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The Ska Education Thread
A Short History of Ska Ska is dance music, first and foremost. Ska is a form of Jamaican music which began in the early 1960’s. In the UK, ska was also known as *blue beat* music. *Rocksteady*, and later, *reggae* sprang from the loins of ska in the late 1960s. Mid-1970s and 1980s/1990s revivals of this popular dance form have kept this music alive and fun through the present. The ska beat on drums and bass, rhythm guitar, lots of horns and maybe a Farfisa or Hammond organ -- that's the ska sound. Musical historians typically divide the history of ska into three waves. Ska's popularity has waxed and waned since its original inception, and has had revivals of note in England in the 1980s and another wave of popularity in the 1990s. First Wave After World War II, Jamaicans purchased radios in increasing numbers and were able to hear American R&B from southern cities like New Orleans, Louisiana, whose artists (such as Fats Domino) had the most influence on early ska. To meet the demand for such music, entrepreneurs like Prince Buster, Clement "Coxsone" Dodd, and Duke Reid formed sound systems, portable discotheques which appeared at dances and other gatherings. Sound system operators were able to obtain records from Miami and New Orleans, and these records were hot commodities in Jamaica. Often, these sound system operators removed labels from the most popular records in order to enjoy a monopoly on the best-liked tunes and draw the most customers. Throughout the 1960's the ghetto areas of Jamaica were filling up with youths looking for work that did not exist. These youths felt excluded and did not share in the optimism of early ska roots. These youths drew group identity as 'Rude Boys' (a term, by the way, that originated from a much earlier period: 1940s). Being Rude was a means of being somebody when society was telling you were nobody. The way the Rude Boys danced the ska was different as well: slower with a menacing posture. The rude boys connected with the scofflaws and the underworld... those who lived outside the laws, and this was reflected in the lyric of the music. (Side Note: The Rude boy outfitting was customarily pants that were way to short... a style could still be seen in the 1980's by English Beat Toaster Ranking Roger) Ska music once again changed to reflect the mood of the rude with more tension in the bass as apposed to the previous free-walking bass style. Some believe that the early jazz and rock 'n' roll broadcasts from American radio stations were misinterpreted by an eager Jamaican music audience, hence the off-beat rhythms that almost mimicked the break up of weak radio signals that hit the West Indian shores. Others consider ska not a misinterpretation but its own response to American music. The sound of ska was created at facilities like Studio One and WIRL Records in Kingston, Jamaica, by producers like Dodd, Reid, Prince Buster, and Edward Seaga (later Jamaica's prime minister). The upbeat sound of ska coincided with the celebratory feelings surrounding Jamaica's independence from the U.K. Bands like Rico Rodriguez ,Ernest Ranglin, Don Drummond, Lord Tanamo, Prince Buster, and The Wailers, and the Skatalites were formed, moving people with their new style of combining American jazz with reggea. The Skatalites are known to be one of the most influencial ska bands in history. They made ska known to the world. In 1962, an event commemorated by ska songs such as Derrick Morgan's "Forward March" and the Skatalites' "Freedom Sound". Second Wave In the 1970's the Rude Boy ideals were revitalized and expressed in the fusion of reggae and punk. The Two Tone (or 2 Tone) era was named after the similarly titled record label, formed by Jerry Dammers, keyboardist of The Specials. The band was formulated from the greatly diverse West Midlands region of England in the late 1970s, with bands such as The Beat and The Selecter in support of the scene. The Two Tone movement pushed towards racial unity, and was symbolized by a black and white checkerboard pattern. The black and white suits often accompanied by a pork pie hat. Bands formed all over the U,K such as Madness and Bad Manners in 1976, The Selecter in 1977, and The Bodysnatchers in the early 80’s. The Toasters appeared in the early 80’s but is controversially considered Third Wave since they are from the U.S as oppose to the British Two Tone of the Second Wave. Although Two Tone ska did not hide its musical roots and was not afraid to cover some of the great older songs, it definitely had a sound of its own. Two Tone recordings are characterized by faster tempos, fuller instrumentation and a