink)
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cab someone explain why some people call cops Babylon?
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Old 06-20-2014, 05:54 PM   #16 (permalink)
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With thanks to Wikipedia:

Babylon is an important Rastafari term, referring to human government and institutions that are seen as in rebellion against the rule of Jah (God), beginning with the Tower of Babel. It is further used by some to mean specifically the 'politricksters' who have been oppressing the black race for centuries through economic and physical slavery. In a more general sense, Babylon refers to any system that oppresses or discriminates against all peoples. Rastafari is defiance of Babylon, sometimes also called Rome — in part because of the 1935 Italian invasion of Ethiopia, then ruled by Rastafari's 'Living God,' Haile Selassie I, and partly because as the head of the Roman Catholic church (the Pope) is considered an opponent of Selassie I and Rastafari. Babylon the Great and Whore of Babylon are apocalyptic terms from the book of Revelation that may have been used to describe the pagan Roman Empire, which often persecuted Christianity. Babylon is also sometimes used by some Rastas with the more specific meaning of "police", insofar as they are seen as executive agents of Babylon's will. Most specifically however, "Babylon" is the corruption and perversion of the Word of God. The amalgamation of Pagan holidays and days of the week is but one example of "Mystery Babylon". Major Church feasts were adopted from pagan holidays, e.g. Christmas from Saturnalia. The perversion of truths is "Babylon". Anything that is a lie regarding the truth of Jah, is the actual root of what is considered "Babylon" by Rastafari.
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Old 11-01-2014, 06:16 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Y'know , In Alan White's biog of Marley ..' Catch a fire '
( best music biog I ever read and much recommended for any Bob fans ) I'm sure he says ' I and I' means ' Me and my people'
Or Me and my brethren ?
Just something I remember.
Mind you I'm not saying anyone is wrong or right . I think the only people who fully understand Jamaican patois are Jamaicans.....who speak Jamaican patois ..
I bought an LP a long time ago in Spain entitled "Talkin blues"
This is an album of Wailers classics and in between each track a snippet of a Bob interview.
I'll play it next week because I'm sure he says something similar.
Does anyone know if I can record audio on a samsung tab and put it on here ?.

.Oh Mr Charlie and Gav B......
Marvelous posts ! Spot on as far as I can see !
I'll add though that the "Back to Africa " movement under Garvey also believed that Jamaica was still a modern day 'Babylon" hence the wish to return to Africa.
However when Bob played in Africa I personally believe it stunned him when he saw the repression there . I even think it led to him giving in to his illness. My opinion only of course.

Last edited by kurious Oranj; 11-01-2014 at 06:41 PM. Reason: Mr Charlie n gavin b
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