Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR.
I had been looking for a copy since 89. It is one of the rarest finds on vinyl. That copy on ebay for 19.99 is a steal. I listen to it on occassion. I've been going back through my reggae stuff and I find it never loses its ability to brighten my day. I find that reggae above all music has a certain charm that other genres just can't touch.
Yeah, definitely. And you know what, I just couldn't put my finger on why that is if someone paid me to. Everywhere I go I always make sure I've got at least 4 or 5 reggae and/or dub albums on my phone - it just simply goes with every day for me too. It's like it breaks the law of diminishing returns or something.
Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR.
You and Jackhammer should start hitting this thread up again for sure. This thread along with a few others is the reason I joined MB. I found alot of gems from both your recs and also re-discovered alot of music I had on the backburner. Its a great thread.
I'll think about it

Hell, I've had the spare time lately, so it's doable. If Jackhammer still posts here and he's up for continuing this sometime, I'll certainly have another crack at this at least.