harder edge than original 50's and 60’s ska. The branches that stem from the influence of some of these ska bands are long reaching, a number of bands like The Police, The Clash, and Elvis Costello mention ska music as being incredibly important in their musical background and the number of bands that were influenced by bands such as those goes on and on. Two Tone bands may have been the most popular from 1978-85 however they were not the only ones playing ska. Others included The Tigers, Ska City Rockers, The Akrylykz (with Roland Gift on Tenor Sax who later joined ex-english beat members Cox and Steele as singer for Fine Young Cannibals), The Employees, The Pirahnas, and many more.... Third Wave Beginning in the late 1980s and gaining popularity in the early 1990s, the third wave of ska moved across the Atlantic Ocean and became hugely popular in the United States. Combining elements of ska with rock, punk, hardcore, and jazz, musicians of the third wave created a new style of ska. Ska punk and skacore, sub-genres of the third wave, make up a majority of this genre. Some of the most popular and long lasting third wave ska bands include Fishbone, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, Reel Big Fish, The Aquabats, Catch 22, Rx Bandits, Mustard Plug, Buck-O-Nine, and Operation Ivy. . In recent years, ska has attempted to make a comeback. After the major ska surge of the 90's, the third wave ska movement died, only to be found rekindling in new bands, both ska and ska punk in the 2000s such as Big D and the Kids Table, The Taj Motel Trio, High School Football Heroes, Perfect Orange, Long Shot Hero, Too Short Notice and older bands that are now making a comeback The Planet Smashers, The Toasters, and Slow Gherkin. Ska The plain traditional version, most of the true ska bands are from the first and second wave. Examples Include: Prince Buster, The Wailers, The Skatalites, and Eric "Monty" Morris. Reggae Reggae may be used in a broad sense to refer to most types of Jamaican music, including ska, rocksteady, dub, Dancehall and Regga. Characteristically, this beat is slower than in reggae's precursors, ska and rocksteady. Examples Include Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, Matisyahu, Prince Far I, and Toots & the Maytals. Rocksteady Rocksteady was a style of music that developed out of ska in the 1960s. In its simplest terms, rocksteady is half-speed ska with the trombone replaced by piano and prominent bass. Examples IncludeThe Techniques, The Termites, Phyllis Dillon, The ***lads, and The Melodians. Dub Dub is a form of Jamaican music, which evolved out of ska and reggae in 1970s Jamaica. The dub reggae sound includes adding extensive echo and reverb effects to an existing music piece, sometimes accompanied by snatches of the lyrics from the original version. Examples Include King Tubby, Augustus Pablo, Mad Professor, Lee "Scratch" Perry and Scientist Two Tone Coming from the Second Wave, Two Tone Ska became big in the U.K during the late 70's to late 80's. It combines European Punk with the traditional Ska sound usually with Horns and/or Keyboard. Examples Include: The Specials, Madness, Bad Manners, Go-Feet, The Beat, and The Selecter. Ska Punk/Core Ska punk is a musical genre derived as a fusion of Jamaican ska and British and American punk rock. It can range from "Pop" Ska Punk to Hardcore Ska Punk (or skacore). It is a sub-genre of third-wave ska. Examples include: Catch 22, Operation Ivy, Voodoo Glow Skulls, The Flatliners, The Toasters, and Against All Authority, Reel Big Fish, The Aquabats, Less Than Jake. |
Since Ska isn't a genre well known (well not as other genres) I decided to post some songs from various Ska bands. *Warning: Some Songs swear and stuff so if you don't like that kind of stuff then piss off and dont click the links*
Reel Big Fish- Somebody Hates Me http://media.putfile.com/Reel-Big-Fi...ebody-Hates-Me Less Than Jake- Automatic http://www.tankgirl.it/mp3/download/...0automatic.mp3 Insyders- Jigsaw http://craig.ikandigraphics.com/Jigsaw.mp3 The Specials- Blank Expression http://mp3.juno.co.uk/MP3/SF131265-01-05-04.mp3 The Skatalites- Golden Love http://skatalites.com/music/musicsam...den%20Love.mp3 The Mighty Mighty Bosstones- Devil's Night Out http://media.putfile.com/The-Mighty-...vils-Night-Out |
Skacore is like Against All Authority, and Less Then Jake is barely ska, more like pop-punk with horns. Christian music is a catergory not a genre, you completely missed bands like Leftover Crack and No Cash. I think you should've done a bit more research because alot of it is mislabeled and or totally wrong. I will give you this aside from those errors, its well written and its done good.
Does he really have to include every band that fits into each of the sub genres he outlined?
You really need to bulk up the first & second wave with more bands and history. The third wave and skacore/skapunk/christian stuff needs to get cut down by quite a bit or just rid of all together...giving the wrong idea. It needs to be about the origins, otherwise no one will learn anything from this.
Indeed, you only mentioned a few bands in each of the first and second wave histories.
The bottom stuff in red should just be edited out. Otherwise it's good enough for anyone interested in getting into ska.
I was consulting with my brother (he is a complete Ska freak) and he says the the Ska sub genre is split between the third wave and second wave as two seperate sub genres, what do you think?
Edit: If this is wrong, don't sit there in disbelief, just tell it is wrong. |
I vote that you do remake this however. I would consult with some members who have alot of knowledge, and your brother sounds like he knows whats up as well. plus, defend your position dude. I had to in the Metal thread, you should in here as well. keep it up. :thumb: |
Thank you riseagainstrocks. I am not as sure as I could be about it though. I just want to see what others want to bring to the table. and I know the sub-gernres isn't perfect but someone needs to specify (as in your own decription).
This is the worst thread ever!! DIE! And by worst, I mean, good job mate. It looks like you changed quite a few things. The way I would have handled the subforum stuff, is to just mention ska-punk/ska-core in the third wave part, instead of explicitly putting it like you have. Also, christian ska? That probably can do without mention.
Thank you hookers with machineguns, I will be taking you feedback. :) I need to look up some of the stuff to find the best way to incorperate some of the info so it might take me a while.
Good to see people interested in the history.
Christian Ska
What is wrong with having christian ska on the history of ska, they are a part of it. Not to mention Insyderz, Five Iron Frenzy, and O.C. Supertones are acutally good bands, I think atleast an honorable mention.
Wow, I had no idea Ska was like that.. well I did because this one guy I talk to told me about it because I'm interested in this type of music so yea..
But I really like Sublime and a lot of songs by Bad Religion.... |
Yea, I remember way back when I wanted to listen to more ska other than sublime, and the mighty mighty bosstones so I just typed in "ska" in kazaa and the skatalites were the first band I listened to. I was thinking, this is not ska, no singing, I guess these guys suck and are underground since the recordings sound like crap haha. Then of course like 3 years later, I found that they were considered to be the first ska band and what have you lol. Thats a good history you wrote dude, very informing.
My first ska band, that's considered ska, that I listened to was Sublime. My one friend said it was "Date Rape" but I don't think it was because the song I heard had cat meows in it and the version I have on my playlist on my myspace doesn't have cats in it. lol.
I don't really listen to much ska but I do like it. |
added some 'pop' ska punk bands in order for people who might be barely familiar with the genre can understand it more with more popular bands.
anygirl in the pit skanking is a beautful one 2 me.
=] i <3 ska altho i do not agree the hiu person. what a dork. lololol =]=]=] leftover crack and the casualtys are amazing |
Very well written, I had done previous research and everything is dead on. Great job writing that : D
Liked what I read. I think you should've talked about the Clash and Less Than Jake. For who wants to listen to something good portuguese ska bands, check out Ena Pa 2000, Tara Perdida, Peste e Sida and Despe e Siga.
the clash isnt a ska band though...
the slackers aren't 'skacore' or 'skapunk'. they play a mix of ska, reggae, rocksteady and dub. otherwise, good history.
im not moaning just adding bits of my ska history....
phase 1 - tommy mccook / ken boothe (freedom st etc) / maytals duke reid had some proper tunes...so did don drummond (man in the street / alipang!!!!!!!!!!) & rico etc im definitely still all about phase 1 and 2 (with the exception of the odd phase 3 tune... less than jake / mad caddies / the odd reel big fish tune etc.... ska was definitely the biggest in the early 60s for me |
Jumped over here at my very first post because I'm a huge Ska-head... Got to say, I'm kind of saddened by the lack of mention of Streetlight Manifesto. They're really re-inventing third wave sound with their extensive horn use.
Coxsone, Trojan, etc... |
All I've been exposed to has been 3rd wave ska or slightly ska influenced pop/punk. I was obsessed about 2 years ago but got bored since it all started to sound the same (Too much Less Than Jake is like listening to the same song 40 times)
Looking at these older first and second wave ska groups gives me more incentive to listen to ska again, and they've all been so powerful and addictive. It's my own personal ska revival...with older ska music...ironic :-p |
Gotta listen to the Skatalites...especially their original stuff...in order to really appreciate this genre. It's influence on the modern day ska and, of course, reggae is very evident. These guys are not only legendary musicians, but very humble and down to earth. I did a show with them many years ago and it is still the best concert I ever did!
Jazz Jamaica
Just agreeing with Jamstar here. The Skatalites are one of the main forerunners for all the ska style music that came later. Just mentioned this band in another thread but they are kind of carrying on in the same vein as the Skatalites.
They are JAZZ JAMAICA based in London I think. Very good at that old style brassy/horn section old school ska. Gordon. |
Less Than Jake is actually Ska, and why is no one talking about The Impossibles or Operation Ivy?
There's a hell of a lot missing from the intro regarding post 2-Tone ska. From memory...
Skank Records/Unicorn Records were around in the mid to late 80s and at the forefront of the UK post 2-Tone sound. Bands such as The Deltones, The Riffs, Hot Knives, The Trojans, Arthur Kays Originals, The Volecanoes and many more surfaced through there. The European ska scene started around now, primarily in Germany, but later becoming strong in France, Spain, Portugal and noteably in Italy. The European sound is probably the 'true' root of the 3rd wave sound as it became known. Then the American scene got underway, led by British ex-patriot 'Bucket' who formed a little band called The Toasters in New York who rapidly became the leading light of the fledgling US scene, founding the Moon Ska record label. Other labels came through about this time, main contenders being Asian Man and Jump Up Records (In my opinion anyway...). Also around this time the Japanese scene started to pick up, the main players at this time being The Ska Flames who avoided the 3rd wave sound and nodded more towards the Jamaican origins. Also around this time was the brief cross breed of ska with the house movement, giving us AcidSka (or Skacid as it was occasionally known) which put samples and loops over the off beat. Then it starts to get more complicated as the sound went worldwide, with more and more variations added as the 90s and early 00s went on.... ska punk, skacore, metal ska and more. Literally hundreds of bands emerged during this perios, many releasing only one or two tracks, others (such as Less Than Jake, Rancid, Against All Authority, The Slackers and many more) releasing a series of albums, and many of whom are still with us today. Today there is hardly a country in the world that doesn't have its share of ska bands, from South America, the old Communist Bloc (Especially in Poland for some reason), Japan, North Africa... I've heard of bands of note in the Indian area, but in honesty I've not tracked anything down yet. But I will.... The current trend seems to be a return to the roots of the sound. Bands like The Slackers and The Aggrolites in the US, Simmertones in the UK, and a whole swathe of bands out of the Iberian peninsular are kicking out what can best be termed 'revived skinhead reggae' more than ska, but all are worth a listen, no matter what your interest in the music. Hope this helps.... Nik |
and i did not see any streetlight manifesto, i think that they're 4th wave ska, or its just Tomas Kalnoky's musical ingenious
there is no such thing as a fourth wave of ska
A lot certainly. But the majority? Nah..... you name me a bad un, and I'll match you with a good un!
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